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3 Most reported problems 😔💔

4.6 out of 5

Not US version


by Pissedoffmom1234

I can not use this any longer. I sat with my son and noticed the math seeds lesson 104 was teaching measurement. It was in meters. We live in the US and we use inches and feet. The reading had words that we do not use here in us or use a completely different word for an object. Such as they showed a picture of a baby bed. Here in US we call it a crib. They wanted him to choose the word cot. I struggled at first thinking what are they teaching. I started with chat. She had no clue what to do she said it would be fixed by today. I checked it’s NOT fixed. I then sent a chat question. It was ignored. 7 hours latter I sent a question asking why I was being ignored. Finally someone asked what was wrong. I explained my situation. I downloaded it from the App Store on my iPad. I have always lived in the US. He was clueless as well. Said he would send a mail to the editor. I called support got an answering machine left message and no one has called back. I’m no longer going to pay the 9.99 till it is fixed.

Avoid if your child has sensory issues


by MasterCaleb

This app was recommended in a parent’s group for autistic children and children with ADHD and sensory issues. I cannot recommend it and have no idea why anyone would even think it was ok for children with sensory issues. In Mathseeds, they have some really jarring obnoxious sound effects that stress my son out. One in particular is a horn blast if you answer a question incorrectly. We do turn off the volume but there are parts where you have to listen to the narrator to know what to do. So it’s a game of turn up the volume, turn down the volume, turn up the volume, forget to turn it down, have kid’s ears blasted by obnoxious sounds, have to calm kid down. Over the long term, this could lead to a dislike of math.

If your child is neurotypical, your mileage may vary.

Love it but does need some minor corrections


by Confused Teacher And Parent

We love the app but as a mother and a teacher I think on some of the activities like when it comes to selecting rhyming words or spelling a word if a child realizes they accidentally clicked the wrong letter or picture or accidentally put the letter in the wrong spot they should be able to correct it instead of it permanently staying there until you just purposely finish the spelling the word wrong or clicking the another picture for it to restart. Also having the capital Letter “Ii” being shown in two different ways (the one you typically see on a ABC line and the version that looks likes lowercase “Ll”) confuses the child especially when they are matching uppercase and lowercase letters like on the train game and they are thinking they are seeing two “Ll”. You show them the word/letter one way in a game and in a different way in a later game. Also cutting the /uh/ sounds off on the quick sounds and when deciding and blending the words holding the non-quick sounds out longer than .5 sec so they can hear the word. Also adding test for sight words, rhyming, ABCs, sounds like how there are road test for math seeds and the different topics would be really cool or just adding a section for sight words for them to keep practicing would be amazing. Other than those minor issues we love the game.

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