- Severe weather alerts: set weather alerts for your exact position
- Local conditions: get current weather conditions from local weather stations and hourly/daily summary forecasts up to 10 days in the future
- Most detailed weather data: temperature, “Feels Like,” wind speed, wind directions, today’s rain accumulation, humidity, dew point, visibility, and pressure
- Other geographical data: air quality index, UV index, local flu outbreaks, sunrise & sunset and moonrise & moonset
- Customized experience: set your app with light & dark modes, various map types and units
- Interactive radar maps & severe weather: select from different weather overlays, personal weather stations, nexrad radar, satellite, heat maps, and rain accumulation
- Sophisticated weather visualizations with hi-res satellite & cloud cover imagery from GOES-16, powered by data from NOAA
- Accurate hyper-local forecasts: over 250,000 personal weather stations report the most accurate local weather conditions
- Subscribe to Premium: remove all ads from your weather app by purchasing an annual subscription, access Smart Forecasts, and view Extended Hourly Forecasts up to 15 days in the future.