
MyBible Software

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MyBible Overview

De asemenea, ca utilizator, poți folosi sistemul de notițe prin care ai posibilitatea să strângi diverse idei în dreptul fiecărui verset biblic și, ulterior, poți sorta aceste idei pe categorii, pentru ușurarea înțelegerii Bibliei.

Pentru un studiu aprofundat al Bibliei, îți oferim drept ghid Comentariul Biblic Adventist, care poate fi accesat în dreptul fiecărui verset biblic.

MyBible este o aplicație - platformă prin care dorim să aducem Biblia mai aproape de tineri și astfel studiul biblic să devină atractiv, fiind mai simplu de parcurs.

Pentru că Biblia merită tot ceea ce este mai bun, am pregatit un site ( ), dar și o aplicație pentru telefoane mobile și tablete, prin care tinerii pot fi mai aproape de Biblie, indiferent unde se află aceștia sau ce activitate desfășoară.

În final, îți oferim și un Plan de Studiu Biblic Interactiv, care poate fi accesat și utilizat atât pe site cât și din aplicație.

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Product Details and Description of

this app is an application - a platform through which we want to bring the Bible closer to young people and thus make Bible study attractive, being easier to follow. this app's vision is to promote the reading and study of the Bible among young people by providing them with the useful and quick tools they need. We want to show all young people that the same words, written many years ago, can be just as relevant and relevant today. Now, however, everything is easier to access. Because the Bible deserves all the best, we have prepared a site (www.this, but also an application for mobile phones and tablets, through which young people can be closer to the Bible, no matter where they are or what activity. Read and Listen: The this app site and application give you the opportunity to read more versions of the Bible, both in Romanian and in other languages. Versions can also be read in parallel and studied using the tools provided by this app. We also offer you, free of charge, the Audio Bible produced by Radio Vocea Speranței, recited by the radio producer, Ioan Paicu. Each chapter of the Bible is audio-recorded and can be listened to online at www.this or downloaded from the this app application. Once downloaded, the audio Bible can be accessed offline. Another resource available to you is the Youth Devotional that you receive every day, on your phone or tablet, through this application. this app also gives you access to Bible verses on various topics that will help you in your spiritual development. Finally, we offer an Interactive Bible Study Plan, which can be accessed and used both on the site and in the application. Study: For an in-depth study of the Bible, we provide a guide to the Adventist Bible Commentary, which can be accessed from each Bible verse. As a user, you can use the note system to gather various ideas from each Bible verse and then sort these ideas into categories to help you understand the Bible. Also, for a systematic study of the Bible, we offer you several materials in pdf format, texts that address topics of interest, especially for young people. Unload: Download the free this app for iOS app now and install it on your mobile phone or tablet. You will have the same user account both on the site and in the application. You will also have access to your notes, the Bible Study Plan, and your favorite verses. By downloading the application, you can have full access, even offline, to different versions of the Bible, but also to the Adventist Bible Commentary. In addition, if you download various books from the Audio Bible, you can listen to them offline. Manufacturers: Life and Health Publishing House Partners: Respiro Association Hope TV Radio Vocea Speranței Contact: contact@this iOS Developer Senocico Stelian [email protected]

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