Love the stock back part of Stash. Love getting paid early and not having to wait till “payday “ to get paid. The ability to purchase stocks is another plus.
Hate their new thing, where when I go to buy gasoline, even though I make a pin purchase from INSIDE the store and not at the pump, they authorize, in addition to my purchase price, an amount equal to my actual purchase. Say I bought, $20 in gas, a couple sodas, and a candy bar. Total price $30, I pay inside for all of the purchase, then go pump my gas at the pump. this app, charges my $30 for the purchase and another $30, which sits as pending for 8-10 days. Only work around I can find is to add money to a fuel card and use it for gas, or don’t need the extra $30 till they drop the pending. I should say, IF they drop the pending, for some reason, never explained, the last time they put something pending, they claim it’s the gas station doing it, yet it is only when I used this app to pay, they took the pending off my transactions, but the money never made it back to my account and seems to have vanished into then air. If not for the hassles of changing to a different bank, changing direct deposits, etc, I would gladly not use this app. Losing the stocks, etc would also be a disappointment and they have taken enough money already. Use the work around, make sure gasoline doesn’t show up in your purchase and you will be alright.