I’ve only used Paltopia for a few minutes but I’m enjoying it more than the other 4 similar Pal-world apps I've tried so far. I like the “rabbit hole” so to speak that you can go down. You pick any Pal, see what it drops, see what that drop can be used to craft, see what other Pals drop the same item, rinse and repeat.
So far my only complaint is that I can’t zoom out to look at the entire map on my phone. Idk if its different on a IPad or not, but it is only slightly frustrating. Not enough to keep me from enjoying the other great features, but just enough to make it 4 stars instead of 5
Oh! And there is a small ad banner at the top, and so far I’ve had no pop up ads, which is definitely my preferred method of ads in apps. Pop up ads are incredibly annoying and have led me to deleting apps on numerous occasions.