Card Prices: Yu-Gi-Oh Edition

Card Prices: Yu-Gi-Oh Edition Software

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Card Prices Overview

We calculate our card prices by checking multiple card sellers' websites, filtering out the crap, and consolidating the results into easy to understand information.

In order to provide the most accurate and realistic card prices possible, we modify the prices of eBay results that contain things like "3x", "x3", "3 copies of", etc.

o Up to date card database with prices for all available variations and prints of cards.

We here at YugiohPrices are dedicated to providing the highest quality price data and item listings possible.

o See which cards are rising or falling in price over the last 24 to 36 hours.

We divide the total listing price by the number of cards being sold, and use that as the price for the listing.

All card price data is updated every three to twelve hours.

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Product Details and Description of

Access, the number one Yu-Gi-Oh card price guide website, using our specially designed app! == App Features == o Sell your cards on eBay directly from the app! o Accurate and realistic prices based on listings from multiple vendors and eBay listings. Don’t bother to filter through the junk, does that for you! o Up to date card database with prices for all available variations and prints of cards. o Pull up prices for any card just by taking a picture of it. o See which cards are rising or falling in price over the last 24 to 36 hours. o View projected price values for any booster packs or tins! o Quickly and easily jump to vendor and seller websites to purchase cards. o View price percentage shift history for all cards. == What is == is a website dedicated to providing Yu-Gi-Oh players with: - Accurate and realistic card prices. - The best and cheapest places to buy Yu-Gi-Oh cards. - Information on what cards are rising or falling in price. - Realistic booster pack values for every Yu-Gi-Oh set. == What makes the prices and listings on YugiohPrices unique? == Quality. We here at YugiohPrices are dedicated to providing the highest quality price data and item listings possible. To that effect we have developed comprehensive data processing algorithms designed to filter out all but the highest quality results. This means that you won't have to wade through the garbage of grab bags, card lots, and so on, in order to find the best deals on the cards you're looking for! How are the card prices calculated? We calculate our card prices by checking multiple card sellers' websites, filtering out the crap, and consolidating the results into easy to understand information. == What card merchants are supported? == We check all of the following websites for card listings and prices. If you would like us to add another merchant to our price checker, feel free to contact us. - eBay - Troll and Toad - TCGPlayer - Amazon - Poke Order - Card Central - Ideal808 - Alter Reality Games - CoreTCG == How often are card prices updated? == All card price data is updated every three to twelve hours. == Why do some eBay listings show a cheaper price than what the actual auction page has on it? == In order to provide the most accurate and realistic card prices possible, we modify the prices of eBay results that contain things like "3x", "x3", "3 copies of", etc. We divide the total listing price by the number of cards being sold, and use that as the price for the listing. We do this so that common and very cheap cards that aren't worth very much won't appear to have an inflated cost.

Top Reviews

By branch216

Amazing app

I’ve had this app for a few months now and just recently I decided to check some of the reviews just out of boredom. I found a couple of reviews saying the prices were inaccurate, which freaked me out a lot since I traded away a lot of cards using the prices listed. So I decided to do some research of my own, going to several websites like eBay and tcg player to see if most of the prices matched, and to my relief, they did. I just wanted to clarify that for anyone who may have been in the same boat as me or anyone who might be discouraged at first from downloading it. This app is accurate and super useful, with constant card database updates as well as useful search features, and I highly recommend for anyone who is looking for a huge card database with accurate prices that are easy to quickly check.

By .straid

Great app!

I just recently got back into ygo and this app has everything i need as far as information goes on whatever card i search. I really like that i can save a watchlist and check prices daily for specific cards im interested in but also check trending cards etc. If youre getting into selling/collecting rare cards I definitely recommend this app for all of that, and also do yourself a favor and pay the measly couple of bucks to get rid of the ads and to support the guys behind the app, very well worth it in my opinion!

By Falko2187

Good App

I don’t know why ppl are saying this app is a way to “Rip Ppl Off.” I’ve been using this app now for over a year to help sell my cards and I’ve had no problems. I love this app very much. It has tons of information and is so helpful. I’d be lost without it! Keep up the good work developers! Don’t get rid of this app lol, I extremely rely on it for help!! 👍👌👏

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