The Dumb Ways to Die series has always been a very fun set of games for me to play for years. However, after reinstalling DumbWaystoDie2 after a while, I noticed several issues. In some games and on the map, some textures would not load. And the first minigame you begin playing, there is no music, but instead music starts at the second minigame. Some minigames would have sounds overlapping on each other, such as the balancing on the plane minigame after winning it. DumbWaystoDie2 itself uses up a lot of battery as well. And at times, there would be a lack of a touch response, or some tapping minigames that for some reason now only work with one finger maximum make it harder to win them. I also believe some of the minigames have become unnecessarily harder than before, from too little time or a lack of touch response. But overall, it’s a fun and enjoyable experience, but I would like these issues to be solved. Thanks!