Aegis Shield Mobile

Aegis Shield Mobile Software

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Aegis Shield Overview

Aegis Shield was created to provide up-to-date access to information for over 140,000 dietary supplements, over-the-counter medications, and prescription drugs - the most extensive database of its kind.

Aegis Shield is backed by Aegis Sciences Corporation and its team of experts who evaluate each product and assign a status: Okay, Caution or Banned.

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Product Details and Description of

Aegis Shield was created to provide up-to-date access to information for over 140,000 dietary supplements, over-the-counter medications, and prescription drugs - the most extensive database of its kind. Products can be securely searched or automatically found by scanning the product’s UPC code with the device camera. Aegis Shield is backed by Aegis Sciences Corporation and its team of experts who evaluate each product and assign a status: Okay, Caution or Banned. These statuses are based on each league or athletic organization’s list of banned substances. Each status is accompanied by an explanation of why that product received its status. Available programs include: WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) Prohibited Substance List Collegiate Athletic Organizations (for college athletes) NFL® Banned Substance List MLB® Banned Substance List WWE® Banned Substance List NASCAR® Banned Substance List INDYCAR® Banned Substance List

Top Reviews

By DrSilkyB

Great app for athletes and support staff

Easy way to scan or search dietary supplements to determine if their ingredient listings include banned substances. Great to help reduce the risk of consuming banned substances. WADA and other banned substance lists to choose from. Excellent web site as well.

By Cyclesports


Super useful tool... A must have for any athlete or person that cares about what goes into their body

By TennFootball2013

A. Maz. Ing.

This is perfect for my son who is entering his Senior year and hoping to walk on the UTK football team next year.

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