I must say the assurances I receive from Duck Duck have been proven to be correct.
I know this as a matter of fact because Duck Duck advises me who attempted to view my web requests.
Every web site I look for is above board. I am proud of what I look for but just knowing that Duck Duck is protecting Me, unlike Google, who happens to want to know everything I once looked for on there search engine.
I only wish that Duck Duck allowed me to speak my request rather than having to type it.
I have concluded that Duck Duck hasn’t any
Control of who runs the Microphones on these smartphones, tablets, and your laptop or desktop.
Therefore, They cannot protect My privacy.
Every one is entitled to their views and opinions and no one needs to know what you are looking for.
I, wholeheartedly, with confidence ask everyone to try Duck Duck.
They will inform you who wants to know what you’re entitled to keep private.
I respect their respect to their users.
Thanks for reading my review but Duck Duck cannot help you until You use it.
It will answer your request as any other search engine. That is to say Google,Safari, AOL, Bing, and others I cannot name at this moment.
Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to one and All.
God Bless My World and All readers.
Try Duck Duck. Nothing will change, what You seek will be readily available to You.
An extremely happy person while seeking answers to my many requests.