Brotato Reviews

Brotato Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-13

About: A top-down arena shooter roguelite where you play a potato wielding up to 6
weapons at a time to fight off hordes of aliens. Choose from a variety of traits
and items to create unique builds and survive until help arrives.

About Brotato

A top-down arena shooter roguelite where you play a potato wielding up to 6 weapons at a time to fight off hordes of aliens.

The sole survivor: Brotato, the only potato capable of handling 6 weapons at the same time.

Choose from a variety of traits and items to create unique builds and survive until help arrives.

Waiting to be rescued by his mates, Brotato must survive in this hostile environment.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 5,558 combined software reviews.

700 Brotato Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Great but have have one suggestion

This game is amazing for being free but there is one drawback to the free version. In the game there is currency called “spuds” spuds allowing you to purchase talent cards, ad coupons (allows you to use it to not have to watch an ad), and purchase characters. Making it so that you have to buy or earn enough spuds to earn characters is a very big drawback. And yes this is how Erabit will earn money off this app but I just feel as if this “feature” just pulls me away from the game. If you were to change the way you earn characters or lower the prices of characters this would solve this problem.



It’s like survivor io but your a potato! Such a good game but I do have some feedback if any of the creators read this. First, the characters don’t look like potatoes they look like eggs. Second, you should be able to upgrade you potatoes so the harder difficulties aren’t so hard that you lose all the time, and I’m not talking about all the the items and guns you get in the round I’m saying like out of the round go and upgrade the dude so he can have like higher max health and stuff. Other than that it’s a great game and it has a lot of room to grow! So. . . 5 stars!!!🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


Finally something worth playing

I’ve played several mobile games to figure out the perfect game to play on my phone whenever I have free time and this is the one. Sure you may need to pay to get new characters but it’s honestly the best 5$ bucks I’ve paid to have a game with infinite replay ability. If you love games, play this. trust

Btw DangerouslyFunny played this game and influenced me to play this even more


Outrageous pricing model for a game that looks like it was made in a day

Seriously, how has this game been in development for has long as it has and still only look like something that was made at a game jam?

No animations, no enemy variety, ms paint UI, every stage is literally a blank gray canvas. And to top it off there’s virtually zero content to explore unlike other, better, games.

The only thing this game has to offer is exploring different build combinations with the different characters, and there IS a surprising amount of depth and build variety to work with despite all of the games many other shortcomings.

It’s a shame the devs are so grimy as to expect players to watch 20 ADS A DAY to earn a rate of 3 CURRENCY PER AD to spend on unlocking characters, the only content the game has to offer. When character prices range from 60 to up to 150, that’s an insane amount of ads to force down a players throat. Or you can spend a “humble” $5 per character pack of 3 characters.

The devs are absolutely shameless, this app is barely a functioning skeleton of a game and they are selling it to players like it’s solid gold. Gross.


Decent game, but a great demo

This game has a fun core gameplay loop. My only real issue is that each run takes up to ~20 minutes, and there is no reward unless you win the run, which can be very frustrating. My main issue with this version is that there is no apparent way to earn more in-game currency aside from watching ads, and that has a terrible ROI. That means that after the first week there is no way to unlock new characters or draw new talents. I haven’t decided whether to get the premium version yet, but if it removes the ads and the premium currency limitations then I’ll seriously consider it.


Great game 1 flaw

I really like this game and enjoy playing it would be an easy 5 star game except the spud system. I almost bought the game on steam and know that how you unlock characters there is through achievements. I understand that the spud system is a way for the devs to make money but if you just made the game cost money and removed the spud system and made characters unlocked by achievements I would instantly make this a five star review and play it none stop.


Love it

I’m so glad you guys made this game. It’s so fun and I can stop playing. If there was a change it would be the amount of damage monsters do because the damage they do gets out of hand a little fast. And being able to get spuds easy. There might be a way to that I don’t know because I can’t use money and watching videos is annoying.
But expect for that the game is amazing.


Best game ever

this app is one of the best games I’ve ever played. I had it on the computer awhile back and saw that I could pre order it on the phone and I just had to. This game is so beautiful. It feels like can make thousands of different ways to play with so many different characters and so many different weapons. I can’t wait to put so many hours into this game!


Great game

So I watch ssundee and he was making this app videos so I looked on Brotato Store and saw it was coming in the future and I was so glad to play it today and I hope y’all make updates to the game and the game is phenomenally made the creators made a fun game idk if there are adds because I’ve played like two rounds but I know most of the monsters from ssundee’s videos so yeah great game


Online multiplayer

With they way that the game is played, o think that it would be a really cool idea to allow online multiplayer to allow the games to go past wave 20 allowing for new creatures that the characters will have to fight. And with an infinite amount of possibilities such as a multitasker character with a mage character on the same battle area


I like the game a lot

I like the game I don’t have a problem with it one suggestion is making it easier to buy the potatoes instead of using money. And also I think the game should have achievements so when you get an achievement you can get a free prize like a skin or a potato. But overall this game is a 10/10


Really good game

Really good idea to put it on mobile I was waiting for so long and it finally came out. So when I realized that it was on mobile I immediately installed it on mobile I have been playing it for a while on my computer


Love but, one flaw.

I love this game and watching others play it, so when I started playing, I loved it, but soon I realized something. In this version you can’t unlock the characters but completing a task, you must buy it with spuds. I really don’t like how there is this app Premium that fixes this and I would love to be able to get them in game.


A good game but not the best.

So I was just scrolling around and found this game and I played it, it wasn’t bad but I do say there could be more things such as if you get a new weapon it tells you that when you get it, that pops up on screen than the tutorial you do when you first start but overall it’s a really good game


Good game

This is a great game with very little flaws. The only flaws that are just a me problem is the pay to advance faster. Other than that the prices are fair and the gameplay is awesome! I just wish you could get a little bit of potatoes when you play on a harder danger level.


A Pleasant Surprise

this app is a unique, oddly satisfying rogue like which has some TFT like elements (shop every round, use currency to reroll). I have higher budget games on my phone but I keep coming back to this one every day for a week. Well done. Love the sound effects, too.


Is this a glitch/bugs or is this how it’s supposed to work?

When i played this game it was very addicting and fun but now i cant unlock characters other than watching 20 adds to get 60 potatoes. I should have more than 10 characters because i got the requirements for them but I haven’t gotten them. Is this like a glitch or is this normal? Someone pls tell me.


Has potential

This game is incredible on pc. This mobile port feels way harder and is an earlier version of the pc version, just a way worse experience altogether. Both versions should be synced together. As for gameplay, it’s pretty fun, but progression seems slow, if at all. Spuds aren’t gained from playing the game, just ads, logins, and real money. The game could be better, maybe the release should’ve been delayed.


Incredible game! Challenging yet simple

Great pc game ported to mobile excellently. Same movement feel, great progression during gameplay, plenty of unlocks and many challenges to push your playstyle. Hopefully wins best mobile game of the century, and any awards it actually gets put up for.


Gold Standard for modern phone games

This game has been master crated! Easy to access (f2p) with non intrusive completely optional ads. Same great quality like on PC. Sustainable income with a vip system, nice if you want to support the devs. Very smart, you guys have done a great job.


Game epic but here’s why you shouldn’t get

Ok so I think the game is amazing great concept and love the strategy aspect. I love the amount of different combos and the fact you have to work to get different potatoes which gives you a goal to work to so that you feel accomplishment even after you have beaten the final boss before. Amazing game and easy to replay. Ok but the reason you shouldn’t buy it is because well… I Put that into the title of the review to get peoples attention did it work? Just buy the game it’s great plus it has funny characters.



No issues whatsoever! Gameplay is smooth and fun. I love the versatility and all the different ways to clear the game and I’ve only been playing a week. Highly recommend if you want to kill some spare time or maybe the entire afternoon


Many big issues

Fun game, but:
1. It does not let you play offline, it just says no network.
2. The cloud save doesn’t actually work (I reinstalled the game later and none of my data was there even though I had the checkmark for saving cloud data before uninstalling the game and reinstalling it afterwards) I can’t even recover the inapp purchases like perma VIP
3. There is a seperate version of this game which gets more updates and is the premium version (Your data does not transfer to that)


Best mobile game ever!

This game. Absolutely addicting. So smooth and well done. Great port. I have so many Steam PC hours in this game and always hoped it would come to mobile. Wow! They did a great job. Download it now. Just set your alarm or something so you don’t lose too much track of time.



I love the game and it turns out amazing though found one, though it possibly 2 different ones but I don’t know. It being a strange glitch where i would press the item but it would still be there, then if i press it again it removes the item i bought and made me spend more to get it back too. Then another was similar but instead of doing like last time, it straight up ate my studs without giving me the item, or in this case merging it with another epic i had on the same item. Both times i had my slots full if that helps any.


It’s a amazing but…

It feels super slow as a pro player in like multiple different games I would rate this 9/10 since it feels extremely slow in the beginning but eventually it gets fun
Should also add more variety of people.


That top note... pure vanilla

Love this game. It don't need wifi so u can do the ol' trick (plz don't fix it devs) to have no ads. If u have problems getting through the game, just listen to the suggestions and you'll get through the waves. If u don't get through it, then skill issue. Game is very nice.


I like it

The game itself is very fun with many viable options to choose what build you want to go for. There are some op builds with specific characters that you can opt for to just win the game every time, but with the addition of unique and sometimes crazy characters, the game challenges you to be innovative while also being careful with each item you choose. The only problem I have with this game is shared with many other games that have the same gameplay: the controls. I can’t get my fat thumbs to work well with these controls and, as result, will sometimes kill me in the game. Pass that one flaw, this games is definitely worth your time to play.


Just no

I bought the Demon character for 150 spuds, only to find out that I can’t use that character until 26 LEVELS INTO ADVENTURE MODE (for context, this is a mode that, every level, gets increasingly more and more difficult, and you need to with purchase upgrades or grind a stupid amount to get above level 10, much less 26. There is actually no other way to do it). I don’t like that I wasted ingame currency for a character that I won’t be able to use for at least a couple of months. I’ve been playing this game for about 2 weeks, and can’t beat level 9 (actually, according to the game, there was only a 20% chance I beat level 7, and I brute forced my way through levels 7 and 8). Just play the PC version. This game wasn’t even released by the actual creators of the game (Blobfish).


Endless mode

I played endless mode with Entrepreneur. It was fun, had a bunch of magic leaves. At some point during the wave game froze, I reloaded back to survival mode and noticed that my damage % was decreased by at least 15% (from 600,000 to 500,000), I still continued to play expecting that magic leaf + bloody hand will increase my damage %. However, I noticed that its beet 30 waves that my magic leaf stopped increasing my life steal. It took me a while because I was still buying items to increase my stats, and at that point I had 625,000% damage. I decided to reload the game once again, and my magic leaf started to generate stats again. However, my damage dropped again to 550,00 and the locked items in the store with a price 108,000 jumped to 1,250,000. There are too many bugs in endless, very disappointed


Fellow Brotatoes

This game is truly awesome and requires minimal effort to enjoy. Just sit back and drag your thumb across the screen (of whatever device you’re on), and there you have it!! You’re an official this app, punching and shooting your way to victory!!! I think this is probably the only game I can actually say I love playing without a doubt in my mind. Love ya, Brotatoes. Have a blessed day (or evening I guess I should say, since it’s currently 4:26 PM at the time of me posting this review), and keep on brawlin’ like a true this app!!!

Sincerely - BlackDragonKy



It is the most funnest game ever. I’ve been wanting this to go on mobile they give it to the creators, but can you make it free on computers that will make this game twice is better than twice as much people will be playing it that’s why I give it a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ and if I was to make it a higher star review I would make it max. That’s how good the game is.



My husband introduced me to this app on Steam, and he just sent me the link to Brotato Store version today which made me almost cry. 😭 I love this game so so much!! Thank you for giving me a mobile version. 🥹
this app is currently getting me through law school, and now I’ve been blessed because it’s even easier to play. 🫶


Great game but

Its a fantastic game and im having alot of fun especially since they added the adventure mode but im still waiting for the other characters/classes to be added (apprentice, renegade, etc.) now i dont know if its on premium and im fine spending 5$ if they are there but apparently there are also items not in game. Now i know it might take a while because circumstances unknown to me, and that there might be some balancing issues with adventure mode but I really hope that they eventually kind of keep up with the primary game. Note I tryed to do 4.5 but I kept having trouble so its just a 4 star. Sorry



Fun but very pay to win

Overall a pretty fun game but pretty quickly you hit a plateau. By level 10 you either have to spend a crazy amount of money to easily progress further or you spend months grinding the game just to get 1 fry every 30 min of gameplay (you need 100). So you can tell why it probably takes the average person several weeks if not months of consistent gameplay to finally get strong enough to beat that SINGLE level. Likely better off just playing the PC version on Steam.


everything changed when a Chinese operator took over and launched it on iOS.

For some reason, the iOS version of the game has added so much content that requires players to pay. Originally, different characters could be unlocked by completing corresponding achievements, which is still the case in the Chinese version of this app and on the PC version. However, in the U.S. iOS version, you are required to purchase them with Potato Coins, which can only be obtained by recharging or watching silly game ads. This is simply a waste of players' time! We have to spend so much money on content that should be free. I hope the iOS version would adopt a one-time purchase model rather than in-game charges because, comparatively, if you want to unlock all characters in the game, you would have to spend more than three times the cost of the game on Steam. This is a terrible gaming experience, not to mention that on PC you can also use a variety of mods! Furthermore, the newly designed Adventure Mode requires you to buy expensive Talent Cards for characters to proceed, which is another indirect way of charging players for content. It's simply outrageous!


Not fun, feels reused

In the game you just have to survive 20 waves to get to the next level, you get rewards for doing so. There are coins you can buy or obtain through the levels but you MUST complete all 20 waves to actually get anything. And the rewards are so minor you cant even buy a decent character without having to spend money, it is pay to win for sure.


this version of the game is terrible

its really sad that the free version of the game is extremely pay to win and the fact that you have to buy the premium version to have fun
the free version is not fun at all and main reason are:
you cant continue the adventure mode without paying with real money for upgrades

characters being unlockable with paying with a stupid currency called spuds wich is hard to earn

like why are u guys not releasing the original steam version free for everyone just like vampire survivors because the developers of that game released the game for mobile without any differences and all for free (besides the dlcs wich is not a problem)
and basically makes the game fun

i just hope the devs of erabit games read this and in the end all i want to tell the devs is that This is a roguelike and not a pay to win game like genshin impact and stop being like ea and activision and fix this masterpiece game


Great game but way different on IOS

I’ve played this game on my Galaxy S24, steam deck and Xbox one.
But this version is the weirdest one yet. This is the only version that has ads everywhere, and other platforms except PC and IOS is on a game pass which means no ads at all why is this game not in Apple Arcade?

Still a great game and lots of fun, you can spend hours in this game and not realize how much time you spent. There’s a lot of customization in how you want your character to play from pure melee to pure shooting it gives you tons of options. 5 stars all around


Love it…except mobile wierdness

I have noticed a few differences between the mobile app on my iPad and the PC game. In particular, turrets are impossible to play with except on engineer. They virtually always spawn clumped together in corners and don’t cover any incoming damage, so you have to rely on your wrenches and screw drivers. Neither of these weapons scale as a primary source of damage. Every reasonable build expects the turrets to be your primary damage. With them spawning this way, you are forced into a corner along a wall and it’s GO as soon as anything significant spawns. This seems to only be an issue on mobile versions.


Fix difficulty 5 then it’s 5/5

difficult 5 is not challenging in fun way but a boring way since enemies can two shot you no matter how much strong you are you like for example I’ll have 10 shield and 37 health in level 4 and get two shoted by a ‘weak’ enemy that only shows up in the earlier levels and you don’t get any good upgrades which makes it tiring because it’s almost impossible to create a build and your luck is made way worse like if your using the screwdriver your landmines will not get spawned in the middle and you’ll get the same boring upgrades.


Infinite fun, until there’s a paywall…

this app is fun! There’s math strategy and chaos! There are two modes, and only one gives you Spuds, the currency used to buy new characters, but there’s a problem, after a while, around danger 6 you need a level 5 totem to beat the continuing levels, (it’s still possible, but very hard) this point you need to pay to upgrade your totem, then your only option is watch a lot of ads (20 a day and only 3 spuds each) or pay up. Other than that you can play classic mode and endless, both are very fun, one character I recommend is Soldier. A effective ranged character who has massive buffs but only when standing still. It’s good, especially with turrets and ATK speed, and it’s great for AFK


Actually good mobile game

I remember seeing a review on this game for the pc, thought it looked good but wasn’t sure if I’d like it considering I’ve never really played a vampire survivor style game before, and when I saw it for free on mobile I was skeptical since 90% of mobile games have constant pop up adds, thankfully this is not one of those games, the only adds it has are 30 second optional ones that give you a reward when watching them.

When it comes to gameplay this app is a very simple game that lends itself well to a mobile port, just like in vampire survivors it shoots automatically which makes it really easy to control on mobile since you only have to use one joystick.

Over all this is about as good as mobile games get.


Some ideas you can add if you want

So first off this game is a lot of fun but I have some ideas if you wanna them so firstly so weapons and items but I will start with items so what if they’re was a robot suit that increases attack and armor but decreases speed next is simple glowing bullets that increase range damage not too much though now the other part of it the weapons a branch that is like a stick but times two then a bottle cap mini-gun that fires bottle caps at a insane rate but it doesn’t do much damage but I makes that up for speed and two is a character idea I have it is a cook they start with one farm and a knife and you can decide of the rest if you see this just say what you think

Is Brotato Safe?

Yes. Brotato is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 5,558 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Brotato Is 63.3/100.

Is Brotato Legit?

Yes. Brotato is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 5,558 Brotato User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Brotato Is 90.1/100..

Is Brotato not working?

Brotato works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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