My Fertility Companion Reviews

My Fertility Companion Reviews

Published by on 2016-02-06

🏷️ About: ***My Fertility*** An app created for women: menstrual cycle and fertility while trying to get pregnant! Have you been trying to conceive a baby for months, but are not able to get pregnant? Have you started asking yourself questions such as: am I sterile? Will I ever have the joy of being pregnant? What are the causes of this difficulty to conceive? What should I do? It is very important that you remain calm; as recent .


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Only 25% of women get pregnant at the first attempt, 60% succeed after three months of unprotected sexual intercourse, and most women will remain pregnant within one year from the first try.

Often it is difficult to get pregnant just because people do not copulate as often as they should, and they usually concentrate love making during those two or three days during which they believe to be fertile.

It is very important that you remain calm; as recent studies have shown that stress can adversely affect fertility.

With My Fertility you can examine the quality of cervical mucus or simply calculate your most fertile days using the calendar.

Firstly, it is important that you get to know your body and your menstrual cycle; this is the only way to learn in which days you are most fertile, which are those in which you are ovulating.

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