I played this game a couple days in a row when I first got it. I left it alone for a while, then came back to play it again. Every time, it would disconnect either before I even got into the game, or just before dancing. I tried everything! At first I thought it was a problem with my Xbox, however after updating and realizing everything was fine, I knew it was a problem with JustDance201622Controller .
I looked it up, but nothing came up except notes from Ubisoft telling me to check if my wifi was connected, etc. Looking through the reviews on JustDance201622Controller, I saw many others were having this problem. However, there wasn’t anything I could seem to do to fix it.
Overall, JustDance201622Controller was great for a few days, but quickly proved itself full of bugs. There is enough bad reviews that you think the company would do something about it, but JustDance201622Controller is just as problematic as ever. I even tried using different phones to see if that would work better, but no dice.
Unfortunately there are no other options to play with, besides an expensive kinect sensor. After spending money on the game itself, and having been playing this game since I was a little kid on the Wii, I had expectations. While there’s nothing wrong with the game, JustDance201622Controller is just super crappy.