In Dec 2018, I spent over 750$ on purchases. At first I didn’t realize I was spending so much. However, itty bitty can become biggy piggy. Fast. I made a purchase I didn’t understand, where I purchased a big block of coins, but could only receive them, a little bit each day. It took 60 days to use the coins up. Whew! I’ll not make that mistake again. The second is purchasing tickets. Ya, dumb right? But I thought it would be fun. And I thought there was a payoff ahead built in. No. I continued buying tickets until I won the gold bonus. Whew! I’ll never do that again. So enjoy the games - they do fill the emptiness of those stress-relieving times we need, but spend wisely. Understand your purchases before you click, okay. And, one last stupid thing. I love giving to others. At least six, maybe even up to eight times, I made the $178,000,000 coin purchase so members could receive free coins. I felt great doing this, HOWEVER, I was the only member in my club. DUMB, DUMB, DUMB. Whew! I won’t be doing that again. In Jan 2019, I spent under 80$. Lessons learned!