Soda: make new friends Reviews

Soda: make new friends Reviews

Published by on 2024-02-26

About: "Bring back the old Wink!!" "I miss Wink:(" "what happened to the wink
app?!!" We’ve heard your feedback…and we have great news! The old Wink is
BACK!!! Soda is now EXACTLY like the old Wink you know and love! Log-in using
your Wink account, and you’ll see all of your same friends, messages, and be
able to use the app just like nothing ever changed! What’s the difference?
Soda is a community where everyone has to b.

About Soda

All users on Soda will go through a verification process; no fake people allowed! Although this communication with new friends doesn’t always happen on our platform, we urge our users not to share personal information including location, full name, or other private details with new friends.

The fastest and safest way to chat with your new friends is to send a message right here on the app! Within the Soda messenger, you can send messages, ice breakers, GIFs, and audio messages.

Soda is now EXACTLY like the old Wink you know and love! Log-in using your Wink account, and you’ll see all of your same friends, messages, and be able to use the app just like nothing ever changed! What’s the difference? Soda is a community where everyone has to be verified.

Soda is the best and safest place to make new friends from all over the world! It’s as easy as starting up a conversation with your potential new bsf.

Soda is intended to be used for making new friends from all over the world to add and chat with.

Use your Soda profile to express yourself and make a great first impression! You can add up to 6 photos of yourself, add a bio that explains more about who you are, add your unique interests, and record a voice intro.

Our team at Soda is very passionate about making this the best and safest app to make you feel more connected.

Check out each person’s profile to decide if you think they could be your new friend! That girl loves soccer, just like you? Say hi! Instant friends.

On Soda, you can connect with so many people you have things in common with.

Soda is free to download and use.

Users can choose to subscribe to Soda+ or purchase different boost packs.

This guy likes the kind of music you can’t stand? Swipe left! No problem.

Swipe through tons of new faces from your own country and worldwide.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 3,406 combined software reviews.

440 Soda Reviews

4.0 out of 5


The New messages

Soda is good so far and it’s pretty similar to the old Wink. But a problem I have with it is the fact that you have to pay to see new messages. I mean many people on here have to put their contact information in order to actually talk with people on a different app so often that they don’t actually get to know the person they’re talking too. So if you could make a change to that and actually allow people to freely communicate with new users and friends then that’d help out Soda greatly


Old Wink is back

Finally the old wink is back. The developer also added another level of user verification to ensure user’s safety so hopefully I won’t be seeing so many weird people like in app. Keep the effort going and build the best friend making app in Soda Store 🥰🥰



Why do we have to pay to see who sent us a request to be our friend? It would be nice if we could see for free and it limits a lot of people to make friends because they either don’t want to or can’t pay for this app+


Bug on the first day of use

Can’t even use Soda because when it asks to verify it won’t activate the camera and i can’t use Soda if it doesn’t let me verify


Thank you for bringing this app back

Thank you so much I missed Soda bc it was a great app to meet friends


Why charge for that you didn’t before

You use to accept if people wanted to be friends with you without paying but now you have to pay I miss the old way



I don’t like showing my face at all but if someone ask me I will and I have to verify and keep a pic of my face to verify I don’t rlly like that about Soda I can’t text or friend anyone


I love how this looks like wink

I Love how this looks like their old app wink it is so user friendly as well!


I can’t tell because I just got it

I can’t tell


My review

Soda has really went down-hill nobody is gonna pay monthly to make friends and to see who slid up on them I don’t think this is far I was excited for Soda and it’s horrible.


Adding back

Its a good app but we cant add people back until we pay for it


I'm happy it's back

I'm happy the OG wink is back. the original this app app was terrible


Great app!

Love making new friends here!


I don’t like this

I like that the old wink is back somewhat but I deleted it and got this one and now I have to have this app+ or wtv just to add people like bruh lemme just plz add people who wanna talk to me



Forcing people to verify will go nowhere 💀💀💀 this will not go well and Soda will just end up dying just like the previous attempt 😂😂💀💀💀💀 horrible move


I’m the first to rate it

Hi it’s okay a lot of bugs, yeah, bye.



I have to wait till my verification get approved to even talk to anyone and I lost all my friends when I logged in 👎🏾


No reason

Banned device



Love Soda!


pay to see request

it's so stupid that you have to pay to see requests


Soo disappointing!

You guys put stories on insta that this new app will be like old Wink, but it’s everything is the same in this app as in the new Wink so there’s not any difference you just tricked us by creating an app with the same things in the Wink, the difference we see is the name(this app) except that nothing is new we still can’t see who add us you if we want to see the friend request list we’d have to subscribe to premium, so what kinda of old wink did you guys brought back?
If there’s an option to make a review without any star that’d be very preferable cuz I honestly don’t want to give a star, you guys don’t deserve any of them.



This new wink is kinda stupid. They say its just like the old wink but u gotta pay to see who has requested u or to except it. I can’t even tape on Soda without it just kicking me out. I’ve tried to delete Soda and redownload it but still the same thing and even restarted my phone and still can’t go on Soda . This new app is still different wit similarities but they shouldn’t have people pay just to except our request especially if Soda is for teens.


Why do we have to pay to add someone back?

I am so happy to have the back back but why do we have to pay JUST to see who sent us a friend request? Some people may not want to pay for that or just can't


They listened

9count actually listened to the criticism of the old this app and revamped it back to wink under a new name.

All your old accounts are accessible as well and seamlessly transfer over like advertised.

Basically its wink but with a new name


I’m not spending money

I think it’s unfair that in order to see who requested to be a friend you have to pay for it monthly especially when Soda is made for younger teens so if I’m not paying for it what makes you think the person requesting or the person I requested will do the same it just makes it pointless to use Soda



You need to add back the option to add people through Snapchat also because people won’t respond on Soda I liked it when you could add on Snapchat



Soda was working great, and I loved it but about four days later, it will let me open Soda and then immediately closes out. I have tried re-downloading it on downloading it and powering off my phone it doesn’t work.


Why do you have to pay to see request

I don’t see why you have to pay to see request. On the old wink you didn’t have to worry about paying in order to see request. I think it’s dumb that you have to pay in order to see people who want to be your friend or wtv.


I loved wink and I’m happy that it’s back

But I am begging the developers to please not make me pay just to see my friend requests I wanna make new friends, but I don’t have money like that. I’m begging y’all.



I like the that they had bring the old wink back but why do people need to pay to just see who had requested them it make no sense because so
E people don’t have the money to pay especially if there young and haven’t worked yet it make absolutely no sense


It’s nice

Everything is nicely done and I like how it is planned out only minor detail I don’t like how you have to have pro to see friend requests but over all good site



The apps good but now for some reason every time I delete app reinstall try to log in after I use iCloud account sign in it kicks me out and every time I click app it won’t let me in.


New message and request

It was good it’s start as old wink but problem is why do we have pay for requests because Ik I don’t type money for that but please fixed this make like same as old wink.


Change it

Kinda stupid to have people pay just to see who wanted to friend then like some people dont have the money for that so if that could change that be great


It’s okay

Soda is great but it would be nice if we can see our requests without paying


All good so far

You guys have an amazing app you usually can’t say that to most apps keep up the good work.


Stopped working?

I got Soda yesterday and it worked just fine but now when I try to open Soda it closes out. I tried deleting it and redownload it still won’t work. I like Soda and would like to use it


Good, but HUGE ISSUE

For the most part, Soda is just like Wizz used to be and I like that, but there a dumb restriction where you can’t see who has added you unless you pay for the premium subscription. This is a huge flaw because that means in order to talk to pretty much anyone, both of you have to have paid for premium and I’m a teenager, I don’t make a lot of money so if course I can’t pay for this. I’ve yet to talk to anyone on Soda and have resorted to leaving my personal info in my bio which I don’t really feel comfortable doing, please change this.



Think about this cycle a little bit… If you have to pay to see who adds you and everyone else does too, how is anyone ever gonna answer your messages without paying? Think about it…

It’s a broken gotcha system where you have to pay to use an app that would ordinarily be good without this one paywall feature.

At the very least, have us watch an add for every 3 or so people who add us if you’re that desperate and needy to make money.

The only way Soda will start getting better reviews (that aren’t fake ones) is if you fix this issue first.

I can’t believe what this world has come too and how almost everything nowadays requires a ridiculous amount of cash to do the most simple or enjoyable things.

Wink, or this app, or whatever you call it now used to be good. It still has a chance to be good, it just has to fix this…

I really hope the reason for taking down Wink wasn’t just to add a paywall behind seeing our own requests….


This app is worst than wink

Hi I not trying to be mean but you guys are trying to get people money like it not fair that you have to pay just to see who wants to be my friend I think wizz is better because your not paying for that some people don’t have the money and you guys stuff is expensive for things that not be doing nothing for real people shouldn’t have to pay to talk to somebody new Soda is worthless if you want to spend money get Soda but if you don’t get that app 😁



I would have given it 5 stars if I didn’t have to pay to see who added me. I think it’s weird Soda is for teenagers and most of us don’t have an income to pay for it. I love Soda but I’d rather pay for special things like boosters then to see who added me. I’m honestly thinking of deleting Soda for this reason.


Needs location filter

I like FaceTime and all but if I wanna find people I can see in person I should be able to filter by state and not just the entire US. Also you shouldn’t have to pay to see who matched with you.


My opinion

It’s good in all but I can’t find people in my state and like I wanna meet people but they look older than there age but whatever good app I guess


It’s Decent

But why do we have to pay just to see Who added us That makes no absolute sense whatsoever because how are we going to know who added us if we’re teens who don’t Have money to spend to find friends.



this app is definitely interesting than other apps but over time is had a down fall. Having to pay to see who adds is not ok. It makes this app seem money hungry and then there’s no point to even download Soda if you can’t even make friends on it. And there is so many adds that should only seen by 18+ because most of them aren’t age appropriate, and with all the things you have to pay for there’s not much todo on Soda which isn’t fun. From having to pay for more swipes and having to pay to see who wants to be your friend is a lot and it feels like we don’t have a choice but to delete Soda . Wink used to be fun, being able to see who friended you and even if I had to watch a video to see who it was but making up pay is ideal. If I have to pay for an app to make friends, I’d expect there to be more fun and interesting things todo or get rid of us having to pay for everything. For the fact that this app was advertised as a new form and would be nothing like wink, nothing changed, everything is the same. Soda is just a money grab and it’s not fun at all.


2/5 stars for soda

To be honest its a great idea and app but it has literal errors in the idea that make it UNUSABLR. It is for 12 and up but most of us teen including me CAN'T PAY to make friends. It is not that simple and I feel like you need to fix that so more people can actually enjoy your app. I would love to us le Soda 24/7 to make friends and connections but I don't have the money for that dude. Please make it so we can actually make friend like Soda is built for.

If nothing continues to change in the next month u will be deleting this app and I will try out Wizz which was recommended by someone. Please fix this or else it will continue to be unusable and more people will leave bad reviews


OG Wink was better

They shouldn’t have even tried to change Soda it was fine the way it was, but mostly the problem I have with Soda is that you have to pay to see your requests which is so dumb and especially if this a app for teens only why are you thinking they’re just gonna have a credit card with money sitting around to spend on Soda?? Like just bring back no pay to see requests and Soda would nearly be back to being as good as og wink was.



I liked using Wink it was fun to chat and all that I haven’t used it much and I decided to re-download it but it told me to download this app so I did but when I was trying to get verified I had to add a picture which I did but I couldn’t do anything because it looked like there was a word on top and I have an old phone and the screen is pretty small and I couldn’t click on anything and I want to be able to use this app but I can’t if I can’t get verified.


Wink Friends

It is very frustrating when Soda is advertised to have all of an existing Wink accounts friends and chats transfered over when in all actuality not even half of the conversations/friends are available on the new app. There are quite a few people that I no longer have contact with because there is not way to access the old account.


Y’all are money hungry 🤡🤡🤡’s

I remember the old wink when the devs weren’t money hungry such a shame how the mighty have fallen no wonder why this apps so dead, you have too pay too see who likes you that’s sad y’all let it get too you’re head and let a good app die cause y’all only care about money not helping people build connections and reach out too make friends


Honest review

If you’re looking for a substitute like wizz, this is probably the closest you can get format wise. The reason i’m giving three stars is 1. you can’t see who ads you 2. you can only swipe left on a certain amount of profiles before you have to wait to continue 3. you cannot specify seeing profiles in a certain location (close to you; you get them from all over the country). I would suggest strongly that you update Soda and allows us to see similar profiles in the same state as ourselves. (This will probably lead to you getting many more downloads and more people on Soda ). 4. You cannot add videos on your profile only photos 5. It is a bit slow here and there

All in all there is so much potential for this to grow on the scale of yubo or wizz, but you need to be very careful in doing so. I would say update fix the bugs, allow people to see people close to them/in the same state, make sure people verify their age, and take reports for any sexual explanation or fraud seriously otherwise it’ll be taken off like wizz did. And i’m serious if you do certain stuff you will see your app grow and become popular. Wizz had a few million downloads they just were money hungry and took shortcuts which caused it to be banned.



i don’t write reviews but i was hesitant to download this version than the old one because of the reviews. i’ve had the old one and deleted it cus i didn’t like it but wanted to retry it, and saw this app was the new app i gave this app a try anyways despite all the complaints and honestly i like it better than the old app. way more people to add than the old app and i don’t see why people are complaining that you can’t see who swiped on you when it’s just the people YOU skipped. if you matched with them and both swiped on each other then you wouldn’t have to pay to see they added you. common sense a lot of people seem to miss leading miss information you can add whoever you want compared to the old app


My Experience

I’ll say right now, I have met a few nice people on Soda . But most of the guys I meet (Idk if I’m allowed to say this, but I’m gonna do it anyway), the guys that I’ve talked to have either been thirsty or horny. I get guys asking me for pictures or to trade with them and it’s really annoying. And for the age, I’ve seen two people have either 16 or 17, but they’re in their 20s pretending to be younger. Which was my initial thought, because people can easily lie about their ages on here. Overall Soda is okay, I’m not on it often really, I go on it rarely. I go on Soda to make new friends, not meet weird guys that are horny or wanting to talk to me just so they can see my body.


paying to see friend request is ridiculous.

not like me saying this is gonna matter but anyway.

having people pay to even use Soda is a ridiculous system. i understand locking some features behind a pay wall, but i can’t even ACCEPT a friend request without paying. how does that make sense? i CANT USE Soda !! it literally doesn’t. i’m not paying my money on an app that probably won’t even be worth the money. it would make more sense to have ads, or something.

make your money, fine, but this current concept is just gonna drive people away. it’s absurd. idk who y’all got in charge of making decisions but they needa be fired lol.


Honest review

2 stars because 1. cant see anyone who adds you.
2. only get a certain amount of swipes till you have to wait.
I believe they should go back to being the way wink would. Show a certain amount of people who adds you and then the rest have a choice of watching an ad, use diamonds or pay for plus. This would make Soda so much better and would have more people download.


I love how this looks like wink

I Love how this looks like their old app wink it is so user friendly as well! I wish I didn’t have to pay to talk to people!! I would highly appreciate if that would be changed I’m just a teenager trying to make friends .


Mostly Women Promoting Their Inappropriate Sites

apparently my account was suspended because i am not the age i claim to be, which is false, but all i see on Soda is semi-nude women selling explicit content. i have reported every time i saw it, yet the same accounts would pop up again even tho i blocked them. Soda is terribly put together, and so are the developers. Soda is promoting pornography to minors. will be reporting to apple as well.


it’s alright

it’s a good app but i just hate how you have to pay to see who added you it’s dumb. but my least favorite part is on the profile the pictures you upload are SOO zoomed in to the point where if you take selfies half of your picture is going to be cut out.



It notifies you when people swipe right on you but does not let you get rid of the notification without paying for the premium subscription so you either turn all notifications off through phone settings or have notifications stacked up that you cannot get rid of. Looked for a way to choose which notifications you receive but that was not an option. Going to delete Soda because I cannot stand lingering notifications. Was a cool concept tho.


My review on the app

I’ve gotten Soda today and it’s very cool but the thing is that I just hate how you have to keep swiping to see the person who added you instead of looking at the request and adding them there! I just wish that could be taken out instead of me having to swipe all the time just to look at the person who added me!



Okay, so all together Soda is great, you are able to talk to people through text and call, but one of the things that bothers me is how when someone adds you, you can’t see who it is unless you pay, I understand that you need money to keep Soda running but I would advise to allow people to see who adds them, another thing is how you only get a limited time that you can swipe left. There are a few other things but I won’t get into it, if you could fix this that would be great.


Honest review

Soda isn’t bad. It’s just you have to pay for everything to see if someone adds you. I mean it shouldn’t be like that. I mean you would have so many more people on Soda if you changed that. You don’t get enough swipes. You can’t do nth unless you pay. I mean just make us watch videos to see who adds us? I mean you still make money and I wouldn’t mind watching an add to add someone. I’m not saying make it where we watch adds every type we swipe or smth. I’m just saying do it so we can see who added us.



Soda is nothing like Wizz is thats what youre looking for. You have to pay to see who adds you which is already a problem amongst apps like these, You can't specify your preferences for people being in your state, and it's overall messy knowing that you can only swipe left a few times in like five minutes. I'm giving it 2 stars because Soda looked good before I saw the blur on the person that added me. Sorry but I don't reccomend Soda.



My this app is up to date the main problem is today when i tried to open Soda it would continuously kick me out when i was on perfectly fine yesterday so idk what happened but PLEASE get it fixed. Other from that i genuinely enjoy Soda i’ve met plenty of nice people! 🤍


What’s the point?

What’s the point in having Soda if you can’t even see who’s sent you a request?!

this app team please make it to where we can see who has sent a request for at least 24 hours before you can’t see it.. there’s no point in having Soda if you can’t even see who’s sending you a request. Maybe if I was able to actually make friends on Soda without having to pay for it then I would give a 5 star rating bc the set up of Soda is great, actually one of the best, but now you have to pay to do anything on Soda .


Good app but..

Hey, so basically I downloaded Soda and uploaded some pictures. In the middle of the night, I was swiping through people and suddenly got suspended. The issue was my bio and I can see why bc I had my snap in there but I was only trying to make it clear that I wanted friends (nothing serious!). I find it a bit confusing that I got banned but the many other people that admit to faking their age in the bios don’t or the others with pictures of vapes and such. Overall, it was a pretty decent app.

Is Soda Safe?

No. Soda: make new friends does not seem very safe to us. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 3,406 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.0/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Soda Is 15.1/100.

Is Soda Legit?

No. Soda: make new friends does not seem legit based on our analysis. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 3,406 Soda: make new friends User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Soda Is 26/100..

Is Soda: make new friends not working?

Soda: make new friends works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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