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Have a Problem with Samboat - Boat rental & Yacht? Report Issue

Common Samboat Problems & Solutions. Troubleshooting Guide

  Contact Support

Some issues cannot be easily resolved through online tutorials or self help. So we made it easy to get in contact with the support team at Nicolas Cargou, developers of Samboat.

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About this app

You will no longer need to print the rental contract, the application will guide you step by step to the electronic signature of your contract.  All you have to do is load your rental app in advance and the rest of the contract will be done without a cellular network.  This contract is automatically sent by this app and you will receive a copy of the contract by email before and at the end of the rental.  We've worked very hard to make this contract work even in the most isolated ports with no network.  No more sheets of paper, here is the much requested paperless contract on the application!  Our app will wait to connect to a network to send the contract.  - Aboard a comfortable catamaran with skipper for maximum relaxation. - A wakeboarding session or water-skiing at sunset.  Safer, faster and eco friendly, it will make your life easier.  Contact us: application@this app.  Do you have any feedback?