CB TALK Reviews

CB TALK Reviews

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About: CB TALK is the new revolutionary mobile application that allows you to
communicate with your CB. With CB TALK you can select users who speak your own
language without distance limits, localizing their position on the map.


With CB TALK you can select users who speak your own language without distance limits, localizing their position on the map.

CB TALK is the new revolutionary mobile application that allows you to communicate with your CB.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 137 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of CB TALK

- None mentioned in the feedback.

21 CB TALK Reviews

2.5 out of 5


This app is not endorsed by Midland USA or any of its subsidiaries

I talk to somebody from Midland USA Because they said that they have never heard of CBTALK before and I talk to one of the research and development team for Midland in conclusion I am warning I strongly to stay away from CBTALK because they have a location GPS tracking feature on the application as well and there is supposed so called administrators said that they know where everybody is at any given moment I don't get CBTALK this is my warning it to my fellow Apple users please heed my warning's


A 5* app being run in the ground

So Plasticman is a dictator and runs CBTALK with the help of his cult buddies! If you don’t adhere to his unwritten rules you will be muted and banned from public channels!
Some changes need to be made here in order for CBTALK to ever exceed a 2.5 star rating
Plastic and boss Hogg are the wrong answer for any type of administration they’re trying to run CBTALK based on religious belief and CBTALK clearly states no religion or religious discussion!



I am a user of the United States that uses the room of Brazil.
I do not understand the issues addressed in BRA13, as it is very disorganized and disrespectful to other users.
Only words of low slang, obscenity and offense.
I expected more from this application.


Full controls activation or features

Hi, how can I activate all the controls?


Contact list??

Ok why the need for my contact list . No need for it other than to sell information. Take that out . I understand gps for local chat but not world chatting. With that said how about just CBTALK and drop the selling of information. It would be nice to respect privacy of others not using your app


Request for midland:

Regarding the midland response to another user. The gps function shouldn’t be required on the group channels that do not depend on location. You would get many new users if this were the case. Only require location on channels 1-40 to achieve location based communication. Please don’t require it for group chat. That’s too much control.


Garbage app

Admins power tripping and not giving chance for beginners to learn how to use app or make corrections on their profiles when asked to do so . Midland should definitely check into people acting as administrators in CBTALK which could cause Midland to lose business because of incompetence of people acting on their behalf .


Can’t get in

I talked for a little while then CBTALK went blank now I can’t get in at all


Lying about age requirement

A person that said they was a admin with no Proof or nothing saying he was a admin . Asked me my age for no reason when I was not doing nothing wrong I didn’t break the rules are nothing and I told him I was 17 and he made we uninstall CBTALK because he said the age requirement was 18. But on CBTALK Store it says 17+



CBTALK basically requires permissions to access all of your data on your phone… you should be able to listen to be radio without them needing to access your camera and photos and contacts internet cookies precise location…


Privacy issues

I find it strange that CBTALK won’t work unless you upload your contacts to some server somewhere don’t waste your time with CBTALK too easy for hackers to access your info.


Age assumption

There are a lot of idiots saying " go read the terms and conditions " when they aren't admin, and assuming your age , lying to the admins. I'm 19 and got banned without reasoning. CBTALK is toxic, watch out for the user that goes by " Corgi#fam#" he claims to be an admin and bosses you around.


No signal no communication

I try QSL with other CB on the way and no one copy me. I arrive to QTH of one of my coworkers and try and he’s CB never received the PTT of CBTALK.


To developers

CBTALK is a joke for real take not control of your app and listen to ur users it would help out a lot



So I’m 19 years old and I just get on CBTALK I say hello and because I sound like a miner and don’t know what DOB meant some lady starts banning be and I’m banned no hey are you older no just banned what the hell



I thought I could monitor channel 19 when bad weather or back ups happen but there’s no channel 19🙄dumb app


Cb talk

Lots of rude people on there got banned for no reason I’m 24 and people make up your age to get you banned. Don’t use midland cb talk there are rude people on there and they lie to the admin about your age.


SMS spam

After registration with my phone #, I immediately started getting spam messages. Not cool.


Skinny Penis

Bunch of crybabies on CBTALK with nothing else to do. Blocked me in 10 secs after not changing my name fast enough. Big egos with Skinny penis.



Every time I download app and go into it app crashes!!!!


Mehmet UZUN

CBTALK is awsome i normaly use CBTALK with my Turkish friend but management in Turkey is so disappointed.


Horrible app

The people are very rude and they are a bunch of Karen’s


Garbage App like Zello

Garbage app like Zello and others chat apps


Falsely accused of recording

I was on once and went to a live chat with maybe 10 or 12 people in the chat. All being truckers through America mostly on the East Coast. I just listen in bored cause of the COVID-19 stuff. The next day I open it, and this lady is talking about me recording everything she said. Saying it’s a federal crime which I already know.

1. She has no proof of crap even happening
2. She claimed she took a screenshot of my face, in which my profile never even had a chosen image of my face. It was the generic image.

Then a man said he was muting me for 24hrs. cause of inappropriate use of CBTALK . Sh!tty app very terrible users. I deleted this garbage cause nobody wants an old hag claiming they recorded them when she is obviously a sociopath, and nobody wants an old man that believes a sociopath every day. If I had her username, I would post it here with no regrets.

The people who made CBTALK are trash, the people who are admins on CBTALK are trash, CBTALK itself is trash and should never be used by normal people.


Nogo for iPhones

App won’t open on iPhone 7 . Works good on Android tho.

Jade   2 years ago

Hi admin I have been banned for no reason I was in trucker 1 had no issues put it on mute whoke I was away working come back and I won't log in says error banned user ,? Please could this be resolved ASAP thanks

Is CB TALK Safe?

Yes. CB TALK is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 137 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 2.5/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for CB TALK Is 52.3/100.

Is CB TALK Legit?

Yes. CB TALK is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 137 CB TALK User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for CB TALK Is 90.4/100..

Is CB TALK not working?

CB TALK works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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