Wood Nuts & Bolts, Screw Reviews

Wood Nuts & Bolts, Screw Reviews

Published by on 2024-03-07

About: Get ready to embark on a mechanical journey like no other in Wood Nuts & Bolts,
Screw Puzzle. Your mission is to untwist all the nuts and bolts from the Wood
Nuts and strategically drop each Wood Nuts, one by one.

About Wood Nuts Bolts Screw

This challenging and addictive Wood Nuts & Bolts, Screw puzzle game will put your problem-solving skills to the test as you twist, turn, and strategize your way through a maze of intricate Wood contraptions.

Get ready to embark on a mechanical journey like no other in Wood Nuts & Bolts, Screw Puzzle.

• Unlimited levels! A lot of Wood Nuts & Bolts, Screw pin strategies await you.

Your mission is to untwist all the nuts and bolts from the Wood Nuts and strategically drop each Wood Nuts, one by one.

With each level, the puzzles become more intricate and satisfyingly complex.

• No time limit, relax and play whenever you want.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 2,835 combined software reviews.

440 Wood Nuts Bolts Screw Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Incredibly AD Predatory

Tried to play this game and enjoy it but way too many ads. There would be an ad at the bottom of the screen always, and an ad that pops up randomly blocking half of the screen in the middle of the round causing you to either accidentally click on it or have to panic to close it to finish the game in time. The “x” to close the ad is really small so most times you end up clicking the ad itself trying to close it and get taken out of WoodNutsBoltsScrew . The point that made me finally uninstall was opening the game to 3 of the banner ads, back to back.
I was also hoping this game would be relaxing and not timed. If there was a version of this game where there’s no timer and just comes down to finishing the game in a number of moves or no requirement at all for total relaxing it would be so much better. So even the ad for this game was misleading….



I literally just started playing this game today. I am on level six. I have had to close out twice now because the annoying ad at the bottom will not close and blocks game play. I had tried another similar game and had to delete it on level 4. This game was better compared to that one. It’s a shame that the developers would choose to have ads at the bottom that block the entire bottom portion during timed game play anyway. Especially since players still have forced ads and the option to watch ads for another try or for more time. Deleting on such a low level should make the developers re-think having ads at the bottom but I seriously doubt it.


Why Does It Need Internet

There’s no reason for this game to require internet to play the basic game. I understand that to use powerups you need to have one to watch the ads to earn them. But if you don’t have a good connection or don’t want to use your mobile data while playing this game in public, you should be able to play and just not be able to earn powerups.

Besides this issue and how some ads cover gameplay, this is the best nuts and bolts game on WoodNutsBoltsScrew Store. Hands down.



I had seen the commercial a few times. The game looked challenging. However, Even before I could play, half of my screen was covere with an ad. Cleared the ad and a second one appears. Cleared that one and began to play. On the first game I had 3 empty screw holes, but the third hole was partially covered with a green play me video. You can’t place a screw into the empty spot. When you do, you hit the green play me and an ad plays. So, I paid the $4.99 to remove the ads. It didn’t remove the green play me ad. It still covered the 3rd empty space and the screen when I went to replay the puzzle, half the screen was covered with an ad. REALLY! I immediately cut my loss and deleted the game.


Paying option valuable?

Somehow I am in level 43. I am thinking of paying for the no add option, but I am unsure if they will somehow manage to put the adds again. There are so many of them. Somebody here has tried that?


Pop up ads prevent you from actually playing

I’m well aware that ads are just part and parcel of free to play mobile games, but this ridiculous. Ads pop up while you’re playing and obscure part of the board. I was able to minimize them at first until I was on level 2 and couldn’t get the ad to go away. I will say that this one gives you a little bit more tutorial and a couple of boosters to get you going, but the pop up ad experience is so awful that I’m deleting this one and moving on. I don’t have time to be fighting ads while I’m just trying to enjoy a simple puzzle.


Don’t waste your time

I happen to like these types of games. But when an ad that is supposed to be a banner ad. But it takes up half the screen and you can’t even play the game because it will not minimize down to the banner ad like it’s supposed to be no matter what then I don’t want to even fool with it. I don’t mind ads that you have to watch that’s fine but someone messed up the coding for the banner ad. If it gets fixed before I remove the game from my iPad Air then I will give it another try and will update my review accordingly otherwise my review is that the banner ads are the issues.


Don’t get

I wouldn’t get this game because the ads keep popping up in the middle of playing the game and they don’t even give you enough time to finish the level because you can’t see it because the ads take up half of the level so you spend more time getting rid of the ad then completing the level……I usually don’t write reviews but this one game is annoying because of the ads and I actually wanted to play the game…..but all the ads and there not being enough time because your focusing on getting the ads off the screen so you can actually play the game…..sorry


Ads freeze game

The game itself is interesting.

However, the ad that comes up from the bottom of the screen frequently freezes and cannot be minimized therefore the game cannot be continued. This is annoying.

Also ads that have sounds are annoying. Games cannot be played in public because you never know which ad or when the add will show up with sounds and embarrass you.


Wooden Nuts And Bolts

This game is a lot like the other game( that has the same name without the word wooden in it). I REALLY wish I could go lower than 1 star! This game is annoying because the ads pop up right in the middle of the screen blocking your view of the game as well as preventing you from being able to continue to play the game. To make things worse, you can’t get the ad to go away & the clock(for your time to beat the puzzle)is STILL counting down! DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME DOWNLOADING THIS GAME(in fact, I’m going to delete this game as soon as I finish & post this review)!


Incessant ads after paying to remove ads

Gameplay is fine, but AFTER paying to remove ads there are incessant, long ads. Undo a move? Ad. Need more time? Ad. Remove a screw? Ad. Apply a skin you already earned by gaining points? Ad. The timers are set so that there is no real time to think and ads are inevitable. Expect an ad for every couple of minutes of gameplay AFTER paying to remove ads. Would be a very nice game if the developer would let you play it after paying. Would prefer an option for no timers.


I like it but…..

Don’t get me wrong but this game is good but THE TIMER😭😭😭 i don’t like it because on the hard one I barely had time to solve and also the ads that pop up during a game are annoying but other than that it’s good I guess and also why does it need internet? This should be a WiFi free game because in long plane or car rides and more you should be able to play this


Really like the game but ads are a problem

The gameplay is good, probably one of my favorites of the wood/screw games. But the ads freeze on the screen blocking the game. And I am not spending money to remove ads when I haven’t been able to play enough levels to be sure it’s worth the money. (Last game I purchased made it impossible to complete levels without watching ads to progress, and I don’t want to regret another purchase.)


Worst ads in a game EVER

Would really like to be able to play this but you cannot get through even a minute without the ridiculous ads. It even has pop-ups that cause you to lose time & lose the game. Not only will I be deleting WoodNutsBoltsScrew but I am deleting every game advertised on WoodNutsBoltsScrew. I'm even going to look the developer up and delete anything I have they developed. The games you get to play within the advertisement for the game are longer. Truly terrible.


Annoying pop up ad

Everything about this game is fun..until the ad covers half the screen while it is still being timed. Often it causes you to accidentally click on it, which then drags you to your internet browser automatically. Game was fun, but the ad makes it not worth it. I deleted it after the third time it drug me to my browser. Whoever thought that was a good idea should rethink it. Otherwise I imagine many, like me, will just delete WoodNutsBoltsScrew.


How do I use my points

I have really enjoyed playing this game… I’m at level 468. My only question is how do I use the points I’m sitting with I’ver 65,000 points but I don’t see how or where you can use the points.



This game is impossible to enjoy. Literally an ad every 30 sec. The ads are wayyyy longer than the time spent playing the game. Additional to game interruptions by ads the ads themselves don’t always respond to clicking off of them. So in short you have watched the ad but still have to reopen/restart the game only to start it all over again due to faulty ads. Too bad. It could have been a fun game to play.


There should be minus one star, but they won't let you do that.

The game itself was fun, but the problem is ads pop up all the time. So I decided I would pay the $4.95 to get rid of the ad's. That did nothing. Still had ads every time I tried to play. So I decided I would get a refund. The purchase although 3 days ago has not been processed. Don't pay to have the ads removed, it seems to be a ploy to get money from you.


Game is FUN and the adds aren’t even that LONG

When u play this game it’s so satisfying and fun and at the end of watch level these 1 Mabel 2 adds and they are like 3 seconds long so u get right back into the action


Love this game

Love this game, but the ads keep interrupt my game and then freeze it. I am thinking about quit with that. Thank you for this amazing game. I am going to try with reboot, because of the freeze it.


Too many ads

I originally downloaded this game to have a relaxing puzzle game to solve. After playing it has become annoying with how much ads you have to get through during a game. Having ads between each level is one thing but having an add pop up during the game is too much. Also the puzzles are timed so trying to click the puzzle away takes time away from solving the puzzle running your clock down which is already not necessary. And half the time when you try to click the x to close the ad out it won’t click and let you finish the game. Overall very disappointed in this game.


Love the game

Why don’t the daily challenges keep their checkmarks after they’ve been completed? I don’t want to play the same games over and over and over again. there needs to be a way to keep track of what I’ve already played.


intrusive ads

I like this game.

I expect a free game to have ads and I’m fine with that. This game though… there are these pop ups that come from the bottom screen and they are difficult to close without clicking on them. it’s the most obnoxious ad serving in any game i’ve played.

I don’t think i’ve ever clicked on an internet ad on purpose in my 30 years of doing stuff on the internet. I honestly think of inadvertently clicked on more ads trying to play this game than i have in aggregate from everything else I’ve done.

I had to uninstall it. I even thought about buying the ad free version. honestly i tried to see how much it was but i couldnt see because the price was hidden behind one of those ads i can’t close because when i try i just end up clicking on it.


Interrupted Play

The game is fun but the ads are way too long. I’d actually call them commercials and some even require interaction or they won’t go away. This makes the actual game less fun because you keep getting interrupted. There are also pop up ads, which cover half of the game board and don’t always reduce when you click on the appropriate button.


You wanna watch an ad?

This is one of the most ad-heavy free apps I have EVER come across. Even while you’re playing, you’ll have ads pop up on the bottom half of the screen and some are nearly impossible to minimize. Even going back to the main menu has a 50-50 shot of playing a long un-skippable ad
It’s an extremely underhanded tactic to try and force players to spend $5 to remove all ads. If you’re going to do that, change the price to $5 and run ad-free. Toon Blast and Homescapes does the free app easily.


Would love it if it wasn’t for where they place their ads.

Only played one complete game actually part of the complete game. When a hold I needed was blocked unless I saw an ad. The ad was long and it almost impossible to close. So you can’t even play a game without it being interrupted. Ironically the ad was for another wood screw game from another company. I hear they’re worse. I don’t mind having ads for a free game but you should be able to play the game without being interrupted or stopped. Better games let you play a game before they put an ad on, sometimes in order to go to the next level. Even better when it’s background. This way it’s like you’re trapped and can’t even play the game. Not worth the time. One of my favorite companies has it free up to a point and then you can decide if you’re going to buy the game for a reasonable price that makes sense


Annoying Ads

While I would love to say this game if in, the ads that pop up in the middle of the screen during a timed (which is another issue) is annoying, especially when you can’t close it and have to close the game and restart.

The other issue is the timed puzzles, especially when you post that there is no time limit, when clearly there is. I would purchase the game if I knew I could eliminate the timed feature. Sorry, but I may just delete this game.



This game is so frustrating! When I want to remove a screw, it won’t let me. It just unscrews itself then goes back into its hole. There’s sparks around it but without any type of direction or rules I have no idea what’s going on and I lose valuable time. I’m about ready to delete it


Fun brain teaser

These are fun brain teaser games rhat you can play if only have a couple minutes. Not a fan of the ads, but at least there’s a paid option to get rid of them. Also the ads obly show when you want to use a tool.
Overall a great game!


Could be great, but isn’t by a long shot

This game could be great. It’s fun! It’s awesome! When I’m actually able to play it, it rocks. However there are way too many ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads. You will need to watch an ad to start each level. Most levels are impossible to solve in the time allotted so what do you do? Of course, to get more time you watch another ad! And then it is still too short so you have to watch another one! And then another! Then ooops! You made a wrong move so to restart the level, you get to watch …..another ad! All in all, to pass a level you will end up watching 5-6 ads and maybe more. Don’t be fooled by all the five star reviews, they are very likely paid for.


Way too many ads

Simply way too many ads. Every single powerup - and you usually need about half a dozen to get through most “hard” rounds - requires watching an ad which ranges from 30 to over 75 seconds, many of which require multiple rounds of interaction to complete. I even paid $5 for the “remove ads” option - it only removes the pop-up banner ads (which as often as not freeze up the game requiring you to hard quit and restart), but the ads to gain powerups are still 30-75 seconds.

Save your money on the “remove ads” since it does little to improve the experience.

Oh, and I have tens of thousands of points, but for the life of my I can’t figure out how to redeem them for anything. They seem totally useless, and the only way you can get any bonus items is by paying cash.

Don’t waste your time, and certainly don’t waste your money.


What are the coins for?

You get 100 coins for every level you complete but then there’s no way to use the coins. So why bother giving them if they’re just gonna sit there and have no use. Agree with everybody else way too many ads I understand that’s how the revenue is made for these games, but this is excessive.


Ad Bug

To the Developers:

Hi folks! I enjoy the game & don’t mind the ads, however, there now seems to be a bug where the ads stay in a loop & don’t have the option to close out anymore. This makes moving forward with gameplay basically impossible. If there’s anything y’all can do about that, it would be super cool!


Best one

I’ve played several versions of this game. Deleted them after playing a few rounds due to way too many ads. It’s so frustrating to complete a puzzle in 15 seconds followed by a 30 second ad. Not with this game! You do have to watch an ad if you want to open a new hole or want to use a screwdriver. However, you go right into the next game instead of having to endure an ad. Recommend 5/5!



I wish I could give 5 stars, but I can’t. My goodness! I downloaded this game 20 minutes ago and am unfortunately deleting it after this review for several reasons. (Reason #1) Of the 20 minutes I was playing the game, 1/2 to 2/3 of the time was spent watching ads. (Reason #2) The description said no time limit BUT there IS a time limit. Might be a nice feature for some but I wanted to enjoy the game without being pressured. Would like to have an option to choose to play either with or without the timer. DEVELOPERS, after reading the other reviews I hope you will listen to your customers and make the needed changes. This game is going to gradually slip into oblivion otherwise and it has so much potential. I’m actually sad that I must delete it. The timer is just too stressful.


Lots of room for improvement

I enjoy the basic premise of this game and the puzzles, but there several annoying things that make me give a two star rating. The rewards don’t make sense…one ticket for a very difficult level and coins. Does anyone know what the coins are for? There is nothing in the way of explanation of game play or rules, etc. If you fail a difficult level and choose to retry, why do you have to do the easy one again? Just let me retry the level I failed. And they give you these new characters but you have to watch yet another ad to get them? This game could be so much more fun if the developers changed some basic elements.


Love the game, but…

When you’re playing the game, is fantastic. It really challenges you and causes you to think about the order to remove things in. I truly enjoy it. That’s the good part. The incredibly sucky part is that as you progress, and just as you start getting the hang of the game and really start getting challenged, you’re forced to watch these increasingly longer and longer and dumber and dumber ads. I know this is not the only game that is afflicted with this. I’m not against watching the occasional ad or short ads in between games. I know we all have bills to pay and we need to make money. But ads that are running up to a minute just feel unreasonable, especially if you’re like me who plays these types of games when I have the occasional 15 minute break. I would gladly watch a one minute ad at the very beginning of a gameplay session or 20 second ad in between each round. As of right now, I actually went ahead and uninstalled it. There must be some happy medium. Is there an ad free version I can pay for?


Okay Better than the other nuts and bolts games. 👍🏾😊

Right now the ads aren’t too bad and at least the music isn’t loud and annoying. I enjoy the graphics and the colors better too. They seem to be visually clearer. I need bi focals for vision. I don’t want to have to spend a lot of time squinting trying to make out images while I’m trying to play a game that’s supposed to be fun. So there’s that and this game is at least not like the others I’ve tried.


Fun game but way too many ads

I love the concept of the game but anytime you run out of places to put the screw’s you have to watch an ad. If you want to simply start the level over you have to watch an ad. After a little while it makes me so frustrated and close WoodNutsBoltsScrew completely because I don’t want to watch anymore ads. It’s too much. However like I said, the concept of the game is very cool and pretty fun. Just the ads and the fact that it’s timed is a bit stressful. I do wish there was an option to not be timed.


Developers, what were you thinking?

Dear developers, the idea of this game is excellent. However, I can handle ADs vs Game ratio about 40% vs 60%. But my goshhhh!!!!! I spend 25% of my time playing the game and the rest is watching ADs. You could have at least to add more clock time to each level to avoid this. I even spent $ to remove the ADs and it is only does the trick between levels. It doesn’t work if you run out of time of need to remove a screw. I made it to level 40 and I need to watch at least 5-6 ADs to finish each level. Are you guys crazy?! Please improve your game. You can do better than that!!!!!!!


A good cover for stealing my compute power

The game itself is interesting and difficult: exactly the combination of difficulty to keep me in WoodNutsBoltsScrew .

However, I’m really concerned by how often WoodNutsBoltsScrew is complaining about being offline. About every 15 seconds, WoodNutsBoltsScrew shows a popup about being disconnected. This is obvious because I’m in airplane mode. It’s concerning because WoodNutsBoltsScrew doesn’t need to be online for anything, and I’m concerned that it’s reporting my data to an external company.

I’m also worried that it’s trying to do cryptocurrency mining on my device. My phone greatly overheats while WoodNutsBoltsScrew is open and cools down again when I close it, but the game itself is basic and simple; it shouldn’t need that many resources.

Besides those concerns, WoodNutsBoltsScrew is also buggy. It will randomly leave some of the menu items on the screen and deprive me of any rewards at all since I’m not willing to watch their ads.

With that said, with my phone in airplane mode, and mobile data disallowed, I actually like solving the wood puzzles in the game. They’re tricky, and the easy-hard, easy-hard rhythm of levels is good.



I can only give the gang of three even though I love playing it every day and the reason is they continue running these ads for the family series of games, family match family tile where they have an abused woman and her child and you’re supposed to save their lives I think the advertisements are absolutely repulsive and as a person who has had people in their family survive and die from domestic violenceI think it’s disgusting that they would even advertise such a game.. To be honest, I’m kind of up in the air about whether the game is worth keeping just so I can get rid of those ads.


Game is fun, ad-free is a scam

The game itself is great and I really enjoy it. However, the ads are out of control. There is an ad playing between levels, an ad every time you mess up and want to retry, an ad to get 60 more seconds of gameplay once the timer runs down, on and on and on. There is also a small banner ad at the bottom of the screen that I didn’t find intrusive. I decided to get the ad-free version since I enjoyed the game so much, and all it did was take away the banner ads at the bottom. The intrusive ads playing every time between levels, etc., are still there, so it’s not truly ad-free. What a scam.


Once it’s released, it should fall

This game is fun. I love the puzzle aspect of it but… unfortunately I have to agree with most other reviewers here. The ADs are ridiculous. I ended up just deleting it after level 7. Each level has multiple rounds to complete before you reach the next level, seems like the new trend in these types of puzzle games. Sure, fine. The problem is, for me, I should be progressing but because if you release the “wrong” bolt the wood won’t just fall out of the way. I understand the cause and effect . It makes you think. It’s a puzzle. But. Once I release a plank it should fall. Not eat up my time slowly sliding off the board/screen. That’s where I’m loosing most of the time. Not cause I can’t figure it out but because the plank won’t actually fall once released and me not paying money to get “help”. Or wanting to watch crazy long ADs for “help” that’s only honing to last that round. I literally played level 7 25 times and I’m just over it. Really fun but not worth it for me.


Not Worth the Ads

The game is fun but the ads ruin it. I paid the extra to get rid of the ads but it still requires the player watch ads to get helps. Many of the levels are not passable unless you use a help. The ads are ridiculous. They are at least a minute long. Oftentimes the ads glitch and I find I have to close out and start over. I saw the developer reply to a review about the ads, emphasizing it was a free app. Well, I paid for it and still have to pay if I want to continue. The ads are way too long. I’d be willing to continue playing if the ads were shorter. I have become frustrated and annoyed and it’s no longer fun. I am deleting WoodNutsBoltsScrew . There are so many options for games out there. I recommend finding a different option. This developer appears greedy and not willing to listen to the hundreds of people giving feedback that the ads are ruining the game.


Could we earn more do-overs

I really enjoy the problem-solving aspect of the game. It’s definitely more challenging than the games where you just match things. The problem here is, though, that you really only get one mistake. I will make that mistake quickly on each harder round, but then the ads to get another turn are more than 30 seconds.
I find myself just quitting for hours instead of having to watch another dang ad.
What if we could earn more than one do-over/rewind each day? Maybe each level you can get more or add another stage to each level where you can. What do the coins even do? Even in like Mario games they have sections that just allow you to add on more lives. I am probably one level from just dropping it all together if it stays at only one way to get more turns. The juice isn’t worth the squeeze.


Too many ads

So I really enjoy playing but there are just too many ads. Long ads. Sure, you can just exit WoodNutsBoltsScrew if you need to restart a level, but having to do that over and over is just as annoying. Also, I like to listen to audiobooks, podcasts, etc while I play games and even though I have all the game sound turned off, it frequently pauses what I’m listening to. Overall, it just seems like an ad farm when they’d probably make more money with shorter, less frequent ones because I’d regularly play it instead of deleting it and I doubt I’m the only one who feels that way.


Great game, ads ruin it

This is a 5-star game, but the number and length of the ads are unbearable. Every time I need a small “boost” within a game or wish to restart it, I have to endure really loooooong ads, most of which are actually three separate ads stuck together. And then after that, there’s another ad tacked on before you get back to the game. One long ad that repeats frequently gets frozen at the very end, so after watching it, you have to get out of the game and start all over, with more long and repetitive ads. Developers, please fix this. I’m a patient person—you won’t have anyone left playing it. When ads get reduced, I’ll give it five stars.


No time limit🥳thank you😍🥰

No time limit 🥳thank you so many much 😍🥰 love the game❣️💓💕💞💖 I am changing my review to one star because I read in your description that you had no time limits but then when I got down to a certain level your game started timing me, I thought you said you did not have time limits so you could just relax and play as you wanted. I love to play these screw and bolt games, but I do not like to be TIMED, I like to sit and relax and figure out which ones is going to work without being timed. Fix this and I will go back to playing it again, I don’t even mind watching the ads it’s just being TIMED I hate. or give us a choice in the settings if we want to be timed or not.

Is Wood Nuts Bolts Screw Safe?

Yes. Wood Nuts & Bolts, Screw is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 2,835 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Wood Nuts Bolts Screw Is 62.3/100.

Is Wood Nuts Bolts Screw Legit?

Yes. Wood Nuts & Bolts, Screw is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 2,835 Wood Nuts & Bolts, Screw User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Wood Nuts Bolts Screw Is 100/100..

Is Wood Nuts & Bolts, Screw not working?

Wood Nuts & Bolts, Screw works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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