I have Never been the cause of an accident in my life, I have NOT had a single ticket in over 40 Years and I have held a Class B License as well as have had Defensive and Offensive driving training in law enforcement and today, I took a short trip into town and when I returned, I read that I had 3 hits on my driving, 2 for acceleration and one for braking. Both actions were Perfectly NORMAL and would NEVER result in even a second look by any law enforcement officer. And, after viewing my Drive Safe history, I discovered that I am being docked every time I leave home to go to another city or anywhere else for that matter. To me, this is a Major Insult on my Integrity, My Driving Skills and My Flawless Record!! I will NOT tolerate any system telling me that my driving has room for improvement and Drive Safe is outdated as todays highway systems, being heavily traveled and in cities where people are NOT paying as much attention to their driving as they should as they are the ones who cause me to become a Defensive and an Offensive driver!! I do what I must to avoid accidents that otherwise, I would be engaging in if I followed the Safe Driving parameters!!!! One can NOT enter a busy highway at SNAIL SPEEDS and one must hit the brakes when a driver decides to change their minds when trying to reach their destinations or they abruptly change lanes without any warning whatsoever, such as using their turning signals and change lanes while they have a phone up against their Left Ears, not looking to see if a lane change can be done so safely!
One one stretch of highway, I nearly engaged in a very possible deadly accident due to 18 Wheel Truckers abruptly changing lanes with NO WARNING!! At highway speeds, I had to move over onto the shoulder and into the grass to avoid being slammed by 18 Wheel Trucks. These kinds of conditions are why we must be Acutely Alert and take no chances when engaging such trucks on our highways. They are much bigger and a lot of them come with the attitude that they own the highways and can do whatever they want. Then, there are drivers who have a bad habit of tailgating which one approaches me in this fashion, I will slow down to well under the speed limit to force a driver to pass me. And, I slow down quickly but Not abruptly as I do NOT want to incite an accident!!
Drive Safe needs to loosen up their requirements, their parameters and setup tolerances instead of being Strictly by the book. One day, being so strict will more than likely cause a fatal or near fatal accident on a highway.
With this being said, I uninstalled the Drive Safe App and I will NOT reinstall it until something is done about YOUR strict protocols and that you realize that NO ONE on this planet is Perfect such as what your app dictates!!! Your NO TOLERANCE IS INSANE TO SAY THE LEAST!!! And, I will NOT Tolerate being Insulted by and through this app, docking me on my driving which is telling me that I have room for improvement!! I FOLLOW ALL OF OUR TRAFFIC LAWS TO THE LETTER AND THEREFORE, I EXPECT MY INSURANCE TO REFLECT ON MY RECORD WHICH IS EXCEPTIONAL AND TO JUDGE ME ON MY MERIT ONLY, NOT BY SOMEONE WHO WRITES THE ABSOLUTE PERFECT OUTLINE WHICH NO ONE CAN FOLLOW AT ANY TIME!!!!!!!! NOT IN TODAY'S WORLD OF WILD DRIVERS WHO PAY NO ATTENTION TO OUR LAWS, AND THERE ARE MANY OUT THERE WHO I SEE NEARLY EVERY DAY, PASSING ME LIKE I AM STANDING STILL WHILE I AM DRIVING AT THE SPEED LIMIT. OR WHEN DRIVERS ARE IN SUCH A BIG HURRY, THEY BOLT OUT IN FRONT OF ME AND I MUST USE MY BREAKS IN EXCESS TO KEEP A COLLISION FROM OCCURING. Granted, this doesn't happen every day but in big cities, it is terrible these days due to so many drivers who, with their cell phones, text while driving, as one example. I run into these young people all of the time while out on our streets and highways as well as truck drivers who are even worse, dangerously worse.
I will close now and take a break as I am highly irritated with this Drive Safe program that is a freaking JOKE!!!