AWP Writer's Chronicle

AWP Writer's Chronicle Software

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AWP Writer s Chronicle Overview

Here are just a few examples of topics that we have covered: Cormac McCarthy’s deft use of setting, Eudora Welty’s use of colloquial speech, the role of minor characters in creative nonfiction, what police reports can teach a writer about the voice of storytelling, strategies for the closure of poems, the ethics of appropriating ethnic voices, navigating family sensitivities in memoir writing, and masters and innovators of formalist poetry.

The Chronicle has published interviews with accomplished writers such as Rita Dove, Andre Dubus III, Lucille Clifton, Mark Doty, Colum McCann, Lee Gutkind, Don Lee, Sherman Alexie, Patricia Hampl, Cynthia Ozick, Ted Kooser, Aleksandar Hemon, and Cornelius Eady among many others.

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Product Details and Description of

The Writer's Chronicle provides community, information, news, and ideas for writers. The Writer's Chronicle is published by the Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP), a nonprofit arts organization. Each issue of the Chronicle also features news on the national literary scene, including listings of opportunities for grants, awards, and publication.

Top Reviews

By Sahlore

Authentication fails members

Unfortunately I had the same experience as a previous reviewer. I had hoped the problem had been fixed by now but no. It is particularly annoying because there is no way to get past that notification and request help. Later—when I went back and tapped on the app to try to delete it in disgust, low and behold it popped open and I had full access! There seems to be a glitch that required me to close it after downloading and logging in before I could reopen and access the issue. ??? Anyway, it seems to work now so I have upped my rating.

By MiriamLeah54


I am an AWP member. I receive the print copy in the mail, but I would prefer to read here electronically. But the application does not allow my to logon using the same credentials I use to log on to the AWP website. When will someone from AWP get their act together and realize that this application represents all of us. We can and should do better.

By some wino on the street

Spoke too soon

Oh. So I can’t log in with my paid for AWP info. I also get the magazine already and would love to use the app, especially to see some back issues, but I guess not. Lame.

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