Modify and view current tenant payments made, send rent receipts, lease details and auto reminders for the lease end, rent reminder and store prospective tenants information.
Tenants: Tenant name, picture, phone numbers, email, occupant details, upload lease agreement document, rent amount, rent due date, rent frequency, security deposit amount, rent deposit, lease alert reminder and more.
Rental Property Management App allows you to keep everything about your rental properties, tenants, rental transactions (income and expenses), to do list for your rental business, reminders and more all in one place.
Reports: Get reports for the rental property lease status, income, expense, profit and loss for each of your rental units or all of them at once.
Allow tenants to view the details regarding rent payments made, rent and lease due dates.
Track your property rental business profit & loss and cash flow in real time.
Properties: Store property name, address, save property as a single unit multi-unit, upload picture, the number of bedrooms, the number of washrooms, purchase price, down payment, room sizes, appliances details, utility company details and more.
This is the only property management software you will need for your rental business, all your data is cloud synced, so you can access it from any device and it is backed up for you.
Tasks: Maintain tasks related to your rental properties like water leakage, cleaning, changing the roof, repair furnace and much more.
Get Notification alerts like rent due date, lease ending date, task deadlines and transactions.
Our rental property management app is for landlords to manage rental properties.
Applicants: Store rental applicants (prospective tenants) information for use in future for your rental properties.
Tenant Access: You can invite your Tenants to join World of Rental.
Inspection Reports: Take pictures of your property before tenants move in and take pictures of damages or repairs required.