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Problems reported in the last 24 hours

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Summary of Haaretz English Edition Problems 🔥

- The app crashes every day, making it basically unusable.

- Pop-up advertisements assault the user before even getting to the headlines.

- The subscription does not work on different devices, and the company does not offer refunds when users complain.

📋 2 Reported Issues:

Tamara Duval 2023-11-26

Hello: I would like to resume receiving HaAretz. Since my account with you has lapsed, I've tried, several times, to re-subscribe with no success. When I hit the SUBSCRIBE button, I'm asked for my P/W. Already not good since I'm treating this as a new subscription. Nevertheless, I've pressed the forgot the P/W button and I get a window asking for my email address. I enter that & get notification that you've sent me an email so that I can change the P/W. But not such email apears in my inbox (or any other of the boxes such as SPAM). I've tried logging in and the same frustrating deal happens. What should I do to re-subscribe that I'm not doing?????????? Namaste, Tamara

Deborah Szajnberg 2022-08-27

App on my iphone not opening although I get alerts.

Showing 1-2 of 2 reported issues:

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Developer: Haaretz Newspaper Ltd.