Simple Habits - Habit Tracker

Simple Habits - Habit Tracker Software

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Simple Habits Overview

For each habit, you can easily see your current and longest streak.

For each habit, you can see the current streak and longest streak.

Aim not to break the streak and you will automatically keep the habit.

Your goal is to make your current streak as long as possible.

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Product Details and Description of

Simple Habits helps you build positive habits in your life. It helps you keep track of your progress and maintain your motivation. For each habit, you can easily see your current and longest streak. Your goal is to make your current streak as long as possible. Aim not to break the streak and you will automatically keep the habit. FEATURES * Add the daily habits that you want to build. * Track how you maintain the habits. You can give a check mark to a habit whenever you do it. If you forgot, you can still give the check mark anytime you want. * See how good you are in maintaining the habits. For each habit, you can see the current streak and longest streak. You can also see the details of the streak. This way you can easily see when you succeeded and when you didn’t. * Set a passcode to protect your data. * Backup your data.

Top Reviews

By Kchrist1077

Exactly what I was looking for

I just wanted a calendar type app that I could mark X on the day the certain activity happened. All other trackers are over complicated. This app is simple and easy to use.

By PaperPxi

Simple ap to help you keep track of anything

If there is anything in your life that you want to keep track of just by checking it off a calendar, then this will work. (Chores, Meds, eating habits, etc) I am actually using this ap to keep track of which neighborhood stray cats I see each day. They come and go but I now know what is the norm for each. I like that I can be pretty descriptive in the habit field and I can edit the order they display. It's also easy to go back and check off yesterday if you forgot.

By adhd_april

Super simple

I forget a lot of simple things a lot of the time--this is a great way to remind myself not to skip them, especially at the end of the day when I'm tired. Love the streak counting: once I have a long streak going, I don't want to break it!

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