Duden German Dictionaries app not working? crashes or has problems?

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I have a problem with Duden German Dictionaries

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⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️

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Summary of Duden German Dictionaries Problems 🔥

- The latest update has caused new bugs and inconveniences, such as the badge suggesting updates for each dictionary appearing even after updating.

- The app crashes on iPhones after the latest update, which is a major issue for users who primarily use their phone.

- The fact that previously purchased dictionaries were disabled is a major concern for users who have invested money in the app.

- The discrepancy between the advertised discount and the actual discount offered in the in-app store is misleading and frustrating for users.

Have a Problem with Duden German Dictionaries? Report Issue

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Contact e-Mail: support@duden.de

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E-Mail: hotline@duden.de

Website: 🌍 Visit Duden German Dictionaries Website

Privacy Policy: https://www.duden.de/apps/datenschutzbestimmung

Developer: Bibliographisches Institut GmbH