How to get Netflix free trial

How to get Netflix for Free (No risks)

Published by Netflix, Inc.
Last updated: 2023-12-11

Getting started with Netflix and Chilling for Free

A free trial of any product or service can be a win-win for both your company and your potential Customers. You get a chance to show them what your product or service can do, and they get to try it before they buy without risk. One must endeavour to see to it that whatever he or she is presenting to the globe or people, especially a product with a free trial should be free of risks because that will inspire or motivate the buyers to go ahead that your product is good and reliable.

Netflix is a US based company thats allows internet users to stream media whenever they want to, from specific countries around the world. Netflix is also a subscription based streaming service that allows their members to watch TV shows and movies without commercials on an internet-connected device. You can also download TV shows and movies to your IOS,Android, or Windows 10 device and watch without an internet connection.

What service does Netflix offer:

It offers online streaming from a library of films and television series, including those produced at home or in the house. Netflix content varies by region and may change overtime.

You can watch from a wide variety of award winning Netflix originals, TV shows, movies, documentaries, etc. Amazingly, the more you watch, the better Netflix gets at recommending TV shows and movies they think you will enjoy.

How Netflix works? 

 You will need to sign up first for the first month. However, you are required to pay to continue streaming after the one- month free subscription. If you don't cancel the subscription, you will start being billed at the end of your one- month free trial. You can cancel your Netflix account on your own or get in touch with administrators to help you cancel the free trial.


Is there a Netflix free trial?

Yes, it THERE IS. Netflix offers a whole month (30-days) for testing it's services before committing to a paid membership. You are eligible for a Netflix free trial if you haven't used it already - one month of free service per user.

Official Screenshots


Netflix Subscription Tiers/Plans

There are three different plans you can get and they are

  1. Basic plan 
  2. Standards plan 
  3. Premium plan. 

If you opt for the Basic plan, Netflix will upgrade your plan to Standard for the free trial period and you can change it after it expires. There are prices for each Netflix plan:

Streaming Prices:

  • Basic plan- $8.99
  • Standard plan- $12.99
  • Premium plan - $15.99

DVD Prices:

There is also an additional plan available only in the US- DVD- Only plan. Netflix offers DVD- only in two plans. They are: 

  • Standard plan- $7.99 a month.
  • Premium plan - $11.99 a month.


Which plan is best? 

The most popular plan on Netflix is the all-rounder standard account and it is good, if you want HD and plan to share an account with your roommate or an important other, then the standard plan is good to go. Then if the  whole family wants to watch their own Netflix movie or show on their device, then the premium plan is good for a family set. 


How to get a free trial on Netflix

Take the following steps:

  1. Go to the Netflix website or open their app.
  2. Type in your email address in the tablet in the middle of the screen.
  3. Click on Try 30 Days Free.
  4. Click on the continue button.
  5. Create your Netflix password.
  6. Click on continue.
  7. Insert your payment details.
  8. Click on the start membership button.

Once you have completed these steps, you will have 30 days to use your Netflix subscription for free. NOTE: You can't get more than one free trial, because Netflix recognizes users by email addresses but if you have several email addresses, you can use them for more free trials on Netflix, just go through all the sign- up steps again.

 Also, take note that Netflix emails you a reminder that your free trial is about to end three days before it expires. After completing your sign- up, you will see the exact date before which you need to cancel your Netflix subscription to avoid being charged.

Get a completely Free Trial with Justuseapp Privacy Cards

Companies love the bait and switch game by getting you to sign up for a free trial and charging you for a full subscription when you least expect.

Justuseapp gives you a Netflix free trial credit card to signup for Netflix without risks of getting charged when the trial expires or if you forget to unsubscribe on time.

Why you'll love our card:

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  2. 100% Valid
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  4. Will pass all authorizations (cvc/cvv, address, proof of funds) by Netflix.
  5. Set spending limits, freeze card, etc
  6. Approves only charges authorized by you.

And the best part, if you trust Netflix and want to continue the relationship, you can fund your Card at anytime and pay for the full Subscription.
Justuseapp Privacy Cards can be funded with upto $1,500 every month. We'll also help you monitor upto 500 subscriptions and free trials so you never loose money again.

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How to cancel Netflix free trial before you get charged

  • Open a browser tab, click on the screen bar at the top of the screen and type in: https// It will bring you to the home page.
  • Click the "log in", on that page, enter your email and password in the provided text fields. Once done, click the "sign in" button to continue.
  • Go to Help, is at the upper right corner of the Netflix page, click on the link.
  • On clicking on it, it will direct you to a page named "Account Information''. You will see the "Cancel Membership" link. 
  • Go through the Terms and Conditions, agree to it and then you go ahead to click on " Complete Cancelation". In order to complete the process. 
  • Finally, Netflix will send you an email confirming that your subscription has been canceled and therefore you won't be billed.


Note: If you do not cancel before the free trial end date, you will have to pay but if you canceled earlier, worry not.

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