Poster Maker + Flyer Creator Reviews

Poster Maker + Flyer Creator Reviews

Published by on 2024-04-26

About: Transform your regular posts into creative posters with the Poster Maker app.
Say goodbye to expensive or complicated design software and sites.

About Poster Maker Flyer Creator

What is Poster Maker Flyer Creator? The Poster Maker app is an easy-to-use design app that allows users to create professional-looking posters, flyers, Instagram graphics, website banners, and more. With a variety of editing tools, templates, graphics, and fonts, users can create customized media for all different types of platforms and occasions. The app is perfect for those who want to create stunning designs without the need for expensive or complicated design software.



- 365 decorative and design elements to choose from

- Expansive catalog of designs for backgrounds

- Apply gradients or solid backgrounds for poster canvas

- 88 different fonts to personalize every detail

- Intuitive design features and functions for easy customization

- Share designs to social channels or save to album for later use

- Two auto-renewing subscription options: 3-day trial then $4.99 per week or $39.99 per year

- Privacy policy and terms of use available on the app's website.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 36,999 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Poster Maker Flyer Creator

- Easy to use for making party or birthday invitations

- Good for making posters, according to some users

- Offers many options and unlimited things to do

- Has nice templates and designs

- Can produce good-looking posters and brochures

20 Poster Maker Flyer Creator Reviews

4.7 out of 5


The app is ok

I been using PosterMakerFlyerCreator for about 2-3 years.
Beginning of this year I decided to go for the pro version since i use it a lot. Everything is good its just it have a few errors. Like when you want to edit or fix the bottom part of a poster or whatever you working on the options pop up and it doesn’t let me see or work the bottom part. You can close the option window but every time you click again the bottom part of the work the options pop up again. If you are editing letters that are at the bottom you cant see it because the options pop up again. Like is extremely annoying. Right now i got stock on a project because it wasn’t letting me move or change an image i added to the poster. I always upgrading PosterMakerFlyerCreator and i even refresh but still nothing. Another thing is the save image. Its nice that it will ask you if you want to save the progress before leaving but all the time even if i click an image by mistake? It makes your saved work list so long. I needed to make a poster so i was seeing my options. I click on a few to see closer the details now i have to go back and delete everything from the saving list. If they could fix this small problems PosterMakerFlyerCreator would be so perfect.

The options pop up when you click the image is very very annoying. Not letting you fix the bottom part of the poster. Please please fix this.


Really aggravating

I’m really frustrated with PosterMakerFlyerCreator. I’ve used PosterMakerFlyerCreator multiple times for making posters and brochures for school and they always turn out looking really nice. However, it’s extremely tedious trying to mess around with the different functions because a lot of the time I’m stuck tapping the same button 40 times and it still won’t do what I want it to do. Another annoying thing is that when I click the send button it freezes and you can’t do anything. you also just can’t just take a screenshot of your poster because there’s this big grey bar in the way and I end up having to delete PosterMakerFlyerCreator , re-download it and make my poster all over again. This has happened multiple times and I’m honestly just fed up with re doing everything three times over again. Moral of the story, I don’t recommend PosterMakerFlyerCreator, it’s nice and professional looking but it’s an absolute pain to work with. I probably won’t ever use PosterMakerFlyerCreator again which is sad because it looks nice if you can manage getting anything done. But I’m just so fed up with it.


I love this app!

Every year, I use PosterMakerFlyerCreator to make all of my party or birthday invitations. I love it so much that make them for my entire family! There are a couple things I don’t like. One is how there are so many thing locked up for the paid edition. The things that ARE locked up aren’t even that great. I just wish it had more free options.
2, the water mark.
But i do love how professional you are able to make posters and invitations.
Overall, I would definitely recommend PosterMakerFlyerCreator to other people.


The Rescue for K-pop

So I wanted to get into kpop with my friend. So I started to hear their music and I loved it! So for Christmas I thought to myself maybe I should get a poster since my friend has one so I looked online for some posters and they were all coming after Christmas so I was really sad and then I found PosterMakerFlyerCreator and then I thought maybe I should get PosterMakerFlyerCreator and try to make a poster of K-pop so I got PosterMakerFlyerCreator and I started to make my poster and I am reading this five stars it was wonderfulAnd print it for me and it was really good


Do not get! Not worth it!

I am a full stranger things lover and i saw all these poster with stranger things pictures on it. So i downloaded PosterMakerFlyerCreator so i could make my own. Was pretty good until the end, when i left my project to go do a chore for my mom. When i came back 15 minutes later, i couldn't find it again. Whenever i went to my designs, it said i needed a facebook account to see them again. I don't have facebook, so i lost the poster and the 45 min it took to make it. In addition to this, i cant use all the fonts/stickers/whatever's because i have to suscribe or whatever and pay $5 a week to use them all!
$5 per week! Thats crazy! No thank you i’ll save the money for something else.
Hope this helped anyone make a decision on whether or not to get PosterMakerFlyerCreator.


5 star rating service.

I love PosterMakerFlyerCreator! I can do many things I can’t do with other apps. The only thing is that at first it’s a little hard to like, but after using it you will love PosterMakerFlyerCreator! I recommend getting this and I promise you won’t regret this. Normally I get a app and after 3 days or so I delete it, but not once did I think of deleting Poster Maker. Poster Maker is different than other apps you are able to do unlimited things. You may not have to pay, but it is worth $100.


Good, but not great

PosterMakerFlyerCreator has so much potential, but lacks on some key points, the most important being 1) that you can’t save your progress! I spent hours creating a flyer only to have it disappear without a trace. So frustrating! 2) I also really dislike that you can’t see all of the font options for the styled-text formats. You just have to keep tapping until you find one, but once you tap it you can’t go back, so you just keep tapping, looking at the same fonts over and over until you find it. Wastes a lot of time. 3) Not enough background choices. They are very limited, and although you can customize them quite a bit, they need to have more options.



I made an awesome flyer and started out being impressed with this program... then it said if I want to save it, I needed to connect to Facebook. I did and then got hit with it being deleted and I had to start from the beginning. So I did it again and went into do some touch ups today and guess what??? The second project was also deleted! It only saved the very beginning of my project, which was pretty much a photo that I had added. UGH!!! I think I would’ve held onto PosterMakerFlyerCreator, but it is beyond frustrating to have to redo projects every time you want to tweak them. Hopefully there will be resolution for this, but I am highly doubtful and annoyed. 😕👎


Great app but, suddenly crashing

Have been enjoying PosterMakerFlyerCreator for awhile now but, just today, it crashes/app closes completely every time I try to open one of the saved designs I created. I’ve turned my phone on/off, deleted and reinstalled PosterMakerFlyerCreator (making sure to keep my subscription) but nothing works. No way to contact the developer directly so I’m writing a review hoping for some resolution so I can continue using PosterMakerFlyerCreator and not loose all of my work! Hope bug fixes happen soon...!


The best app you can use for posters, business flyers or anything you think of!!

I was in need of an app to make a poster to use for a website. I have been trying many apps, and sadly no luck. Then I ran across poster maker, the most simplest name, and the best app you could possibly use. It’s easy to use, and it has a ton of common features well known to those that are into graphic design or photoshop. I love PosterMakerFlyerCreator, and I do not leave reviews, but PosterMakerFlyerCreator is worth it. Good job!


Does not force you to buy anything

The only app and website that I have ever used that doesn’t force you to buy or purchase anything to create a poster, beginning to end. Does not make it impossible to use or create. Have used this program since 2017 when I worked at sprint to make posters for events and use it now when I want to make simple fonted images. Screen shot & dip.



Just like a large majority of the people on your review page, I cannot save the work?!?! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Come on, at least shut PosterMakerFlyerCreator down if your going to continue to cheat people out of money!? I mean, I think most everyone who has the same issues would be a bit nicer in their reviews and willing to recommend PosterMakerFlyerCreator thus making you more $$, (so you don’t have to cheat people outta their $ , just saying 🤷🏻‍♀️), if you either fixed the issue or refund the $. So what do we do from here? I’m sure I’m just typing to no one who can do anything about it, but I suppose it’s worth a shot. Either way I’d never recommend PosterMakerFlyerCreator..the fact that I even have to type this complaint is proof PosterMakerFlyerCreator is 🚫!



The fact that you have these amazing templates and fonts and styles all at your fingertips is absolutely incredible. You get a quality look without having to pay graphic designers. HOWEVER, You can't save your progress.......AT ALL!!!! If you spend hours creating and then you leave and think you're about to come back and continue your work, think again. I'm doing the free trial and needless to say I will be looking elsewhere to spend $5/week or $40/yr. I need more and I'm sure they have the ability to do more but just decided not to I guess....



I paid full price for PosterMakerFlyerCreator about a year and a half ago, I tried using it a few months ago and I was having a problem where the logo was appearing on my pictures. I reached out to the company via FB messenger and they advised to restore my purchase, so I did and it worked fine. I opened PosterMakerFlyerCreator again to use it today and the same thing is happening so I tried to find a restore purchase button, but couldn’t find one and instead kept getting a notification to upgrade to pro. I’m really disappointed because I enjoyed using PosterMakerFlyerCreator and I’m pretty upset they didn’t “grandfather” people who previously purchased PosterMakerFlyerCreator into PRO. Do the right thing.


Friendly easy use

I loved it! has a lot if templates to chose from which you can easily modify to your like. And it was very easy to use which gave me a fast and professional looking product.


Good, but Bad

Dear, Post Maker Developers,

Everything is good about PosterMakerFlyerCreator. It has nice features & stuff like that, but there are some problems I would like to point out. The first reason is that most of the features cost money, it to me makes PosterMakerFlyerCreator feel really cheap, and unreal. The second or last reason is that you have to have a Facebook account to sign in. And you can’t see your progress if you didn’t sign in. It annoys the hell out of me, and I wish to get that fixed. Thank you for your time.



Pretty good 🔆

PosterMakerFlyerCreator is actually good. It does have some issues though! You can’t get a certain backdrops and fonts. Fortunately you can make money from selling these posters too! I sell them for my small business, they are good sellers too! You need to buy this! You might have to spend some money to get special fonts or backdrops but people say you have to spend money to make money🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


Rip off!

Do NOT even think of downloading PosterMakerFlyerCreator unless you’re willing to pay the $7.99 WEEKLY subscription charge. (A rip off in and of itself!!!!) I tried turning off the weekly mandatory charge only a few minutes after previewing PosterMakerFlyerCreator . It was entirely unclear about how to do so, but after deleting PosterMakerFlyerCreator and keeping fingers crossed that I had canceled properly I have now been billed the $7.99 for my first week. I’m HOPING I’ve now unsubscribed correctly—fingers crossed that I won’t be charged again for an app that I’m not using. (BTW, there are many other FREE apps that do the same thing!) Consider yourself warned.


Can’t log in through FB

I tried viewing my projects and had to log into FB. So I followed the prompts as it showed. Then the screen got stuck on the loading screen, so it never completely logged me in. Now when I try to log in another way it automatically prompts me to log in to Facebook... only to get STUCK ON THE LOADING SCREEN AGAIN!!!

So frustrating now I can’t view projects that I created!!! I can’t believe the mechanics of PosterMakerFlyerCreator are that horrendous, considering how perfect the poster templates are. Definitely not worth $20 per month! Huge disappointment. Everything is perfect except this element!


Don’t waste your money

PosterMakerFlyerCreator was great at first. I used it and was happy with the templates available. I even purchased a 1 year subscription to use more of it. It stopped working. I could not upload photos any longer. I tried to find help, support, an email, anything- or even just a request for refund of my $40. Nothing. It continues to ask for log in to Google or Facebook, neither of which I want to have to share in order to use their product. Crap. Use the free version and enjoy it but don’t waste your money on a subscription.


Tells your everybody so amazing ❤️

So great you get to pick your background then you can type what you want to say or its has saying you can do so great I love really simple please get this and tell all you friends how good it is tell them❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👍🏻


Not worth paying for yet.. until not upgrades

I have the original app logo maker where I’ve made posters , business cards and various awesome logos. But PosterMakerFlyerCreator I hard to manage move things around. If you are creating a poster from blank it doesn’t give you the proper measurements for it to be printed out only sized for media online. I had multiple issue to the point I had to delete all my work of hours and just unsubscribe. Hoping updates in the future make editing and maneuvering on screen easier. I still have logo maker n will continue with logo maker.


Free trial

Signed up for the free trial but I still can’t access none of the features. It keeps telling me to try the 3 day subscription and when I try to click it again it says I’m already subscribed. I tried restoring purchasing and everything and it’s just not working. I would hate for the money to get took out of my account in 3 days and PosterMakerFlyerCreator is already bugging. If this wasn’t a issue I would’ve gave it 5 stars


Avoid this app!

If you're a iPhone 6S Plus user like I am, don't get PosterMakerFlyerCreator. Why? I tried to use PosterMakerFlyerCreator and customize my post with a good background, only to end up with no way to save my finished work. I also used the window screen trick and got back to PosterMakerFlyerCreator , but the ability to edit and post my work keeps disappearing every time. Please address this glitch in PosterMakerFlyerCreator . I give it two stars for a good selection of background. Still, please fix this.


Scam & Not many fonts

I bought this to use one time and immediately unsubscribed on PosterMakerFlyerCreator . Because I unsubscribed on PosterMakerFlyerCreator and not on my apple account, PosterMakerFlyerCreator billed me $5 a week for MONTHS before I realized it as I used my backup card that almost never comes out unless I am VERY short on funds. If you are going to use it, UNSUBSCRIBE AS SOON AS YOU’RE DONE WITH YOUR APPLE ACCOUNT. Also, there are very few font options and you can only make things so small. I wanted to use a very small heart but could not shrink it down to the size I wanted.



PosterMakerFlyerCreator is a complete waste of time. It doesn’t matter how amazing the features are within PosterMakerFlyerCreator when you can’t master the most important feature, BEING ABLE TO SAVE YOUR PROGRESS. I spent over 2 hours designing a flyer for my business when something came up, I saved my work and later in in the day when I went back to resume there was about frustration! Fix this major issue and you’ll get a 5 star rating from me and I’ll reactivate my subscription.

Is Poster Maker Flyer Creator Safe?

Yes. Poster Maker + Flyer Creator is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 36,999 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Poster Maker Flyer Creator Is 51.2/100.

Is Poster Maker Flyer Creator Legit?

Yes. Poster Maker + Flyer Creator is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 36,999 Poster Maker + Flyer Creator User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Poster Maker Flyer Creator Is 89.7/100..

Is Poster Maker + Flyer Creator not working?

Poster Maker + Flyer Creator works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

- 3 Day trial then $4.99 per Week

- OR $39.99 per year

How was your experience with Poster Maker + Flyer Creator? Post a Review

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