DISCOVER family-friendly activities and events for children of all ages, including infants and toddlers, while browsing thousands of things to do for kids in your local neighborhood or at your travel destination.
Access to all permanent and seasonal activities for kids is provided for free if users contribute content, invite friends and family to join, or help spread the word about Yuggler.
Search for kids activities by specific criteria, such as age, gender, duration, season, weather, cost, location, range, time, type, category and more - Yuggler offers the most data points (over 100) for every kid activity.
SHARE new ideas, tips, and photos for things to do for kids with friends, family and other parents to simplify their own searches for kids activities.
Get notified about new kids activities based on your personal preferences for location, type, and age-group to stay informed about what’s happening in your local neighborhood.
For providers of kids activities: INFORM parents about your own family-friendly business and the kids activities you offer for free and make yourself known! We are all about equal opportunity, and even the smallest provider has a chance to be found in Yuggler.
Yuggler, the most popular App on the App Store for families, a Parents’ Choice Approved Award winner and Webby Awards Honoree for discovering fresh ideas for kids activities.
Get INSPIRED by our weekly or monthly campaigns featuring the best, most trending kids activities for the time of the year, via our website’s Calendar blog or our “How About?”/ “Hello Month” campaigns.
Discover kids activities in seconds - anytime, anywhere - with the largest, mobile resource of things to do for children.
SAVE MONEY by finding the best deals for your favorite kids activities or things to do near you based on manually curated deals.
SEARCH for the most fun places and most relevant kids activities to fit your requirements via the App’s most comprehensive and highly refined search capability for family activities.
Every cent earned from these paid subscriptions will fund our content curators and local fun experts, to continue providing users with the activities they are looking for based on the preferences set in their profiles.
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If your time is limited, then you can opt for an annual, auto-renewable subscription fee of your choice (pay what you want by choosing between 4 different fees) to also gain access to all permanent activities.