Wiktionary Reader

Wiktionary Reader Software

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Wiktionary Reader Overview

Tap the [Random] button to display a page of items at random.

Tap the [Bookmark] button to open the Bookmarks and History page.

Wiktionary Reader is a viewer app of Wiktionary which is a Web-based multilingual free dictionary.

Tap the [Select Language] button to change the target language.

You can perform a full-text search for keywords and the results will be displayed in a list.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

Wiktionary Reader is a viewer app of Wiktionary which is a Web-based multilingual free dictionary. You can perform a full-text search for keywords and the results will be displayed in a list. Tap the [Select Language] button to change the target language. Tap the [Random] button to display a page of items at random. Tap the [Bookmark] button to open the Bookmarks and History page.

Top Reviews

By ericusj

Exactly what I was looking for

I always wondered why there wasn't a Wiktionary client available on the App Store (Especially since the lack of a dictionary app is one of the stranger things about iOS). Finally, someone has made one. Not fancy but it does what it’s supposed do. Keep up the good work, and thank you!

By Gsanta1

I use this constantly

What more can I say? This has replaced all past dictionaries. This has help me not only in writing, not only in reading, but in a deeper understanding of words.

By /u/Xkinetism3

good app

good for translations, IPA transcriptions, example sentences, and other data useful to language learners. good app

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