With our daily updated database of all types of campsites, you will always find the right place to stay, whether you are passing through for a night, for a weekend or for the whole holiday, free or more luxury camping.
No advertising that tracks you, no interest in your data, no subscription - 33,000 spaces across Europe, whether with a mobile home, caravan, van or tent.
Sites all over Europe, Germany, Scandinavia, the Baltic States, Eastern Europe and Southern Europe.
Search for sites along your travel route, even without an internet connection if necessary.
Our users contribute daily with pictures, comments and occupancy reports to always up-to-date data.
- Places can be searched by many criteria, including negative criteria, via the search mask.
If you have any errors, suggestions or problems of any kind with the app, please write to us at info@womo-stellplatz.eu. We will usually get back to you within a few minutes or hours.