Super Phantom Cat 2 Reviews

Super Phantom Cat 2 Reviews

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About: New contents: 1. Bingo lottery system, which can draw various material prizes in
the game, including new content: a new Bingo base building, 71 new mission
levels, a set of new skins of Prince Ari 2.

About Super Phantom Cat 2

· Find hidden secrets in the mysterious Phantom World.

He's on a journey to rescue his sister, Ina, who has been kidnapped in the mysterious Phantom world.

In Super Phantom Cat 2, you can own props, which save you from cata-astrophe.

But super-scary enemies, super powers, allies and hidden secrets await him.

· And champions from Mushroom stomping, Juice blending and Cuteness competitions.

· A funky teen skater obsessed with extreme sports.

· A pink-haired magician who is a master of cards.

· Bounce higher and higher to reach for the sky and stars.

· Float on balloons into the Wild Woods and Alps.

· Shrink and enlarge monsters with the touch of a finger.

· Shift to invincible mode if danger still prevails.

· A dancer who plays pranks and dresses up as a skeleton.

· An adventurous cowboy always on a lookout for treasure.

· Whether you are a beginner or a master at platform games, you need these props to complete your mission.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 21,040 combined software reviews.

1000 Super Phantom Cat 2 Reviews

4.8 out of 5



I don't like most iOS games. I like simple ones that aren't too addictive and that I can play in little bursts. I've been looking for a simple "Mario-style" game for a long time. This one is great! Easy to learn, and the the little secrets are attainable even for iOS game under-achievers like me. The gameplay and "feel" of it get 5 stars in my book. But after playing it for a week or two, I have to dock a star: When I reached the final level, nothing happened. It feels very incomplete. Even a little message like “Thanks for playing! We’re working on more levels!” would be a nice touch. I really do hope they release an update with more levels...and an ending!

UPDATE: We’ll, the original story still doesn’t have an ending (maybe they’re making it like series TV shows which never quite end in hopes that you’ll keep watching, or in this case playing...), but it’s nice to see the developer adding levels and making little improvements (like giving an achievement icon for finding all secrets and chests in a level, which has made going back through the levels fun to find secrets I may have missed!). It’s just a fun game. I’m giving back my 5th star. 😊



This game was really fun and I already beat the game and at the Christmas thing after the hello kitty, I didn’t unlock all the characters which is a shame, but once I complete everything I’ll be craving more of it, I’ll be doing the first one so call me after you make the 3rd! Also on the third if you make one can you make it you can make your own level? It will keep us occupied till the next one would come out, what I mean by next one is I want this to be a series, but add custom level making thing on all games, what I would say of how many episodes there are, Maybe.... 7! Yes, 7. Why? Because it will trigger people XD, take as much as time as you need, also, If you want please add an 8, but it won’t be like others, in this one, you can race people, make custom levels others can play, make a hangout spot to role play, Chat, and stuffs, But if you do, PLEEEAAAAASE give me a small little shoutout by adding a waffle cat, why a waffle cat? Because waffles are the best things ever, besides potatoes. To earn it RATE 5 STARS! :3, But it’s fine if you don’t do this, all we need are more phantom cat games, well, Bai!



This game is very admirable and easy to play, even at some times it can be frustrating a bit, it’s still enjoyable. The kind of graphics appeal to me in some way and I really like that. The characters are super cute, and the levels are creative. There’s nothing wrong about this game. Yes, there are advertisements, but you can easily skip through them unless you wanted to watch an ad for an offer or something. I don’t mind the advertisements because I understand that the game needs to make money somehow. Also, I might warn that there is something called “energy” included in this game, and if you’re that person who doesn’t like games that require energy to play, you shouldn’t waste your time playing this and leaving a bad review; it’s not annoying for me because I can just spend my hours doing something while waiting for that. Other than that, if you’re deciding to download this game, please consider my review. It might be helpful and convince you. Thanks for reading!


This is kinda a letdown

This game looks nice and has good marketing it is just that I played the first two worlds and it just felt like you had to get the skins and that’s it the boss levels are terrible you run back and forth going up and they can be annoying because you have you time a lot of things the skins are good btw it is just that it looks like you only aim for the skins you even have offers to get new skins with ability’s so that you can see where secrets are have more life or an extra attack other games just let’s skins look cool and it really just looks like the game devs cared more about cosmetics than the game because why do you need to group them together and once you run out of energy then might as well spend money to get more or buy a skin to play later this game has basic levels and basic mechanics I do t want to hate too hard because then when try then people will think it is worse than this but this is just a easy game no skill needed really I do like how the looks are and the skins do look good just add more interesting levels most of the time I go to the right jump a bit and then win.


Great game, addictive! But some greedy tricks here and there

I haven’t played this game in a while. When I came back, I enjoyed the game a lot. But the reason this is a 4 star review and not a 5 is once I was playing a quest, and I ran into a chest, the chest asked me if I wanted to get free gems from ads, which is perfectly fine. I said no, and the pop up just stayed there which is a little annoying but ok with me. But the placement of the pop up was covering how much time I had left to complete the quest. So I clicked the ad (this is when it gets stupid)and when I got out of the ad it kicked me from the quest, and I lost energy from that.
I don’t know if this is intentional or not, but this seems like a trick so that user is forced to click ad to get it out, giving you money, user is kicked of of quest after closing ad, user loses energy, this repeats and user loses energy, and might buy in-game currency for energy, giving you tons of money.
This is a very scummy tactic that I hope isn’t intended.
However, I love this game! Especially the new Hello Kitty levels, which are really fun! Please respond to this review.


Beautiful but lacking.

There are very few levels awesome as they are. What's worse is there's so many ads. There were a few here and there at first but now there's three you have to sit through per level and sometimes one just going through the menus. I considered "buying" the game, but with no new content (except for ads) what is the point?
Edit: I did purchase the adfree / energy when it went on sale because my son loves to play it and the price was a no brainer. It made the game much more enjoyable. I’ve also upgraded everything and unlocked all the heroes.

Still there’s a few minor things I’d like to point out. My son plays on an ipad 3 and the gameplay suffers quite a bit. It stutters a fair amount and it actually makes the last level impossible because it changes the timing of your hops so you keep running into flying baddies and dying. I don’t know if anything can be done but I thought I’d mention it.
I didn’t have the coins to buy the first few bonus levels so now they are gone forevermore? :(
Of course, more levels please! Maybe pull in some “classics” too?
Maybe an option to not use potions and balloons immediately? Sometimes it’s just not worth it. Not that I have anything left to spend my coins on.
Cloud sharing didn’t seem to work right. I was unable to share progress between ipads. I trying deleting the data and game but couldn’t get it to work. Maybe because his iOS version is much older?


Best platformer on iOS

I loved Super Phantom Cat and felt that it was the best platformer on iOS. After playing through most of #2 I think it's a worthy successor that's improved on the first. The game play and levels are fantastic, and I really liked the addition of the treasure chests (though not the key brewing/buying) and hidden coin areas. I like the new ice power too; I think those were some of the most enjoyable levels. The only reason I'm holding off on the fifth star is the freemium platform. I really don't like freemium games. I understand that they probably make more money for the devs, but I would much rather spend money up front on a game. That being said, this is probably the best form of freemium, because you don't *need* to spend money to enjoy it. You just need a bit of patience, but you don't feel as though you're being left in the dust if you don't fork over lots of money. Overall fantastic 2nd entry!


One of the best mobile games, to date!

If you love Super Mario Run, you’ll love this game! It can be frustrating sometimes, but that’s how it should be if you don’t want a game to be boring. For those complaining about ads, they have deals that give an ad-free gaming experience, plus extra coins/diamonds or unlimited energy for only a couple of bucks. I think in total, I spent about $25 on this game and mainly on diamonds. Although... I wish whenever diamonds were used to come back to life, only 1 diamond is required first and then it goes up by 1 every time you need new lives... instead of 2 and then doubling it to 4 and so on - you run outta diamonds very quickly. That’s the only downside, but I really enjoyed this game! Right now, they have a lot of levels with different chapters. I completed every single level with a crown and hope they add more.


Amazing game but energy feature is annoying

This game is amazing!!! The art style is cool and everything else too, but, it does have some flaws. Let’s start with a small one, using analog sticks with a connected game pad is annoying because up on the analog stick makes you jump, which can lead to accidental jumps. But the main thing is the energy feature, I have to wait so long to play this game and I am just waiting and waiting, and then if I die I have to wait again. I know you can buy unlimited energy but some people just don’t want to spend on a mobile game. Also, I don’t want to compare to other games but Tomb of the Mask has a no energy option which is even better than the energy one. So yeah, the game is cool but the energy feature is just uhhhhhhhhhh.


Can’t stop playing but minor setback

I absolutely love this game but the problem is that when I start up the game it crashes over and over. So I will have download the game again and I lose a little progress for example levels some will be locked and some will be completed. But, besides that the game is really addicting to the point I might make in app purchases . And that’s why I like super phantom cat 2 keep up the good work. 😀 Update: by the way, can you guys give us an option to skip ads when they show up because they are a waste of my time. Also like your graphics and programming if this game didn’t get released I don’t know what to do. Thanks for all of your hard work on making us all happy. Just fix those slight problems please 😐


Beautiful Game, but a Sudden Loss of Audio

I’ve never came across such a beautiful animated game before, the animation, the visual aspect and design of the characters are so cute. The gameplay is easy to pick up for any age. and the style of gameplay becomes more challenging as the game goes on which keeps interest throughout the game. The only thing I had trouble with, was the loss of audio as soon as the game started. I didn’t mind the ads, but whenever the title screen was displayed, the audio animation would just go away afterwards, and throughout playing a level it would be just plain silence. No audio of music or anything would be heard, so that’s when I came on here. I restarted SuperPhantomCat2 , my phone, and same thing keeps happening. Not sure if it’s a bug or anything, but just wanted to let the developer know. But a truly amazing game overall!


So Cute!!!😍😍😍

Kitties. A game with kitties. That are badash. Oh my god. How could it NOT be cute?!? I love cuteness, and cute thing I rate on my cute-o-meter, and this game is a flat out 9! That’s good, because only three things have reached the 10 rate, so keep it up! But then there’s the cons, and there are only 2: 1-I don’t really like the fact that I have to wait for the energy to go up, because my mind is like, “Ok, I need to play Super Phantom Cat 2, and NOW! 2-Hello Kitty is cute, yeah, but the rumor that it is devilish and corrupted is stuck in my head, and it’s glued tight, so I’m kinda freaked out that this game might be devilish and corrupted, too, which it doesn’t seem like in the least. Anyway, just somehow fix those 2 cons and I would rate this a five 10 star game! Keep it up! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️-⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️!


2 is Actually Better Than 1!

Hard to imagine, but this game is EVEN BETTER than the first one! If you love platformers, you’re gonna love this one guaranteed. For such a small cost to get unlimited energy and a few other goodies, I was able to play this for an entire flight coast to coast in the US and back. Tons and tons of stuff to do. Kudos to the devs on an absolute gem and I can’t wait for more levels!
Feedback: I wish it didn’t cost in game currency to keep a Quest once it’s been played. If you want to play it again and again, I understand the charge (500 coins I think) but It would sure be nice to at least know which ones I’ve completed without spending in game money!
Also, can someone make a strategy guide for this please!?


Love this Game!

This game is incredible. It takes some time to get used to because the game does not completely parallel Mario the way I expected it to—there is a greater emphasis on exploring the maps and discovering secret locations than I expected. The game is visually stunning as well; all in all it is a wonderful go-to when there are gaps in my schedule.

I do have a few requests for the developers:

1. There seems to be a bug with purchasing a new inventory slot for the balloon maker. Although I have more than enough coins, the game will take me to the store when I click to purchase another inventory slot.

2. Level 4-7 may have a timing glitch that renders a particular location impossible to reach. I have a crown in every level except this one—I even have specialty characters that have increased movement abilities but the flying diamond beast that allows me to reach a final +5 is literally impossible to reach.

Thanks again to the team and everyone involved! You have a very happy customer.


Ads ruined this game

I downloaded this game almost a year ago and loved playing it. I love the graphics, music, characters and hidden coins, etc. I stopped playing it for several months and opened it just now. I am bombarded with ads. Before I start a level, a 30 second ad. If I lose, a 5 second ad. Every single level, even if I’m alive for less than a minute, I have to see 2 long ads? This has made the game almost unplayable. This game did not have this many ads several months ago. I understand pretty much every app has ads, but not to the point where 80% of the play time is waiting for ads to end. I’m so disappointed that this beautiful game is ruined and I can’t enjoy a level without waiting to X out an ad before and after each level. I know I said ad so much in this review, but that’s how many ads I see in the game.


Sad sequel

The first game was one of my favorite all-time app games. I was thrilled when I found out about the second.
The game itself is a decent enough successor but in my opinion is utterly ruined by the addition of ads. I paid money to have them removed and still have to see them at the start of each level.
I’m big on completing 100% of each level as well. So I like to replay them until I attain that. The trouble is you need keys to unlock chests that go toward reaching 100%. You have a limited amount and can produce them but not fast enough to keep up with the demand. So you can opt to watch ads to give you a free key. I’d rather not have to deal with that.
I’ve dealt with it enough to progress to world 4 but I think I’ll be deleting SuperPhantomCat2 at this point.
Very disappointing. I wish they’d just charged money from the get go to buy the game like the first one and not had to deal with this extra stuff.



so ive had this game for maybe 2, 3 yrs or my ipod and iphone combined. honestly? i liked it better before the recent update. there were less ads, less glitches, and less aggravation. whenever i tried to log in the game glitched and made me restart. and even when im just playing bingo or a level or collecting prizes it will just glitch. PLEASE FIX THIS. other than that, its an overall great game, addicting, and a nice time killer. 1 vote for 3rd👍🏾edit: hello, im back. so, ill get right to it. the sound randomly cuts off. whenever i first click it, the sound doesnt work. then when go to a different app and then back to super cat 2, the sound is off!! also, when i click it it randomly glitches and logs out. that happens when im playing it to. i try to click something, but its frozen. PLEASE FIX THIS!!!


Ad freezes game

I really like this game. I’ve been playing for a year, I like games where there’s hidden areas. You can play the same level over and over again and still find new hidden areas or treasure chests. My biggest complaint has nothing to do with the game but with the advertisements. Mostly the 30 second ones are fine since there’s a countdown to the close button but every 5th ad or so there’s an ad where it’s a small picture on a white background and no close box and no matter how long you wait it won’t come so you have to close the game completely and restart it. Sometime you have to do it two or three times until a new ad pops up. It’s the only reason I’m not giving 5 stars.


Mario but cat styled

I enjoy this game Super Phantom Cat 2 and I really like the visual representation because it’s so colorful like Tokyo and has that distinct Mario feel when platforming and the many different characters you can unlock and as a bonus soon you’ll get special levels in the main characters “Diary” which teaches you tips in the form of secret levels which are a tough challenge to beat but get rewarded in the process perfect for completion enthusiast but the only downside is the energy bar for a level if it runs out you have to wait or watch an advertisement to fill it up and you have to lose another energy if you die want to retry fix this and then 5 ⭐️ but overall it’s a really great plat-former that I recommend to Super Mario Fans 😃🤑😊🎮.


Unlocking Ancient Tree 6 has been a hassle

You didn’t answer Geronimo’s post on June 3rd about not being able to unlock Ancient Tree level 6 because Hello Kitty level 3 needs to be unlocked. I have the exact same problem. At first, I couldn’t figure out which level to work on because all I have is three levels of Hello Kitty and that only goes up to 0-3. Is that level 3?? Then once I mastered that level, I still couldn’t unlock AT level 6 so I worked on AT level 3 assuming it was the one needed to unlock. So I mastered it and nope. It didn’t unlock AT 6. So now I am out of options. I really enjoy this game and would appreciate a response on how to fix this or if you could update SuperPhantomCat2 to fix this glitch. I would give this game five stars if not for this. The ads are not a problem for me.


Great Mario Representation, but the partial IAP paywalls may get to some.

On the whole, I really do like the concept of this game. Most Mario games and those like it didn't tend to encourage professional moves, such as stomping on multiple enemies at one to overcome a chasm, or sending a sliding projectile (the Koopa or, in this case, the red monster) towards multiple enemies for extra lives or so. This particular game is actually what makes for good Mario-style platforming - strong acrobatic moves on enemies and other platforms.

However, my only major gripe about this game is how long it would take to collect the necessary tokens required for new and more characters, and thus I often find myself doing its IAPs just to acquire them easily, as one of many examples.

Is Super Phantom Cat 2 Safe?

Yes. Super Phantom Cat 2 is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 21,040 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Super Phantom Cat 2 Is 56.3/100.

Is Super Phantom Cat 2 Legit?

Yes. Super Phantom Cat 2 is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 21,040 Super Phantom Cat 2 User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Super Phantom Cat 2 Is 94.3/100..

Is Super Phantom Cat 2 not working?

Super Phantom Cat 2 works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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