- Interactive radar map that shows all precipitation types
- Shows radar and weather forecast in all locations around the world
- Detailed 24-hour and 14-day weather forecast with current conditions
- Land and marine weather warnings, alerts, and advisories - affected areas displayed on map
- Choose background map views (standard or hybrid)
- Add multiple search locations anywhere in the world
- Specific weather details such as min & max and "Feels Like" temperature, humidity, wind speed/direction, dew point information, chance of rain, sunrise & sunset times, and moon phases
- Easy to use with zoom and move map for close-up or wider area radar views, long tap on radar map shows weather at that coordinate, tap on weather to open detailed forecast, and tap on each forecast day to show hourly weather
- Both imperial and metric units supported (F/mph or C/kmh)
- Switch easily between multiple locations
- Standard or hybrid map option
- Option to show user location on radar map
- Zoom and pan on map
- Option to adjust radar opacity
- Privacy Policy: https://www.vorinn.com/privacy-policy/
- Terms of Use: https://www.vorinn.com/terms/