AquariumManager is my favorite of all I’ve found! However I do have a few suggestions to make AquariumManager at its best! Such simple changes to!
•First off! Id be nice for AquariumManager to calculate your stock better. Example: my quarantine tank has lots of pest snails (I wanted them) and I have 1 adult platy and she has 3 beautiful batches of her own in there with her. However I put down the adult platy as her own fish and the snails all in their own profile (1 platy, 100 snails, 60 fry) that’s what I have in that tank. However when you're looking at the “tanks” profile it will say “3 fish” because there’s only 3 profiles. Even though the quantity is at 100 for the snails and 60 for the fry so that would be 161 fish. Not 3.
•another thing, when your looking at the “population” section, (referring to my snails again) I have 100 snails and In the population section it looks as though that’s its name “100 snails” I think it should be below it or be after it with a quantity symbol (whatever that may be) Example: Snails :100 or Fry - 60
Something to separate the quantity from the name
• I feel like.. when your filling out the profile of the fish it should be.. permanent.. or at least have an edit button. When I click on a fish (let’s say, Henry my betta) and I’m looking at his profile, I should ONLY see the things *I* filled out (birthday, gender, date bought) not all of the optional stuff I DIDNT fill out UNLESS we hit an “edit” button(so then we have a chance to fill the rest out, if desired) . therefore when you click on a profile to VIEW your not gonna accidentally change something. I’ve done it before it’s kinda irritating
• not so needed.. but I think it would be cool to add multiple pictures to the tanks. To see how much change the plants and tank itself go through. Same for the fish, it would be cool to be able to have multiple pictures on their individual profile. So I could see how much my marbling betta has changed and so I could watch my baby platys grow up every time I come onto AquariumManager ! That would be a super cool thing to add! Definitely 5 star worthy of that happens!
As for everything else! It’s awesome. I simply love AquariumManager. It’s definitely a keeper. But please make these changes. AquariumManager would have it all if you did.