Falcon for Twitter - Twitter client that specializes in streaming search

Falcon for Twitter - Twitter client that specializes in streaming search Software

Company Name:


Falcon Overview

Because finished mobile advertising network(iAd App Network), the development of Falcon was finished.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

[News of the development end] Because finished mobile advertising network(iAd App Network), the development of this app was finished. It will focus on the development of 'Aplos for Twitter' in the future. *** IMPORTANT *** To those who have purchased the add-on. If you have a version up from less than version 3.0.0, you will need to do to restore the purchase information.(It's free.) Location: [Menu]->[Store] Sorry for the inconvenience. *** this app: the *only* real-time reader for twitter. this app updates the twitter news stream from inputed keywords or hash-tags in real time. Pursuing handleability and speed, we adopted flat-design and renewed everything. Here comes wholly-redesinged this app. KEY FEATURES - No manual update: News Stream is updated in realtime: - Trends monitoring at launch time: no need to search for them, they are displayed right after the launch - Up to to 10 Hash-tags or keywords search can be saved KEY BENEFITS - Get an instant resonance of twitter's sphere - Get immediately informed for a specific trend - Get a fresh stream of data to be viewed while doing some else. ※ Available on both iPhone / iPad

Top Reviews

By Natephish

Basic app, but it works.

This app is very basic. The instructions at the beginning are in poorly-translated English and don't make sense. Luckily no further reading is needed. The app has no frills or slick interface but it works well. It even allows you to view trends from other countries. Thank you!

By Evan_Beezy

Was amazing before. Extremely powerful!

This app is really amazing. So much potential. 2.0 makes it look even more beautiful. Why is it no1 knows about this app?

By xEliteTacox


I've fallen in love with the design of this app, the only thing preventing me from deleting my other twitter app is the lack of basic Timeline functionality.

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