Chef Town Reviews

Chef Town Reviews

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About: #Celebrating over 10 million downloads!# There’s a new chef in town! And
it’s you! But that will be just one of your many roles! A budding but
faltering restaurant business was left in your care, and it will take all
you’ve got to really get it off the ground and make it work. Become a cook, a
chef, a manager, an organizer, a provider! Yes, it’s up to you to start
from scratch, run your own restaurant and raise it .

About Chef Town

A budding but faltering restaurant business was left in your care, and it will take all you’ve got to really get it off the ground and make it work.

The better you get at running your restaurant, and the bigger your business becomes, the more people you’ll have to employ.

Notice: Some displayed items may require in-app purchases.

You can disable in-app purchases in device settings.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 8,276 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Chef Town

- Really fun game with cute graphics and fun recipes you can create

- Plenty of free options for styling your restaurant

- Limited time deals for extra diamonds

- No ads, only watch them to earn extra diamonds/ingredients

- Encourages using the community through quests

20 Chef Town Reviews

4.7 out of 5


Updated review-

Good game to play when you got nothing else to do, keeps you occupied for a bit. I recently had an issue with this game that took forever to resolve.... There was an offer within the Chef Town game for Fashion City 2, another game made by the Chef Town creators and the offer was to download Fashion City 2, reach level 15 and get 10 gems for Chef Town as a reward. I accomplished this task but didn’t get the 10 gem reward. I finally got the 10 gems after some convincing. I was told that screenshots were required to show the quest, which I’m still confused about because all the offer said to do was reach level 15 in Fashion City 2 and gems would be rewarded. There were no mention of screenshots that were required! I took a screenshot of my level 15 progress in Fashion City 2 among several other screenshots that were requested of me and that still wasn’t good enough. As I said I did finally get the 10 gems but just as “an exception”. My suggestion to the creators- if you’re going to advertise an offer to download another one of your games and reward the player for progress in that game, make sure to mention screenshots are needed for proof! Frankly, the time it took to reach level 15 in Fashion City 2 wasn’t anywhere near worth the 10 gems.


Bring back the shortcut buttons

I love this game! I can skip playing for days or weeks even and come back with no detrimental changes to my cafe. There’s not much to do other than decorate and cook. The events are a great way to win coveted ingredients and other prizes. I enjoy playing those. Some of the cook times are too long but it’s not a huge deal. I really don’t like the plot purchasing thing, they cost more every time you buy. I’m always running out of food bc I can’t plant enough bc I only have 15 plots. But the absolute worst part is the storage stash. It takes FOREVER to get enough tools to upgrade. It’s designed to make you pay with gems. Sometimes, I do break down and use my gems, but I’m grumbling about it the whole time. Overall, a solid, fun game. A few tweaks would make it perfect.

On one of the most recent updates, the take out orders and client cart got a quick button at the bottom right, beside the blue note button. I loved that I could hit the button instead of roaming all over the screen to get to the takeout board. To my annoyance, both are now gone. Where’d they go?! Please bring them back!


One of my favorite games, but I have a question.

I play this game daily. It is by far one of the few games I have on my phone that I play on the regular. But something has me stumped. I recently leveled up and unlocked the mini market. There were two pictures of what I needed and how much. I got all of those and went to deliver, but it said I didn't have all of the ingredients. I noticed something kind of in the middle of the two pictures that was simply (0/1) but it didn't have a picture with it. Am I missing something here? I have absolutely no idea what the missing item is. If I could get a reply so I could progress further, that would be great. Thank you so much. :)


Pretty fun

I'm just starting out, it's pretty fun so far. I just hit level 14, the leveling is at a decent speed. I still haven't been able to upgrade my pantry which is annoying, I think the upgrade tools need to drop a bit more frequently. Maybe like other games certain tools have a higher drop chance because I have three hammers and no planks, but I have no way to buy from other players so that's rather pointless... Also I've now unlocked the berry blend, and 16 hours?! To make a smoothie?! The first two smoothies take 2 minutes and 5 minutes respectively, and it leaps to 16 hours... I'm baffled. This game hasn't been updated in a year and the developers have another game they haven't updated in two years, so they have the tendency to abandon their games, which is obviously not good.


Updated review

This game used to be fun. Great way to waste time and mentally decompress. I’m on level 101 can’t get anymore appliances because they are 225 gems (why) and it seems when I exceed an undetermined number of gems they disappear. I’m back down to 27 let’s see how long that lasts. It will take over a million xp points to get to level 102 but as with the rest of the levels no reward. The rewards stop somewhere between 40 and 80 I can’t recall. It’s no longer fun. Why would I have to pay real money for fake gems to move forward in a game... never going to happen! You can receive a chef on some days as part of they daily reward for playing but they only walk around they are of no benefit.. why give me what I can’t use? I’ve given this game several chances I most certainly hope changes come soon. There’s more but I have to get ready for work.


Lovely & Fun!💕

Very addicting, steady play with fun recipes, variety decor to custom build you restaurant, and the best part is you can farm to table on this game! Grow your crops, plants, and stands for all your supplies! My only complaints are the nice decor costs a ridiculous amount of gems, which so far points to buying them as the only option to ever have enough to BUY the decor, and recipe stars are incredibly easy to achieve so there are long periods of waiting between levels to get new recipes so you're stuck remaking the same recipe you've already mastered for a while before you get something new. Two minor changes I would integrate are free ways to earn gems modestly for dedicated players like me who have played this game years ago on FB, and release more new recipes per level to prevent a stalemate between levels.


Wont Fix Easy Issues

I love this game and play it on 5 devices. Unfortunately, when I installed it on my new iPad it loaded as the same Nanobit ID as my phone. Then my husband’s Nanobit ID was duplicated when we added the game to my son’s device. I wrote support, but they said it wasn’t an issue yet it is when you renew the Glistening Kitchen that creates gems daily. And when I wrote to support stating this they didn’t respond! There are also multiple versions of this game as some players have daily tasks while others do not. 2 of my devices have daily tasks and 3 do not. I would think it would be appreciated that someone brought these issues to a developers attention. I love the new addition of the catering dash and look forward to the addition of the chat function if I keep playing.




In a nutshell:
* fun game
* addictive
* too many bugs that need to be fixed
* take too long to cook certain foods
* not many rewards given to loyal players

Advice for game makers:
The more someone plays the more you should reward loyal player, many people do not have options to pay. When you watch videos for rewards player doesn’t receive the rewards offered which is a waste of the players time. The more time you take to satisfy the players the more they will play. Please fix bugs in this game soon, And please do not tell me to contact your support team because obviously other people who have reviewed Have been told to do that even after they have mentioned that they already did over and over again and got nowhere. I will not reach out to your support team. This is a review if you really care about your players then you should be able to fix what is being said in this review without me having to contact your support team. Pay attention to your reviews so that you can gain more players.


Please let me listen to my music.

This game is fine, a decent way to waste time on my commute. However, i REALLY hate how this game completely takes over your sound output. I can be listening to podcasts or music, and immediately upon launching the game, that output stops and the game takes over. I used to be able to override that by hitting play on my headphones again, now all that happens is i get the music from the in-game ads, not what i was listening to before. This basically limits my playtime, i need something else to listen to that isn’t the music from the ads (or even the game).

I have the same complaints as others as well, esp around the limited opportunities to upgrade. Yes, you need to make money. But it wouldn’t kill you to throw out some gems here and there to rope us in and encourage us to buy more.


Great game 👍

Really fun game with cute graphics and fun recipes you can create. I like that there are plenty of free options for styling your restaurant but also they give you limited time deals for extra diamonds so if you chose to pay the price is very fair and reasonable. You could pay $2-$10 and have all the extras and upgrades you want. Never bothers you with ads, only watch them to earn extra diamonds/ingredients. They encourage using the community through quests, which ended up being fun because you get to see how other people’s restaurants look. Best game of this type I’ve played, 10/10.


Poorly designed, messy views, and traps you to use gems

If I could give negative stars to this game, I’ll do it. The game is very horribly designed. The view is very messy and the different architectures always block the vision of the one next to them. In general, they will not give you enough space to put all the ingredients, and the timing of certain productions of groceries is horrible. It’s just a way of luring you to use gems. Besides, the point and touch is very inaccurate, you could be wanting to click something but in the game you “clicked” something else (and usually you “accidentally” use a lot of your gems that you saved from doing those super difficult tasks)! The more you play it, the more you realize they are just trying to make you buy gems (which is fine for games like this, until it’s too obvious and make you feel cheated)! I would not recommend you invest time in this game!!!



I love this game soooo much and have been playing it for almost a year I love the idea of rearranging your own restaurant now I do have a few complaints whenever I try to grab something like meat from one side of my grass area then somthing like onions will collect from my garden then my panty is super full of things I don't need and THE TIMES ARE WAY TO LONG honesty I don't want to wait an entire DAY for carrot cake but other rant that I love this game it lets you be social with other people and their restaurants and it gives you challenges that are really fun and you can get rewarded for them and every day you get rewards just for logging in and take out orders are what I live for love this game but just fix the times


After the May 2018 Update

I am so enjoying the new recipes and decor items that have been added to the game! There are new coin opportunities notes above people's heads that are really visible.

My "Hostile Takeover" was handled by just starting a "new restaurant chain" but didn't have to literally start the game over again. We have since had another restaurant owner join with us as an Associate and she is a great team member. We usually always get our gems, coins and prizes after a Catering Dash! Over all we really enjoy this game and most of the time Support gets back to me within 48 hrs of an issue. Sometimes they have an answer, sometimes they need a little more time to fix a problem.


Could be 5 but

This is a fun app that I could spend too much time on so I should be grateful that there's no real way to earn gems and 90% of upgrades and items need gems They're smart by initially hooking you in allowing you to buy things with coins for the first few levels and by then you're hooked in because it's more personal I don't know going forward how much more time I'll spend on it unless they change how and how often you can earn gems or allow coin buying at least half the time Be ready to spend money



I played this game faithfully every day for a year! Stuff comes up “missing” never to be found again. The last update was a YEAR AGO. No benefit to level up because you don’t get any rewards or access to different ovens nothing. They want gems for most of the ovens why they won’t let some be for coins to. I use to love this came but there is really nothing that keeps you coming back once you get to the higher levels, why not reward your players that spend hours playing. Why not just load all the stoves and reward is news open as you level up! Very disappointing. I lost a stove that I paid gems for and was told to look in my storage not there and they had taken it down which I don’t understand. Hopefully they will eventually begin updating ChefTown


Surprising fun

I'm surprised how much I like this game. Been playing over two months now and I'm still interested. I agree with other comments that I wish you could purchase multiple appliances and craft machines to help with production. Also agree that you should be able to find ingredients for a recipe so while a machine is in use, you can prep the next recipe to be ready to go. Finally I hate that it stops my background music whenever I switch to ChefTown. I often play on a train and I don't want my music to stop while I'm playing this game. Could be my settings so I'll check. But overall, very nice and passes the time.



Dear , Owner

I am trying to play this game as usual , it's a great game until one day I was just playing and then I just had bought some gems on sale and I also re did my restaurant and it has more food varieties and more sitting space , loads . But there is one problem the customers won't eat anything , I don't understand they just walk in stand there then walk out . I've been checking each day for a week now . Can anyone please help me , I have spent money on this game . I do not want to abandon ChefTown , it's a great one .


New Addiction

I started to play this game maybe 2 days ago out of boredom. I was skeptical at first especially because everything takes time (I wish most games weren't like that) however, it's not too bothersome for me because I find myself able to sit on this game easily for an hour or half hour at a time. There is always something I can be doing.

My biggest upset with this game is that decorating can be limited as almost more than half the decorations cost rubies which are the in app purchases (surprise surprise). I love decorating in games it's always my favorite so it's a bit of a let down.



Absolutely love this game and have literally been playing for like 5 years!!! The only thing lately is that I had sent a request to find out when something new would be coming and was told by customer service that they aren’t updating this game because they are working on newer games and this one pretty much doesn’t matter anymore.. just a heads up to all the new players!!!


🥰 love 🥰 this 🥰 game

When a game stops you from playing your other games then you know it’s your favorite. I love the fact that the items aren’t high priced like the other games. It would be nice if we could communicate with the other players. But overall ITS A KEEPER 🥰❣️🥰❣️🥰
&& if you like decorating then this would be the game for you IM ADDICTED ... come play with me TEEBABY208
🤬🤬🤬mad I can’t retrieve my game.

Is Chef Town Safe?

Yes. Chef Town is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 8,276 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Chef Town Is 39.6/100.

Is Chef Town Legit?

Yes. Chef Town is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 8,276 Chef Town User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Chef Town Is 58.6/100..

Is Chef Town not working?

Chef Town works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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