- Live wind: FishWeather LIVE WIND provides a view of the wind with Flow Map Forecast and the latest reports from real-time weather stations.
- Free weather stations: Real-time wind reports from over 50,000 stations worldwide.
- Pro weather stations: Real-time wind reports from hundreds of exclusive FishWeather PRO Weather Stations built ultra heavy duty and maintained by their own engineers and meteorologist-sited for the highest possible quality of wind reports.
- Free forecasts: For anywhere on Earth, the app delivers all of the leading global forecast models to your fingertips.
- Plus forecasts: FishWeather's own WF-WRF proprietary Forecast Model is the master class edition.
- Pro forecasts: Highly-accurate, in-depth PRO Forecast Discussions drawing upon extensive local forecasting experience, which allows pinpointing in detailed text exactly what to expect at your spot.
- Wind list: A quick-load wind reference tool, telling you the top-ranked weather stations in the area for any search you do anywhere in the world.
- Exclusive nowcast wind reports: For thousands of top fishing areas worldwide.
- Wind alerts: Keep track of when the wind hits your defined thresholds.
- Favorites list: Create your own favorites list to keep a constant eye on your go-to fishing areas.
- Onsite reports: Access onsite reports from fishermen worldwide.
- Tide reports: Provides tide reports for fishing areas worldwide.
- Radar/precip map: Provides radar and precipitation maps for fishing areas worldwide.
- Satellite/clouds map: Provides satellite and clouds maps for fishing areas worldwide.
- Forecast map: Provides forecast maps for fishing areas worldwide.
- Sea surface temperatures: Provides sea surface temperatures for fishing areas worldwide.
- Nautical charts: Provides nautical charts for fishing areas worldwide.
- Subscription-based: Offers Plus, Pro, and Gold subscriptions with different durations and prices.
- Privacy policy and terms of use: By purchasing a subscription or downloading the app, users agree to the privacy policy and terms of use.