DailyBible Lite - KJV Version Reviews

DailyBible Lite - KJV Version Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-08

About: DailyBible Lite is the latest addition to the DailyBible family – a
lightweight, free, and user-friendly app designed to bring you closer to the
teachings of the Holy Bible. Immerse yourself in the wisdom of the King James
Version (KJV) anytime, anywhere with this easy-to-use app.

About DailyBible Lite

Download DailyBible Lite now to keep the King James Version Bible with Daily Verse at your fingertips.

DailyBible Lite is the latest addition to the DailyBible family – a lightweight, free, and user-friendly app designed to bring you closer to the teachings of the Holy Bible.

-Share the Wisdom: Share beautiful Verse Pictures with your family and friends, spreading the wisdom of the Bible.

-Access the KJV Bible Anytime: Carry the timeless King James Version Bible with you wherever you go.

-Red Letter Edition Offline: Study the Red Letter edition of the KJV Bible offline, delving into the words of Christ.

-Customization Features: Personalize your Holy Bible with Highlights for a tailored reading experience.

-Daily Devotional Study: Use DailyBible Lite for your daily devotional study, deepening your understanding of scripture.

Let the teachings of the Holy Bible enrich your mind and soul wherever you are.

Immerse yourself in the wisdom of the King James Version (KJV) anytime, anywhere with this easy-to-use app.

-Prayer Reminders: Stay connected with God through daily prayer reminders, fostering a consistent and meaningful prayer life.

-Inspiration On-the-Go: Begin your day with the Verse of the Day to inspire and encourage you on your spiritual journey.


2 DailyBible Lite Reviews

5.0 out of 5



I wanted to give it another chance but stuck won't open and the ad ya can't see


Bad app

DailyBibleLite never went past the initial open, immediately went to an ad and the never opened.

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