How to get Discovery+ free trial

How to get discovery+ | Stream TV Shows for Free (No risks)

Published by Discovery Communications
Last updated: 2023-12-04

Introduction to Discovery+ - The most affordable streaming service

 If you're interested in watching your favorite documentaries/non fiction shows, Discovery Plus might be the app you need to navigate that. Discovery Plus is a streaming platform just like Hulu, HBO Max which is home for programs from various channels. Some of those channels Include Travel Channel, HGTV, Discovery Channel and Food network.

 There are many collections of New Discovery Plus original content and they also have channels you can stream for popular shows. Discovery Plus was officially launched at the beginning of 2021 and it provides users with premium content from various shows they have loved and could love in the future.

Discovery Plus is quite intuitive as they understand their market. Therefore it is easy to see and view channels on this app and all that they offer which ranges from dramas, shows, cooking, education etc. Whatever it is that you're looking for, I have little doubts that you won't find what it is you're looking for in the app. Furthermore, their catalog includes old and new titles like Animal Planet, The Crocodile Hunter and Mythbusters. Plus there are new titles now like Luda Can't Cook and Cocktails and Tall Tales. There are up to 91 Original programs on Discovery Plus so if you're a big fan of Discovery, you can begin from anywhere. Moreso, Discovery Plus has up to 55,000 episodes of their shows from all the titles above and those not mentioned.

 Discovery Plus has a bulky user interface and this can make it a bit shifty to navigate. It can also get confusing trying to find out where the 247 stream channels are at. Besides this, Discovery Plus has a sidebar that helps you with perusing the catalog. Through and through, you will not find any major issues using the app. There's space for improvement but you won't complain so much using it.

 It is important too that you know Discovery Plus is compatible with most gadgets except PlayStation devices. It's a fairly new application so it's expected that in the forthcoming years, they'll be fixing a lot of things up, including the compatibility with devices, introducing new features for better viewing etc


Does Discovery Plus offer a free trial?

Yes. If you wish to use Discovery Plus and don't want to pay yet,  there's the free trial option you can use offered by the application. This free trial lasts 7 days and it will help you to determine if it's a service you want to use for longer than a month or not. You can also decide to use or not use the free trial by canceling it anytime you wish.

Official Screenshots


What are the Subscription plans of Discovery Plus?

 Discovery Plus has one of the cheapest plans in the market of streaming platforms. Once you're done with your free trial, you start by paying $4.99 per month and this is for you if you don't mind the ads. If you mind the ads, you can pay $6.99. These are great prices when pitched against or in comparison to other prices:

  • One Month with ads: $4.99
  • One Month without ads: $6.99
  • Student offer: $2.99

There's something called the Student Offer and I will explain in a bit. Let's say you are a student and you're active and eligible, you can now subscribe to Discovery Plus with very limited ads for just $2.99 a month, for one full year, after using your 7 day free trial. However to qualify, you must prove that first you are between ages 18 to 24 and are currently a student. Once you can confirm this, you're good to go. 


What Plus subscription is right for me?

I'd say you should go with the $4.99 package but only if you don't mind the ads otherwise go for the $6.99 package. You can stream your shows in peace without ads intrusion. However if you are a student, you should take the Student Offer especially if you're reading this and within the required age.


How to get Discovery+ free trial

Follow the following directives to get your Discovery Plus free trial:

  • Visit the Discovery Plus site.
  • Find and tap on the Start Free Trial 
  • Pick any of the plans you'd like to purchase after your free trial and click on Continue. 
  • Enter your email and create a password as directed. 
  • Complete the billing detail and press Agree amd Continue
  •  You are set. 

Get a completely Free Trial with Justuseapp Privacy Cards

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How to cancel my Discovery Plus free trial

Do the following:

  • Visit your account on the Discovery Plus website.
  • From the dropdown menu, pick Account. 
  • Scroll to the "Manage Your Account" screen and click "Cancel" in the plans section. 
  • You have canceled the subscription and so will not be charged. Note that you should do this at least 24 hours before your free trial expires.

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