- Direct Push Synchronization with Exchange ActiveSync
- Great user experience & beautiful GUI
- Multiple accounts
- Calendar and Contacts (Integrated into stock Contacts application along with Nine account)
- Rich-Text Editor
- Client Cert
- Global Address List (GAL)
- Select folders to push (Email notification per each folder)
- Automatic setup for many popular email services like Office 365, Exchange Online, Hotmail, Live.com, Outlook, MSN or G Suite (Google Apps)
- Full HTML (inbound, outbound)
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
- Hybrid Email Search (Integrate with fast local search and online search)
- Conversation Mode
- Modern Authentication for Office 365
- S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
Supported Servers:
- Exchange Server 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016
- Office 365, Exchange Online
- Hotmail
- Outlook.com
- Other servers(IBM Notes Traveler, Groupwise, Kerio, Zimbra, Horde, IceWarp, MDaemon etc) supported Exchange ActiveSync
- G Suite
- Users can contact support@9folders.com for any questions or special requests.
- Privacy Policy: http://www.9folders.com/privacy-policy
- Terms and Conditions: http://www.9folders.com/terms-and-conditions/