Purrrr -feed&rescue stray cats Reviews

Purrrr -feed&rescue stray cats Reviews

Published by on 2024-08-31

About: The idea behind Purrrr! originated from a story of feeding stray cats in a
Chinese community. Inspired by a group of young animal lovers, we decided to use
internet technology to involve more people in caring for stray animals,
promoting harmonious coexistence between humans and animals.

About Purrrr

Inspired by a group of young animal lovers, we decided to use internet technology to involve more people in caring for stray animals, promoting harmonious coexistence between humans and animals.

In the Cat House livestream, you can remotely feed stray cats, dogs, hedgehogs, squirrels, and other small animals.

These are genuine voices from Purrrr! users, providing the Purrrr! team with unparalleled motivation in exploring the path of intelligent management of stray animals.

The idea behind Purrrr! originated from a story of feeding stray cats in a Chinese community.

Breaking geographical and background barriers, people connect over topics ranging from TNR to life philosophy, bonded by their shared interest in cats.

With features like 24-hour monitoring, wide-angle recording, automatic alarm systems, and bowl-empty reminders, the Cat House ensures optimal functioning.

Supporting small animal tagging management lays the groundwork for future health monitoring and sterilization management.

Everyone here contributes to community development, creating captivating cat snapshots, participating in cat rescues, and praising those who love cats.

In the livestream, you'll meet many cat lovers with whom you can exchange ideas on feeding, sterilization, rescue, and share experiences.

Purrrr! independently developed the Cat House equipment, considering various factors during design.

Those lovely createures and a group of compassionate volunteers will be expressing gratitude to every angelic feeder on camera.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 312 combined software reviews.

120 Purrrr Reviews

4.4 out of 5


Good but needs improvements

Like it was stated in another review, I also agree there should be ads so that we have an option besides our money directly. I purchased $0.99 usd and that is only enough to feed a cat three tiny portion sizes. $1 per meal is a lot in any country’s standards even taking into account the electricity cost to maintain these shelters. But I could even look past that if we addressed the biggest issue; this is marketed for cats near you, clearly most of it is in English, so why are the cats only in China and Japan? Why is there no function to see cats in my city or at least in my region of the USA. I would not mind supporting cats in other places but I want the ability to choose as well. Also, I have seen some cats walk in with a collar and tag. It makes me think with the way the shelter is set up, it looks like there is an indoor entrance, that this is just a half indoor half outdoor cat that it’s owners are using as a cash grab. Maybe I could say its just a neighborhood cat that walked by, but again the setup has a bed entrance and wooden floor to one side which is very suspicious. I think there is an overall lack of information. Each station should have a better description and we should be able to search more specifically.


Great Concept, But Needs Improvement—Concerns for Animal Lovers

I initially thought Purrrr was fantastic and deserves more praise than some negative reviews suggest. Purrr is a great idea that helps out stray cats, especially in places where they really need it. Seeing the progress and knowing that my contributions directly help these kitties has been rewarding. However, I’ve encountered some significant issues since using Purrrr longer. The response time to problems with feeders and cats’ injuries is very slow, which is concerning when the well-being of the animals is at stake. Additionally, they didn’t remind me that my free trial subscription was expiring and charged me for a one-month subscription without notice. I emailed them about this, but their customer service has been unresponsive. While the developers have done an excellent job TNRing (trap-neuter-return) tens of thousands of cats and finding homes for many others, these issues have disappointed me. The food options are affordable, and the concept is excellent, but the execution needs improvement. I hope the team can address these concerns moving forward.


Please add a nudge button or something

As someone who on Purrrr daily and has spent a couple hundred dollars feeding the cats (judge me idc) I will say there needs to be a better way to get in contact with the rescue/company when it comes to some of the conditions of the cats and the feeders. There are certain feeders that never get checked on and are constantly being infested with flies and ants (the ants bite the poor babies that are attempting to eat) they have a contact us page but email and instagram messages never get a response. The developer should come up with a way to nudge the rescue when a feeder is out or infested to help the strays. Another reason I took away a star is even when the feeder is empty it will still take your coins! Which would also come in handy if there was a nudge button to stop people from wasting their coins. OVERALL it is live and you will see some regulars and some adorable wild life. I say give it a try. Most of the feeders and areas are nice and u can watch the rescue interact with the cats. But there a few here and there that clearly are neglectful


Sharing is caring

I have thoroughly enjoyed Purrrr. It is easy to get carried away and spend a lot of your money. Especially knowing that it goes to a great cause. The only thing I wish and I will not deduct a rating for is that they add a little more food for the 10 coin donations we give just a little more food. Some of the machines give out an adequate amount while others don’t give out enough. If your an animal lover this is an amazing app. You get to see cats to kittens and sometimes birds, hedgehogs, dogs, and weasels, and snails! It’s really awesome. And the live feed is chefs kiss. Wish you could add other people for doing an awesome feed for the animals an just have an amazing group that also loves animals as much as your do. Again I won’t take off a star cause it could happen still an I look forward to it!


Wonderful Idea!

I am so in love with this. This is a cat lovers dream! So far I’ve seen so many precious babies. I’ve seen raccoons and hedgehogs as well! It’s wonderful to see these babies getting to eat and rest in the cat houses. But you have to understand, most of these cats have probably only known the streets and some are in bad shape. The only thing missing is a way to notify if a station is out of food or water. Or maybe even of an emergency situation. I have seen ppl cleaning the cat houses and do believe they are doing the best they can. I look forward to seeing the progress of this as it becomes more popular internationally. I’d love to see this adopted in the states as well.


Report a problem

I can’t seem to find a way to report a problem in Purrrr . I tried to give kibble to a few cats and the food didn’t come out. There is no way to get the coins back for not feeding and no way to talk to customer service or anything?? Other than this kind of important issue I do enjoy Purrrr


Amazing app with amazing community

Don’t let the negative ratings fool you - there was review bombing from people who came from an article relating to a few isolated incidents that had nothing to do with Purrrr or developers themselves. Purrrr and their mission is amazing. I love watching all of the kittens (and other animals!) in China and being able to help. The developers have been able to TNR (neuter and spay) over 87,000 cats in China in the few years they’ve been active, and have adopted out hundreds. The food is cheap and you are directly helping Chinese stray cats! Thank you developers and community for this fun and heartwarming experience.


Where’s the medical help?

I’ve been on Purrrr for a few days. Ive come across severely injured cats. Broken jaw bones, neck and leg injuries, and eye injuries. Some are so over weight like over fed. Then some have super filthy feed stations. NO WATER. Where is the medical help and sanitation? Why are some feed station allowed to be so disgusting dirty. Why are sick and injured cats not being cared for while all the world watches. There is no help button or report button or nothing to help these cats. What type of food are you feeding the strays? Does it have nutritional value and if so, we would like to know what we’re paying. What’s the snacks consist of? I’ve also saw weird looking powered orange stuff in their dry food feeder. The cats don’t like it. But the caretaker adds it and all their cats are super sized obese caged in some animal shelter.


Refill issue

I have enjoyed Purrrr for a few days. It’s great if the host is good about refilling their stations. HOWEVER, I have run into a station where the food has been out including snacks since as far as I can tell a whole day ago. The cats have waited by the station and nothing comes out. I paid money to give them snacks and again nothing came out. There should be a report button or a way to contact a help service. It also looks like a room that the station is in and I am concerned the cats are stuck in there and this is their only way to eat food. I’ve emailed the business email TWICE with no response. Very concerning.


amazing app but things should change !!

I never make reviews but for this one I will. I think that it should be easier to get coins because most ppl won’t be willing to pay for only a small amount of food to be dropped. so that would really help, another thing they should add is a limit of food for that plate like what I mean is, let’s say after like 50 grams or smt like that you can’t add anymore until the plate reaches 20. it would stop pests from coming and save the food so it doesn’t run out <3


Dead kittens

A kitten died in front of the camera. It took over a day for anyone to come and take the body despite dozens of reports. The mother cat and the sibling of the deceased kitten were forced to eat from the food bowl with the dead baby cat in front of it. It was awful to witness, and the other kitten very clearly has an illness as well. Even though someone came to clean up, they seemed to have ignored the report of the other ill kitten. Please PLEASE take better care of these cats if you are going to feed them and film them for entertainment.


Needs lots more work

Great idea, extremely poor execution. The cats streams are all over the place, some look happy and healthy while others appear to be in desperate need of medical attention.

Some streams may look like they are being taken care of great whilst others look like they haven’t been tended to in weeks.

Honestly this whole app comes off as a money grab with minimal actual effort towards making the animals lives better :(

At least let us watch ads or something in order to earn free feeds so we can do something for these animals without directly giving you money.

Cannot possibly recommend anyone use Purrrr, after spending about 30 minutes scrolling through it I cannot imagine our money is being properly used on these animals.

Hopefully there will be improvement as once again, great idea, terrible execution.


Love this !!

I’m totally addicted already. Have to make a budget for this . Seeing a cat waiting and the happy surprised look on their faces is so fun! I also love seeing the other animals. A few things I would add if possible is a way of reporting illness and injury’s . Also a general location to know where the cool visitors are from .


Love the idea!

I came across Purrrr tonight, and i absolutely fell in love with the idea of feeding stray kitties! I love being able to watch the food fall right on camera, knowing that your doing the right thing, and know the at your money is going to good use. 2 things I would do to make Purrrr better: 1. Please have USA kitties. And 2. Have a bigger option for free feedings.



Would love a report button. I imagine for severely injured cats with a snapshot. There was once I would've loved to alert of ants. Great job!💙 Even just like a button for alert cat needs attention with a snapshot, one for feeder needs attention, no need for a msg but click and done.



Love Purrrr and the idea behind it but you really need to add the feature for notifications really soon. There is currently a kitten slowly dying on camera and the fact that we can’t report that sort of issue is devastating.


Good app needs some improvement

i really like Purrrr the only downside is there isn’t any type of reporting system on the machines so there’s no way to notify anyone if the machine is empty so it can be re-filled, which is kinda upsetting because you’ll spend your coins and nothing will come out and some cats will go hungry :( still overall a pretty good app.


Bring love home animal rescue. Org

I’m so happy that they started this project, wish that it can be world wide the
Satisfaction that it gives you to know that there will be one less homeless animal starving and you can be a part of making sure of that


Best app ever

I was skeptical at first and was not quite sure if this was legit and this has easily become my favorite app and it’s awesome to see where your money is going to in LIVE TIME! I love being able to see the cute fur babies I am helping feed daily!


More help

I think it’s great we can help feed the cats because if we can’t save them at least we can do is feed them. I would just like a way to help get medical attention to the cats that need it. I have had Purrrr for two hours and have seen a cat with a open wound on its head and a cat with messed up eyes. I’d love to donate to getting these animals medical assistance and neutered I’m sure other users would too.


A depressing app

A lot of the times I see NO food in the trays! Plus who ever cares for these trays add other dishes of food for the cats…. Why? Because we only get a small amount to feed them plus for a monthly account four times a day. Right now there are a lot of kittens/cats waiting for food and apparently no one has any to feed them. Just now I seen a poor kitten trying to get food out of the tray with its paw. Also I’ve seen green dirty water and cats with injuries bleeding with its eye hanging out. It breaks my heart…. I pay $12 something and for four more dollars I could get 20 pounds of food for a cat. You are responsible for Purrrr and what goes on with the feeding stations. Please we need more food to feed, why do the people need to put out dishes of food if we were able to feed them. You are allowing us to feed them just enough and that’s it. Also these feeder should be all over the world!


Amazing and positive app!

Purrrr is awesome because you can spend your time on your phone feeding stray cats and not scrolling on social media. It is such a positive app and I will continue using it! The reason I took away a star is because I wish there was a way to report when a cat reader is empty or when it’s infested with pests. Also, there should be a limit to how much you can feed a cat in a certain amount of time. This is because the feeder can run out and also have too much food in it that sits and gets infested. But overall it is an amazing app. Keep up the good work!!


Perfect app for animal lovers who want to help out!!!

This is an amazing app for animal lovers who want to help out. From cats, dogs, and birds to weasels and hedgehogs. They all come to these feeder locations and it’s great. My issue is that when the feeders run out of food I have yet to be able to find a way to contact someone to bring it to their attention. It’s sad to watch these poor animals not be able to eat plus when we do try to feed them and use up our coins if the machine is empty we don’t get our coins back. Also, I referred a friend and was suppose to get a bonus of 154 coins and I haven’t received that either. So that’s why I only gave it 3 stars. But the work they are doing for the animals is great!!!! Keep it up!


Love helping but too many feeders empty

I love the idea in the concept behind all of this, and I’ve spent a lot of money in the last couple of days to feed these strays. what saddens me even more that they’re strays is the fact that I’m giving hard earned money and no food is coming out and Purrrr provides no way to report a feeder being empty. This infuriates me to no end that I’m trying to do a good deed and somebody’s taking advantage of my money..


Hartfield app

The moment I downloaded Purrrr I got to feed many animals that made me happy but then when I was scrolling, I found this one little doggy that had no food and I felt sad so I fed it and it absolutely broke my heart when it started crying eating the food, and the longer watch the longer I see that no one else was feeding it. I basically gave it all my food, but it was so sad. The worst part is that it was so tiny and so skinny. I truly appreciate this because I feel like I could do something at this.


Genius idea and implementation!

I discovered Purrrr maybe 8 or 9 days ago. It immediately became my most used app! Having the ability to feed hungry cats, dogs, hedgehogs, squirrels, birds, etc., from my own couch makes my heart so happy. I already know this is an app I’ll use for years to come and I look forward to feeding and helping more stray animals all over the world. I hope soon they expanded to other countries (for selfish reasons, hopefully the US first) so that I can purchase my own feeders and help the strays in my neighborhood better than I’ve been able to do on my own. Be sure to join their discord where you can report empty feeders, feeders that need cleaned, clean water, or attention in some other way, and where you can report sick or injured animals to the feeders caretaker. Don’t mind the people in the comments telling you not to feed hungry dogs, squirrels, hedgehogs etc., and that it’s for cats only. They don’t know what they’re talking about, Purrrr description itself says it’s for all types of hungry animals, and even if it didn’t you can spend your feeds however you please. Get it, I promise you’ll love it!! PLEASE EXPAND YOUR FEEDERS!! I’ll be the first to buy MULTIPLE!! And thank you to the genius minds and hearts behind this, you’re changing the lives of these little souls, and we’re all so proud of you.


likely abused

so i am not qualified to judge this, as i am only a teen. but i downloaded Purrrr, and this is sick, and NOT in the good way. first off, the cats condition. these poor kitties are being ABUSED. it looks like they are kept in like a warehouse or something, some outside. and, its way too expensive. i could get a bunch of food at the store for 10 bucks. if they say they are nonprofit, thats a huge lie. someone needs to break in and free these poor guys. i looked at a different review and the dev response said "there are already abusers in the world" while thats true, THEY are the ones that abuse them. its truly sickening. all you can do is report Purrrr and hope they will be freed. DISGUSTING.

Is Purrrr Safe?

Yes. Purrrr -feed&rescue stray cats is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 312 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.4/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Purrrr Is 44.6/100.

Is Purrrr Legit?

Yes. Purrrr -feed&rescue stray cats is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 312 Purrrr -feed&rescue stray cats User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Purrrr Is 57.8/100..

Is Purrrr -feed&rescue stray cats not working?

Purrrr -feed&rescue stray cats works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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