noplace: make new friends Reviews

noplace: make new friends Reviews

Published by on 2024-07-03

About: .

About noplace

— customize your profile: change your background colors, show off your best friends, share your relationship status, and more.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 572 combined software reviews.

80 noplace Reviews

3.3 out of 5


No place

Over all the idea of it is AMAZING and SO fun, I love it. But it takes SOOO long to load and it keeps popping up as error. It’s like the slowest app I have, and many other are saying it’s slow as well. But again, the concept of noplace is so good and all the people I’ve seen on their seem very chill and cool fs! But PLEASE fix the issues😭😭🙏


Should’ve stayed in beta

signed up for the full release of noplace and Im already experiencing tons of bugs and lag. Its completely unusable with error messages and “session timed out” pop ups. I would definitely wait a month or two before downloading. Thats if the developers decide to do anything about it😐


I mean it’s the thought that counts🌚

has potential just laggy asl



won’t even let me make an acc


so super silly




i waited long for this and i enjoy it


Great concept but I’ll wait

I love the UI so far. Since the launch noplace is crashing every minute I try and save something. So I’ll have to wait until some patches are released


Issues already. Can’t get past the username page

I had issues with this when I first applied for noplace because I couldn’t get past the username page.

Now it’s doing it again after you guys released noplace . It keeps timing out, I’ve deleted it and downloaded it again. I’ve shut down my phone, it’s still doing it. It said “oops try again”


Best app in a while!!

Minor lag because of the volume of people online right now, but seriously! This is one of the best social media apps I’ve downloaded! Super fun interface and it’s extremely easy to navigate! I’m also excited that it’s mostly text based and it’s not based on photos!! I’m loving NoSpace so far!!



probably too soon to be sending this review but noplace is unusable. please fix this. it crashes every 30 seconds and doesn’t save anything. Seems like a nice app though.


Nice but buggy

I know its buggy cause it just released and i hope everything gets fixed. But otherwise its a good app and cant wait to see whats next


aesthetic social app

i think im the first reviewer??? but omg noplace is so cute and aesthetic i love it sm


First Day Opinions

I absolutely love the idea of noplace, and have been waiting months and months! However, it is extremely glitchy and will NOT stop crashing at the moment. Devs should have prepared for the extremely large traffic as it was been advertised heavily.

Once the error messages go away and it stops crashing, I think it has real potential.


Wrong demographic & too glitchy to use

noplace was advertised heavily on tiktok. I was excited for it based the ads.

When it finally released, it did not meet my expectations, nor was it right for me. It took 20 minutes to create the account, due to technical difficulties and crashes. After all that, I quickly realized I am too old to interact with the users.

The ad targeting was off. It should not have been promoted to people in their 30s.

It’s a shame. The design is cute.



noplace is so meowcool i think irs a good app is so fun to add my stuff its so meow i love it so far although meow thinks the errors are kinda annoying but meow well get over them



It’s a good app! Just has some bugs (such as typing will glitch, app may close sometimes etc!) but since noplace had just realized, it’s not the BIGGEST deal


little laggy once it released

lowk its a cute app, praying it stays popular ☆



Super excited what noplace will bring to the social world 🙂‍↔️


Y’all’s app was so mf laggy omg


super laggy but it’s fine!

noplace just released after nearly a year of postponed dates and deadlines and the update was…underwhelming. however, noplace was JUST released, and has a lot of expectations. I’ll change noplace rating later!


this app is actually amazing

okay, to start off, this is 100% a platform made for millennials and gen-z which i adore. i feel like it’s a fantastic app for connecting with people and it does its job REALLY well from my perspective. it hasn’t been up for that long but i’ve noticed that people are connected really quickly and are generally nice to each other. it lets introverts open up digitally and interact with people within their interests, too! however, i rated it a 4/5 because the chatting and friend feature is buggy so far and doesn’t allow you to chat with others privately whatsoever. my irl friend(s) are having issues with finding and messaging me, as well. overall, this is an AMAZING app that is developed really well, especially with user-friendliness in mind! hope this helps!! 🩷


Lag isn’t their fault. 5 star app.

Day 2 of use update:

Before I start I want to say I see copious amounts of reviews stating that it’s “lagging and hardly functional.” noplace released and since it was so highly sought for — the traffic of people creating accounts, liking posts, posting updates, making themes, closing noplace and reopening it (which doesn’t help server-sided lag) caused noplace to have issues. Anyone who left a review the first day is not someone who has the ability to appropriately criticize or critique noplace.

Anyways back to the point, I’m on day two and though noplace had minuscule crashing and logging errors on day 1 — it’s cleaned up nicely. I highly enjoy majority of the features noplace offers, and it has so much room for improvement, development and features. I’m so eager to see the future of noplace. I’ll update this review accordingly throughout such. 👍


It’s got potential but needs a bit more work

So far I really enjoy noplace. It’s cute, entertaining, and a fresh take we need for social media. I like the customizations for the profiles and how you can just post to a whole community without having to be friends, I also like seeing everyone’s unique profiles.

My biggest complaint though is the fact that 18+ is not separated from everyone younger than 18. I’m seeing 13 year olds mixed in with people as old as 30+. When you make your profile they give an option to be in the 18+ community but that honestly doesn’t make much sense when 13 year olds are also allowed to be there. There really needs to be an age filter or at least make it mandatory for kids younger than 18 to be in their own separate space. I already saw a man with an extremely explicit profile just posting amongst teens. The age differences definitely need to be addressed.


I needed this app!

noplace is amazing, I think with time it will get better. Currently it’s the perfect app for just posting your thoughts. I mean yapping, there’s no posting pictures so if that’s your thing this may be a no go (still give it a try) but if you just want to post your random thoughts it’s great. It’s a little addictive too so be warned. I love the customization for your profile and how you can have music and what you’re currently watching, it also has a current mood button too. There’s quite a lot of people and unlike other social media apps it doesn’t seem to be purely people looking for romance or other things. A lot of the people are chill and I haven’t had any creeps messaging me either. Over all 9/10 because everything can improve but I really like it.


My review

There are several things that you can enjoy about noplace. For example, the user interface, nice clean and very simple to use the ability to choose stars as tags or anything like that is a nice touch is different than other social media platforms the ability to know what you’re listening to or, same thing as post are very, very cool and kind.

However, for a safety perspective, you know I understand there are noplace is used for 13 and up users. I feel like there needs to be a way to protect the younger users but either creating a side that’s only views people within their rate, their age of 13 and before adult or allow Where, there is a filter for noplace . I would say that is my biggest concern is the safety of the minors.


18+ chat

I think noplace is so much fun, I like that you can connect with people all over the world just because you like something you posted. You can find all sorts of support groups and people that will choose to be there for you in the way they can. I do however think it would be really reticula to have a chat for everyone and then have a chat that 18+ where you need to verify your age to join it. A lot of us feel like we need to filter our posts or things we say cuz we don’t want to be offensive, but that app is half run by 17 and under. An a lot of people put a fake age as well. If there was a way to avoid things like this I think noplace would be perfect.


Don’t bother

Kind of a useless app. The thing that seemed appealing to me was the ability to connect with people who have similar interesting, but alas, there’s no way to connect with those who have similar “stars” as you. For an app intending to stray from the algorithms and influencer culture of other social medias, I find it confusing why the “everyone” feed is pushed right away and how there also is no option to make your account private. Even as someone who is a pro at wasting hours on random apps on my phone, I am struggling to find any desire to use noplace at all. Overall, I’d say it’s pretty boring and not worth using. I could maybe see the appeal if a ton of your friends use noplace , but at that point, you’re probably better off just texting in a group chat. The concept is fun, and the personalization is nice, but seems like the execution was not all the way thought through.


Early stages & looks promising!

On the day it rolled out, I think the servers got overwhelmed and errors were everywhere BUT things have calmed down a little and it seems to run quite stable. It’s a solid reimagining of MySpace with customizable profiles and ability to post on peoples’ walls. There is also what seems to be a “screaming void”… it’s a real-time “chat” with thousands of people just saying whatever they are thinking… and you get to watch it in real-time. It’s all disconnected thoughts and no tailored algorithms. It’s chaos, really… but it was designed that way! There’s a charm to it! I’m excited to see noplace progress. Congrats to Tz and her team on launching noplace !


cute and fun <3

i like what noplace has to offer so far and i hope that over time there will be more updates and noplace will get bigger and more popular. i love the customization and the cool features such as stars, boosting, status, etc. it's been a pleasant experience for me so far, much fun and i hope to continue using noplace throughout the years as a young adult! i feel my only main issues thus far are you can't reply to people's comments, when chatting there's a rather small word limit, and i do wish we could post and send pictures as well. this last thing is personal, but there's this cute badge on noplace for people who joined on the day noplace launched, it's displayed on their profile, and i joined on the day it launched but i have yet to receive one 😔 the badge is rlly adorable and i rlly hope to get one soon. besides all that, i'm really loving this app! i'm a proud noplacer :) very neat app and i'm glad to have it.


In separation of minors and adults??

Honestly noplace is so fun. But the amount of minors that comment on my things makes me feel uncomfortable. I chose the 18+, not really sure what that exactly meant, and profiles under 18 are flooding my feed and comments. It would be really nice if there could maybe be some sort of age filter added. So that the user could maybe choose the age range of posts they see and profiles they can interact with/ interact with them. Just something to consider if at all possible. Though I’ve decided if it continues at the rate it’s been, I’m going to just uninstall noplace . It makes me feel weird!! And unfortunately I’ve already been seeing weird interactions between minors and adults


Frequent Errors

Firstly, I was excited to set up my profile because noplace looked fun and inviting. However, every few seconds noplace would time me out, show an error on the screen or bug out when I was typing something.

Completely disappointing and I did not even want to finish setting up my account. Another mention is the option to pick your favorite book does not work at all (there are no book options to select).

I understand the concept of noplace but if it does not work, there is no point in having it. I hope the developers solve these issues because the concept is very good and creative. Hopefully these issues will be resolved and I can finish setting up my profile, until then I won’t be using it.


A perfect app, but lags sometimes

I love noplace. When I first got it yesterday I spent probably 2 hours on it before I went to sleep. I think I’ll end up spending more time on this app than I will on TikTok. I just don’t like all of the error messages I’ve been getting today. I’ve only been able to open noplace once and other than that it keeps saying that something is wrong. I’m assuming it’s the large amount of people that are using noplace . As long as the errors get fixed, I’ll probably use noplace as my main social.


Pretty Good

I give noplace 4 stars because it’s pretty decent, considering it hasn’t even been up for 24 hours yet. I like that you have the main chat area to find a bunch of friends! I also like you can customize your profile a lot. I do wish we could edit our reposts and chats, though. That would be really helpful. I also wish we could upload photos, like a gallery that’s set up in our profile. That was we can share what we’ve been up to live. Overall, I like noplace!! hope we can see some good changes soon


Age Separation.

noplace is cool and all, pretty buggy but considering it dropped yesterday, it's fine.
my problem is the fact that i'm 20 years old and 90% of my feed and interactions are 13-17 year olds. there's filter for this. pretty much every profile i click on the 'everyone' wall is a minor, i want to connect with adults.
noplace has been dropped for less than 24hrs and i've already witnessed grooming situations in group chats.
all adult ages and all child ages are crossed and that's not okay. there are people up to their 60s interacting with 13 year old girls. as i'm typing this i'm realizing there are probably predators salivating at the mouth at the thought.
this is a genuine issue and it needs to be addressed immediately. you're practically asking for a lawsuit with this... and yes, apps have been sued for this before.
this is a completely anonymous app advertised as 12+ with zero verification. it's incredibly easy to lie about your age, though most don't even bother.

i really want to like noplace but i can't ignore how dangerous this is.


No place is just one big group chat

No place is nice but it is only day one If you think app would be like TikTok or instagram you’re dead wrong, noplace is basically the gen z version of my space mixed a with a bit of tumblr vibes The main thing of noplace is talking to other people so that’s the fun of it! Looking through everyone’s words and seeing their thoughts and emotions then replying to them and other people reply to you! I personally love it, and you love being part of big group chats then this is noplace for you🎇


Slow, bugs, errors…

noplace is new so I didn’t expect it to work perfectly.. but there are certainly a lot of things that need to be fixed. Every time I try to press something, it loads forever or I get an error saying my “request timed out”. Even just setting up my account was laggy. I can’t open the page to my notifications either.
Overall, definitely some updates and bug fixes needed. Lots of room for improvement but once people really start using it and opening chats and adding people… I’m sure it’ll be faster to actually get around talking to people here.


updated review bc the app is NOT broken anymore

i definitely see myself using noplace frequently fora long time! the general atmosphere in the community is really nice and most people are super kind and welcoming ! i highly recommend if you’re looking for a low-key social app and looking to meet new people. i do wish that there was smaller interest/star-specific communities we could interact with others in, in comparison to just one big updates with EVERYONE in it though.


Great Concept, Still needs improvement

i love noplace so far but it constantly says there’s an error and stops working. i have to close it for about an hour before it works again. its fun, and i understand it just came out, so its probably crashing from all the people joining. but if they keep improving it, it’ll be amazing!!! i also really hope that as we level up we can earn things like different badges or designs for our profile!!! i also think being able to reply to specific people would be super beneficial!!! great app overall, just needs time! :)


Amazing app! But some little details

noplace is already one of my favorite apps of all time! But the only thing that’s bothering me is that when it shows friends in your profile, your recent friends don’t pop up! :( And I honestly wish we could respond to notes left on our walls on our profiles too! and be able to chat with others because for some reason it doesn’t work! :(


So much potential!!

I can see this being the next big thing! From being able to customize your bio page to meeting new people who share your interests. There are some bugs such as message DMs disappearing. Then there are bigger issues such as minors dropping their personal info and grown adults adding them as friends to chat. If there were a way to filter communities to find the right people for us quicker that would be a GAME CHANGER. But more importantly, a more efficient way to filter minors from adults for safety. It’s all over noplace right now :(



Chat you should make the year 2012 apart of noplace , since..since..I’m twelve!!!! But dw I’m actually very chill, and since because the age requirement is like 12+ for noplace in noplace Store, I think you guys should add 2012 apart of it too. I understand if you don’t want to because twelve year olds are immature and shouldn’t be let on devices..but sometimes kids grow up without supervised internet access(me), so just saying, you don’t have to but I think it would be a great choice, I just HATE lying about my age saying I’m thirteen and then people will be like “oh..your- your thirteen?..oh that’s not..”. Also will be really annoyed by people saying that. But if you read this and actually consider doing it then I appreciate it.

I actually enjoy noplace but there should be a log in button too🙁(I accidentally logged out and now I can’t get back into my account wahhhh)


Pretty good just some icks

Over all I think it’s great and gives the 2000s MySpace vibe and I love it so much, it’s just missing being able to send photos and post photos to give it that pop.

It’s also very buggy for the most part and it doesn’t load messages or it won’t send texts, I’ve talk to several people on noplace itself and they all agree that most of not all ways of communicating are bugged or slow.

The posting is fun and the cute profiles are amazing to share with people, I’m giving it a 4 stars over all because its a new app and I know the DEVS can definitely help out and fix things around


Good app! Needs a bit of tweaking

I like noplace so far! It’s fun but there are definitely changes that should be made. I wish there was a more in-depth tutorial or some kind of user guide, or at least clear explanations for things, just because noplace is so new and is not super familiar to people yet. I also really, *really* wish that there was a way to filter minors out of your feed. Interacting with this many young children, and children in general makes me really uncomfortable, so I wish that selecting 18+ actually did something so that it either fully filters out minors, or at least limits them. I feel like every other person on here is a child and I really Don’t Like That.




As a 24 year old who was born when Myspace JUST stopped becoming popular, this feels like a close second to what could have been a revival for that, which is a good thing! You can customize your blog and profile, have a top 10 friends, add music, etc.

There is a huge issue with interaction between minors and grown adults. There is no age verification or age gate to separate the 12 year olds from the 30 year olds, and it’s extremely dangerous. You have children (12 year olds) joking about wanting to be groomed….and adults having access to chatting with these children. It’s extremely disturbing and a big reason why a lot of users have left noplace . It needs to be under control.

Is noplace Safe?

Yes. noplace: make new friends is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 572 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 3.3/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for noplace Is 61.7/100.

Is noplace Legit?

Yes. noplace: make new friends is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 572 noplace: make new friends User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for noplace Is 76.2/100..

Is noplace: make new friends not working?

noplace: make new friends works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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