SPECIAL OFFERS & PROMOTIONS - Receive special updates from Arkansas, including exclusive offers from corporate partners, ticket deals, and much more.
LIVE GAME AUDIO & PODCASTS - Listen to free live game audio as well as exclusive podcasts and other great content.
GAMEDAY MODE - Toggle the app to “Gameday Mode” when you’re at the game to get exclusive information and in-game experiences.
NOTIFICATIONS - Receive personalized alert notifications for game reminders, score updates, breaking news, and much more.
Calling all Razorbacks fans – The official Arkansas Razorbacks mobile application has a new look and feel for 2021! Powered by WMT Digital.
SCHEDULES & SCORES - Stay up to date with your favorite sports with live scores and stats.
Additionally, this app uses notifications to keep you informed of events and offers.
This app requests the use of location services to provide attendees with additional in-game benefits.
MOBILE TICKETING - Buy, transfer, and manage your tickets easily within the app.
You can manage your settings and opt-out of these features at any time.