The latest app update has dramatically reduced responsiveness and the ability to control the u-shaped window units. MideaAir now takes ~10 seconds to load the state of the ACs, and often fails at controlling them once it does. They clearly don’t have developers in house who are capable of shipping working apps, or a QA team testing any of this, and from support requests, it’s obvious they don’t care about the connected functionality of their devices AT ALL. The screenshots in MideaAir Store don’t actually match what MideaAir looks like when you open it, which in my opinion should have meant it was rejected by Apple. Midea needs to give up on their own software, publish an open API for third party developers, and start supporting HomeKit / Google Home / Alexa. It’s truly MideaAir that is holding back otherwise great hardware, and Midea’s stubborn insistence that they don’t need to integrate with real smart home ecosystems.