Why are you taking out songs? I really dont understand. And its not just with the recently added new songs, you get out which was in the list for years. Which song is in once, it should be stay in, no get out, its a slap for the users. In addition, you could make a VIP extra or idk what for users who want to play more songs which is available basically. I mean you can put in more songs for these VIP extra users, because there are many songs in your season games (Just Dance 2014, Just Dance 2015 etc) which are not in the song list in this app. I would pay the extra charges for more songs. Also it will be good, if i can choose the players who play the song with me. For example you can choose the high level users or low level users in the chosen dance. It can be raise the competition, and you can play users who suits your demand or they are on the same level that you. And one error: before play a song, i see the players and their levels, who are playing the selected song, but after the dance starts there will be new players in it. Please fix it, i want to play users who are in before the dance starts. Apart from these, really good app, very like it, just please, develop these issues.