I live in the great Northwest. Having Volcanoes gives me peace of mind. Any time the slightest bit of ash comes from a tulivouri, the word for volcano in the Finnish language, literally fire (tuli) mountain (vouri), Volcanoes sends an alert, indicating the level of the threat anywhere in the world. It has a map and you can press a button to locate it. Some of them even have webcams!
The reason I call them tulivouris is because the other word for (🗻,🌋) insults the God Vulcan. He is the God of Fire, Tulivouris, Deserts, Metalworking, the Forge itself, Blacksmiths themselves, the Hearth, and the Seasons, in the Roman Pantheon. But in the aspect of Fire generally his domain is the destructive aspect of fire (think California wildfire season - it invokes a lot of fear 😱), and in the aspect of Metalworking, it is of the highest quality armor and ancient battle weapons 🗡.
I would suggest they change the name, but that would be very unwise, because no one would know what that means. 😞
It's a great app. 🤗