NovelShort Reviews

NovelShort Reviews

Published by on 2024-07-15

About: NovelShort—A Short Story Community! You can find the Best Werewolf and Romance
Novels with Fast Updates! Come here and Make New Friends! Popular Genres
Billionaire, Werewolf, Mystery, Fantasy, Western, Mafia..

About NovelShort

A wide range of short stories covering various genres.

Brand new interface design for an immersive reading experience.

- Enjoy a 50% revenue share through various copyright cooperation models.

Start your journey and tell your story on NovelShort.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 1 combined software reviews.

94 NovelShort Reviews

2.0 out of 5


Not worth it

App pricing is ridiculous. And you have to pay to read there is no way to earn coins to purchase chapters or anything.


Nice story

Amazing. The stories are well-written and engaging. It's perfect for reading during my commute or when I have a few minutes to spare. A must-have for anyone who enjoys good literature.



I am pleased to recommend this software, which allows users to read any book they wish. I will also be recommending it to my friends.



The chapters are short and the price is way to high I’m not getting enough in return for how much I have to spend however most of the stories are well written so yh


Trash Payment Options

I hate being forced into a subscription or paying a large lump sum up front for any application; especially one that doesn’t even compete with the more established reading apps. Hard pass and immediate deletion.


Not worth it if I could give zero stars I would

Horrible don’t buy it’s a money grab


Too much money

Way too much, $14 for 3 days! And so on and the $90 for a month is ridiculous


Stupid, not worth it

Short chapters and pricing WAY too high. 15 dollars for 3 days ?! You got to be kidding.



Literally wth is this???? This has low ratings for a reason, do not download this.


Reseña sobre novelahort

No vale la pena bajar esta aplicación te deja las historias a mitad y tienes que pagar si quieres leerlas completas no la van no vale la pena



I love


Too expensive for only three days

Why is it $15 to read a book for three days? NovelShort is a scam.



It’s ridiculous the amount you have to pay to unlock the content. Don’t bother downloading NovelShort .


Do better

Why would I pay to read a story in NovelShort when others don’t charge me to read other stories maybe you should stop blocking people from reading a story to the end just to get money if you need money that bad make a store not a app that only allows people to read not even half through a story. At least let people read only certain story’s with vip and allow others to read other stories without


Not worth it

You see little clips of books from this app on TikTok really get you interested and want to know what happens but then after you reach like a chapter 5 or six it gives you options to pay from $15-$240. This is a rip off, not worth it. Wish I didn’t see stuff from this app on my TikTok feed just really annoying, not paying to read something that Short can spend $20 on an actual book


Don’t get this app

You never get access to the full story and even if u save they don’t update anything unless you pay for it. It’s just a Scam to make a quick buck off of stories that probably would end in the main character getting back with their ex. Please avoid downloading NovelShort as it’s nothing but lies and deception. I’d rather be on WEBTOON spending less than 20 dollars for a extra episode rather then this.



Posts snippets of stories not labeled as ads but definitely are ads to draw people in. Then tells you to download an app to hear the rest but app charges money for the rest of the story. If they were up front about the ad and charges I’d have never listened to the story in the first place. This is sneaky and underhanded. Now instead of just being uninterested in a app I am praying on its downfall.


Just why?

I downloaded NovelShort out of needing to know the outcome of something only to be met with prices, we shouldn't be given prices when Ao3 and Wattpad exist and they are completely free and let people read as much as they want, these stories are good and it's sad that people like this take advantage of the fact that the stories are good and make it very expensive for a short term. Just no 😒


Obscenely priced for garbage AI generated stories

The stories are all AI generated, following the same basic script. Grammar and gender errors are everywhere, and it’s clear that their marketing leaves the story in a cliff hanger so you feel the need to purchase the expensive subscription to finish the story. None are ever worth it. Avoid NovelShort at all costs. It even stopped working for me after I caved and purchased a 3 day pass.


Over Priced

I hate how high the prices are and there’s no option or way to read something for free or at least not that I’ve found. I downloaded NovelShort to continue reading a story I had found on TikTok but couldn’t read it cause I had to pay for the rest.


Absolutely ridiculous

There is no reason it should cost $15 every three days just to read a book



1 star. As multiple people that downloaded NovelShort , I heard a very interesting and cool story in Tik Tok. But the parts just ended in Part 3 and I didn’t get to finish. So as anyone would I downloaded NovelShort. Just to find out that you have to pay 15 bucks just to get the end of the book. So now I am stuck on a cliffhanger and I would love to know how this book finishes. But nope, not for me I guess. I really hope that they update NovelShort and take off this payment plan to finish a book. NovelShort could really be a hit. Make kids want to read more, make kids interested in books they have never experienced. But no you have to pay. I really hope you guys hear and are reading the people's reviews and trying to fix the situation. 1 star and I am very disappointed and sad.



Like alot of the other reviews I too came from a tik tok video. I have already saw a few videos with different stories advertising NovelShort. The page would show a few details from the books and then tell you to go read the rest on NovelShort , after seeing a few i decided fine I really want to know what happens I'll download NovelShort . WHAT A COMPLETE JOKE. You HAVE to buy a subscription at a ridiculous amount, with no other way but to pay to finish the book. I really hope NovelShort does better because the stories do sound interesting however spending at minimum 15 bucks for 3 days of access to use NovelShort is insane. Really disappointed.


Yall are entitled

One it’s completely obvious that all the stories are just copy paste from ai and that in itself isnt rlly that big of a deal the stories seemed interesting on tiktok and i really wanted to read some even if they were ai but 16$ for 3 days and 265$ for the most expensive one and you dont even have other options to read the rest it’s either pay or dont read it and at this point im just going to write the endings myself because at least then itll make sense this was very clearly a cash grab and thats so annoying either fix your app or make it worth the money because copy and paste ai isn’t worth almost 60$ for a week or month of reading


don’t buy this app. it’s a ripoff.

you have to pay to finish the rest of the story. that’s absolutely ridiculous. and it’s highly expensive just to read some books. there is many other better apps than this. so this is a WARNING. if you don’t wanna pay for books, don’t download NovelShort. at first when people see these stories on tiktok, they think it’s interesting and wanna find out the ending. but it turns out you have to pay to read the rest. NovelShort is a ripoff. if people see these stories on tiktok and think it’s free, at least add a warning these stories cost money before downloading NovelShort. it just wastes storage.


Why do you have to pay?

Today I have stumbled onto a TikTok with a story and when I was listening to the last part it stopped and told me to go on novel short, I was expecting the entire story but when I installed NovelShort and found the story I was forced to pay the rest to see it, now of-course I did not pay but I was left on cliffhanger and I will probably never know what the last part was. If you guys do not do something with the paying options like removing them, then you guys will be stuck on 1.1 star rating. I hope NovelShort gets better in the future.


Pricey vip that only lasted for coupe of days

When I heard these story’s on tiktok I really want to read the rest of it. but when I saw the price just to read the the next pages of the stories and how long it last I was so disappointed. why bother waste that much money just to read will the pages get cover up again when the vip/premium ended. The creators of NovelShort must be so greedy or too stupid to set a good price or make the membership last longer like a month. They better fix this in the future in order for NovelShort to get better ratings.


Terrible app

Not only is ridiculously expensive to become a VIP to get access to all the stories but the amount that you have to pay for a measly three days is ridiculous. $15 for three days. $20 for seven days. What type of scam is this like who is really going to pay $20 for seven days and then you have $50 for 30 days. That is a rip off with that amount of money. I should get it for at least six months or something more than 30 days and with $20. I should be getting it for more than 30 days too like at least three months.


AI generated stories, writing errors, EXPENSIVE

stumbled upon a story time on tiktok, wanted to see how it finished so i downloaded NovelShort, got further along the story and was left at a cliffhanger, the pricing is absolutely egregious, especially for what this content is, AI generated that has horrendous sentence structures. I was reading a story about a mother who was assaulted by her soon to be daughter in law who mistook her as her partners mistress. this quote is after she caught the MIL alone “She held down both my friends.” obviously referring to hands or legs. i feel scammed and i didn’t even pay lol :/


Such a scam

I came from a tik tok video and despite the bad review already, i downloaded it cause i was curious for the story. I tried to find the end of my story and it costs $15 for 3 days, $20 for a week, $50 for a month, $100 for 3 months, and $270 for a year. Literally $50 DOLLARS FOR A MONTH. Not even the popular streaming services like Netflix are that expensive. If you’re trying to get your app off the ground, i advise not charging outrageous prices for short stories💀. Don’t get NovelShort it’s worth an asswipe and Reddit has better stories.


Feels scammy

They’ve been pushing (or authors associated with NovelShort) a bunch of TikToks with parts of the stories. And if you want to continue reading you have to pay at the MINIMUM 15 dollars just for 3 days of reading?!? I decided to just pay it since I really was curious on how some of the stories end but don’t even do it. Many of the stories are extremely predictable and not very well written. It’s on the same level as reading wattpad or fanfiction. For an app that seems new/not very known it’s INSANE to ask for so much money


Why is it so expensive just to read?

$15 dollars just for 3 days to read a couple of short novels? If you want to make more money, give free options that still could give you money like ads for coins to read chapters. Instead of leaving the reader stumped with a cliffhanger and forcing them to basically pay to read. This is a complete turn off and just loses a possible customer. You shouldn’t do this when AO3 and Wattpad are literally free options.


Too expensive

They advertise on Tiktok and then when you see the story and want to read the full story you have to pay at least 15$ to see the rest, you cant watch ads or anything NovelShort is horrible and its all too expensive. I would rather read the stories on reddit than pay 15$ for three days of reading. I will be deleting NovelShort and scrolling on all the videos I see now I am very disappointed.


Why should I have to pay?

So today I was on TikTok reading a story and at the end it was like go on this app to see the rest of it so I downloaded this app expected to see the rest of it but no when I got to where they stopped at it said I had to pay but like why can’t you just add at five every day so people won’t be left on a cliffhanger because I will probably never know what happened because I don’t wanna pay.


Way too expensive.

Their should be an option where you get so many free stories a week or something. Not everyone can afford what you’re asking. MOST people can’t in this economy. You guys give us no options, the only option is to pay. I agree with the first review, y’all can stay stuck on 1 star until you decide to change this. $15 is crazy, this was a whole waste of time.


just a friendly 1 star

NovelShort is so absolutely horrendous that the 1.1 star it has is undeserved. Nobody in their right mind would rate it 5 stars unless they throw around money like people that get plain white shirts at Gucci. To anyone that sees this, please understand that it’s just 3 chapters then a pay wall, it won’t be different for you. It’s horrendous and don’t give them credit by downloading this atrocious product I can’t even call an app.



Theyve been doing TikTok’s with just the first part and making you download NovelShort to read the rest so I was like whatever. You get to read a good chunk and then there’s no free trial you HAVE to pay to read the rest of only ONE story. They could have put ads in it or something to make it free bffr. This is a shame for them because everyone will undownload and just download any other FREE app with or without ads to read. Dummies.


Don’t Download at all costs

I usually use my iPad to read these, and NovelShort description says it works for the iPads. I download it and open a story up, it’s permanently zoomed in. I have default font settings on my iPad so it’s NovelShort itself. Please specify if it works on other devices besides -hones because this wasted my time. Also why are chapters so expensive? Makes me think NovelShort is a laundering scheme or something


Terribly written!!!!

Ive just read 2 short stories and everything from the story structure to sentence structure to tenses are 9th grade writing at best. I paid for 3 days and will update if there’s anything better but so far absolutely awful. If NovelShort wants to pay me… WELL to bust out little stories that are better than these I WILL! I have degrees in literature and writing and stories aplenty- it would be a good way to start small for me. This hurts my head to read how lousy this is so far… I don’t have a lot of hope of it getting any better. Its almost like English is not the author’s first language and NovelShort or whomever has a terrible translator?!?!? I cant comprehend why it such awful writing! I do understand the target audience is perhaps very young or not well educated but that makes it more important for the basics to be correct which they are not.


Readers’ choice for sure!

NovelShort is a wide variety of books that have many potential, the services are in a very good work to help, they do intend to work their best to accommodate to everyones needs, such us they put some of novels into free area for the readers who’d like to try more type of novels before they top up, and as time keeps moving forward I see the work from many amount to a much productive assistance to those who solicitate to NovelShort . Haven't had a horrible experience as a reader, and curios to learn what more they have in store.


I don’t think anyone should get this app

I was reading a book I saw on TikTok and you have to pay to read the rest of the book and you have to pay like 19 dollars to even read it because I could not find the story anywhere else but another part and so I downloaded NovelShort and it only has one star with you and I started reading the book and then I swiped down all the way to where it stopped and I figured out I had to pay for it so I stopped reading it and I was really interested in the book so I do not recommend NovelShort


We have to pay to finish a story??

I was trying to finish a story I saw on my TikTok fyp and I was disappointed because I was trying to get the ending but you have to pay just to finish the story no wonder this has a bad review I hope you will change that because that is just ridiculous at that point why don’t you charge for NovelShort before downloading NovelShort and then we don’t have to pay to finish the book when we can just pay to download NovelShort



I was reading a story titled “my ex husband and my ex bestie wanted me to have an abortion” it was a great story but nobody was posting the ending so i downloaded NovelShort to find the ending turns out i have to pay 12 dollars to be able to find out the ending like fr bro and the 12 dollars only last you 3 days the prices for everything are absurd and should not cost that much no wonder nobody was posting the ending it’s because of the price low your price or make it 1 dollar for 10 minutes or



This has to be the worst thing ever, I got to complete a story I heard on tik tok, just to find out the rest of it costs or you need vip. It’s so funny how they think their stories are this good that you need to pay 14$ for three days and 269$ for a year and 100 just for a month. They stories are terrible the set up is awful and I can just tell that they are trying to scam you. Do not get NovelShort, a 5th grader could write better stories than this IN THEIR SLEEP.

Is NovelShort Safe?

Yes. NovelShort is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 1 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 2.0/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for NovelShort Is 82.3/100.

Is NovelShort Legit?

Yes. NovelShort is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 1 NovelShort User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for NovelShort Is 93.2/100..

Is NovelShort not working?

NovelShort works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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