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About: The mobile-interaction CRM for any business with field reps.

Headquarters: Houston, Texas, United States.


Outfield CRM Customer Service 💢

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3 Most reported problems 😔💔

4.4 out of 5



by Qa1248

Functionality I’m (still) looking for. Did anyone else get a 30 day trial notification? Me either... Until I received a call from an inside rep asking me about my needs. Clear as day, the moment I was obviously not the primary target market for this company, I was suddenly verbally informed that my 30 day trial would expire in 29 days. 30 day trial? What trial? I politely and immediately called the rep out, acknowledging this wasn’t likely his policy, and received no denial whatsoever. I wouldn’t care if this app had been listed as such, making this clear up front. “Spend your time entering your data THEN we’ll let you know it’s a trial or we’ll be billing you.” It’s not THAT you do, it’s HOW. Deceit isn’t for me. 5 Star reviews look questionable in terms of authenticity now that I’m re-reading. Sound like a trifold flyer imo. BS

Gone down hill


by KScott86

This app use to be pretty good. Since thy can’t use Google location services it has been a steady down hill.
It rarely will populates existing places for near by locations. So I always have to click out of places and back in for it to work and then even then it’s hit or miss.
The calendar app forces you to add a place or contact to creat a calendar entry.
It’s just not a good experience any more.



by Kalyateem

Doesn’t always record points properly, and that’s a big deal. I just did two substantial check ins and reports and my ranking and points remained exactly the same and typically I would’ve gained between 4-6 for each. After a long day of work, that’s not cool. I tried logging out and back in and everything.

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  1. Pulling issues faced by users like you is a good way to draw attention of Outfield CRM to your problem using the strength of crowds. We have over 1,000,000 users and companies will listen to us.
  2. We have developed a system that will try to get in touch with a company once an issue is reported and with lots of issues reported, companies will definitely listen.
  3. Importantly, customers can learn from other customers in case the issue is a common problem that has been solved before.
  4. If you are a Outfield CRM customer and are running into a problem, Justuseapp might not be the fastest and most effective way for you to solve the problem but at least you can warn others off using Outfield CRM.
