Houston Chronicle Reviews

Houston Chronicle Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-21

About: The best of the Houston area is at your fingertips with the Houston Chronicle
app. • Breaking news alerts • Hurricane coverage • In-depth local
reporting • Texas Sports Nation • Puzzles and comics SUBSCRIPTION
DETAILS: Download the app for free.

About Houston Chronicle

What is Houston Chronicle? The Houston Chronicle app provides access to breaking news alerts, hurricane coverage, in-depth local reporting, Texas Sports Nation, puzzles, and comics. The app is free to download, but users can choose between limited access for free or unlimited access for $9.99 per month with a two-week free trial period. Current subscribers have unlimited access to the app.



- Breaking news alerts: Stay up-to-date with the latest news in the Houston area with push notifications for breaking news.

- Hurricane coverage: Get the latest updates and information during hurricane season to stay safe and prepared.

- In-depth local reporting: Access in-depth reporting on local news, politics, and events in the Houston area.

- Texas Sports Nation: Follow the latest news and analysis on Houston sports teams, including the Texans, Rockets, and Astros.

- Puzzles and comics: Enjoy puzzles and comics from the Houston Chronicle.

- Subscription options: Choose between limited access for free or unlimited access for $9.99 per month with a two-week free trial period.

- Subscription management: Users can manage their subscriptions and turn off auto-renewal in their account settings.

- Privacy policy and terms of service: The app has a privacy policy and terms of service that can be accessed through the app.

- Feedback: Users can provide feedback or ask questions by emailing [email protected].

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 8,667 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Houston Chronicle

- Allows you to make decisions as to what to do and when it is happening.

- Thumbs on Saturday and Chris Tomlinson make you think.

- News is always there to read and digest.

- Opinions are fair and will make you think.

- Crossword puzzles keep your vocabulary skills sharp.

21 Houston Chronicle Reviews

4.5 out of 5



The Houston Chronicle used to be a newspaper. It has turned into nothing more than a propaganda sheet for the democratic party. We no longer can even read front page “news” stories that are not editorials. Some of the biggest stories that affect our very democracy are not even covered: The Russian collusion investigation findings. The Oval Office directing the FBI to spy on the incoming administration. Biden’s quid pro quo with Ukraine. Weaponizing the IRS against conservative organizations. The shutdown of coverage of the findings from the Hunter Biden laptop. The very real instances of fraudulent and unlawful conduct in our last election. The snap impeachment, conducted without even a single witness being called. I have found no mention of John Sullivan since the riot. No condemnation of the shutdown of speech on social media platforms. The Chronicle is complicit in all of these abuses of our democracy. You are only complicit now; you should realize that it’s only a matter of time until your “news” coverage will be dictated to you. A free and fair press is the guardian of democracy. Your job is to hold the politicians in check, and report abuses. Do. Your. Job.


The Houston Chronicle is a great newspaper. It is so Houston!

I’ve always been a newspaper reader — having been born in H-town I’ve read them all and still read the Houston Press. I want to know what’s going on and seeing the items in print allows you to make decisions as to what to do and when it is happening.
I’m really a fan of the Thumbs on Saturday and Chris Tomlinson (business writer and “Forget the Alamo” author) always makes me think. The news is always there to read and digest and the opinions are fair and will make you think. And I can’t forget the Crossword puzzles—they keep your vocabulary skills sharp.
Support local news organizations. They keep politicians on their toes. Thanks Chronicle!!



The Chronicle has a nasty habit of writing a story, then showing that story for three or four days. The Sports section reports on the local pro teams and ignores the rest of the pro teams. The same goes for college sports
Finally, the Chronicle sticks OpEd articles in the news sections far too frequently. Chris Tomlinson, for example does not report news; he reports his opinion.
What the Chronicle is good at is reporting killings and car wrecks. Some days, I think I live in Chicago or Baltimore after reading the Chronicle.
Suggestion: have every reporter read the. Wall Street Journal daily to get exposure to what real news looks like.
It’s hard to discuss a Chronicle article with friends because they all have cancelled the paper. I may be next.


Terrible app and poor service

One of the least function apps on my smart device. I enjoy reading, or I would if I could, the chronicle e-edition. Unfortunately every time I attempt to access the e-edition I am required to go thru a 4 step process and relink my subscription? I have reached out to the chronicle e-edition via e-mail seeking help several times but no response. So not entirely sure whether it is HoustonChronicle or the chronicle, but the combination has resulted in a very poor user experience.


What’s wrong with the Chronicle

This news has become so Liberal that it’s hard to read. Why not have more than one view. I like to think and form my on conclusions. I know the real news from fake one view reporting. I no longer enjoy readying this paper, and long for the days when we had a choice, like when the Houston post was available. Many days I throw this paper directly in the trash, after reading the headlines. I have to go to alternative sources to compare and form my own conclusions. U cannot tell me how to think.


Paid twice for Chronicle and no refund

I accidentally subscribed through Houston Chronicle website and through HoustonChronicle. Paid twice and there is no way to get a refund.

I canceled all Apple subscriptions because they never thought to provide any customer service despite the fact that they are the single largest company by market cap. Forget about that garbage.


Houston Chronicle did not honor Sunday delivery

I have had a digital subscription almost since it started and pleased with improvements over the years. However, it included delivery of the Sunday paper and the Chronicle cancelled this without notice in December 2020. Despite numerous calls to the Chronicle and verification from Apple that my subscription included Sunday delivery through May 2021, the Chronicle refused to honor it. Looks now that the subscription is only digital. Very disappointed with lack of coordination between Chronicle and Apple on past subscription and bait and switch tactic.


Clunky but works

Hard to sign in, but does the job. Even though I paid for subscription, there still are adds. Isn't that why you pay for subscriptions? 3 stars for being average.


Houston Chronicle App

HoustonChronicle is glitchy, takes too long to load articles, does not hold the position in an article if you switch off HoustonChronicle before completing reading (instead taking you back to the top), and occasionally takes you off an article altogether. Additionally, articles that appear on the front page are not always available under their applicable sections (this particularly clearly happens with business and sports articles), and the search feature is not very functional. Please use the WSJ app and model any updates on that functionality.



The only reason I keep a digital subscription is because of the sports section. I read the paper version for over 30 years. Everything outside of sports has a left leaning view (far left a lot of times) just like most of the media and has gotten a lot worse over the years. Obviously, you do not know you subscriber base which explains your poor overall performance.

I wish you were what newspapers used to be, report the news without any political viewpoint. When politics are involved, include view points from both sides.



I’ve read the Chronicle for at least 30 years, and the Houston Post before that. My educated observation is that this newspaper has become highly politicized, and, like most major media outlets, now pushes a decidedly left leaning agenda. The editorial board is a steadfast cheerleader for the Biden agenda: right, wrong, or indifferent. Likewise the AP, NYT, WP, and unnamed others. I’m educated and fair minded, but I no longer enjoy reading the Chronicle; I now read it only because I have a perceived responsibility to monitor the slow decay of this once fine nation. Mike Hoover, Galveston TX.


Doesn’t save your spot

I love the Chronicle I trust the reporting and like getting news specific to Texas and Houston. However, when you read online it doesn’t save your spot like other news apps/online platforms. If your phone locks or you go to another app and come back it takes you to the top of the article and you have to scroll through to find your spot again.


Enjoyable & Informative

We have enjoyed the Paper ever since I can remember my parents taking it in the 60s. I feel like part of my day is missing or incomplete when our paper is not delivered or someone grabs out of our front yard. Lonnie



I have been a subscriber since the ‘70’s and I believe you are now producing the best product over that period. Most importantly, I believe your efforts at investigative reporting are impactful and potential change agents. Congratulations.


Easy to read

Easy to navigate and read the digital Chronicle and no waiting for delivery every morning.


Where oh where

Every morning I try to guess where I will find articles. Which section will they be in each day? Is today the day I will be able too read the letters to the editor today? I don't understand who or why anyone thought this update was better then the previous edition. If I wanted to read the paper on the web, I wouldn't bother trying to read it on my iPad.


Houston Chronicle

Extreme left editorial bias, often misrepresents issues & speaks down morally to its readers. I will never understand why this paper charges $65/mo. & the Wall Street Journal, a much better newspaper charges $45! We only take the Chronicle because my husband likes to read their funnies at breakfast. I would prefer to drop it!



So you “upgraded” the Chronicle app and now you no longer have the ability to search for older articles? What happened to the US And World News sections? And many articles are old news. Would be nice to have a new paper every day and then search for older articles if you wish.


Young Liberal bloggers

I wouldn’t even call any article journalism. Essentially young liberal bloggers with editorials instead of “just the facts”. Anyone with an ounce of “seasoning” would know the difference between the disaster we have currently running our country and what solid leadership looks like. These liberal journalism students are clueless. If it wasn’t for requiring the Chronicle subscription to get Texas Sports Nation for John McClain I’d drop this subscription


Balanced reporting

I am getting pretty close to dropping my subscription to the Chronicle. It seems like any time you have the opportunity to put a liberal spin on an article you do so and I do not waste time on reading opinions as it seems no one has an opinion that is not liberal.


Hate the new app

HoustonChronicle just keeps getting worse and worse. The majority of the stories are days old and it never contains the latest news. For example, yesterday’s paper had nothing about the government shutdown while it was the main headline on the print edition. There were several front page stories yesterday in the print edition that were nowhere to be found in HoustonChronicle edition. This morning, the same thing until scrolling down to the bottom where there is a section called “Latest News” that had some of the stories from the headlines of the print edition. But why would this be put down at the bottom instead of what you see when you open HoustonChronicle ? I assume these newspaper apps are trying to make things as simple and cheap as possible on their end, but it is not helping the consumer. I subscribe to the e-print version. My husband relies on HoustonChronicle . I tell him that he is constantly in the dark as HoustonChronicle is always old news.


Poor app. Needs more basic features.

I have tried to use HoustonChronicle for many months, but I’m giving up. There is no search feature. Want to read a story that you’ve heard about? Good luck finding it. You can’t search for it. I wrote to the paper about its shortfalls and how to do a couple of things. Forget it. They don’t have the features, and have no plans to upgrade it. I only subscribe to the paper to access the stories online. They make me take two physical papers a week via delivery to get the best price. HoustonChronicle is not worth it. It’s not all the news (per customer service) and you can’t find what’s there.


New application is not good

This new application isn’t as good as the old one. There are less pictures and the front page is not inviting at all. Also, the obituaries have eliminated the pictures and put everything in alphabetical order. The latest date should at least be on top so you don’t have to dig through a bunch of names to see the latest. Bring back the pictures!
There are many other negatives to this new application, too many to name.
Need to go back to the drawing board on this one. Or, go back to the old application which was much better than this one!


How to add only e-paper app to IPad desktop

I dislike the full Houston Chronicle I-Pad app. It looks like a computer info page rather than a newspaper.

The e-paper looks Like a newspaper but I can’t find a way to put an e-paper on the desktop. Looking online I found an item which downloads The e-paper but despite what it said, it did not install it on the desktop for offline reading. When I click the desktop app I get only the computer info page type. Frustrating for a major city newspaper.

Currently I am sticking with my Austin newspaper app which is more straight forward & commonsense approach.


At least it works.....

The old app did not work at all.....it jus froze a lot and never loaded. My guess is that instead of trying to fix the old one, they just scrapped it and started over with a very simple one. At least you can read some articles with this version, which I couldn’t before. I had given up on the ap, but now at least I can read some. I’m hoping they’ll slowly ad features.


Unreadable and unusable

I thought that it couldn't get worse...it's completely useless now.
At least before the Crossword and comics were there. The best part of it now is the list version of the obits. Please restore the previous version until you figure out a decent presentation.
This is without a doubt the worst excuse for a news app ever! It has no resemblance to an organized effort at presenting the equivalent of the newspaper electronically. There is no flow, logical organization or intuitive look to it.
It's as if it was a summer project given to an intern.


Houston chronicle

This has got to be the worst example of a much needed medium for our news. How can a large corporation such as the Houston Chronicle, deciminating news in the fourth largest city in the country, continue to ignore this problem. They happily open their pockets to take our subscription money then turn around and give us a very inferior product.

Shame on you.

After my current subscription is up I will cancel. No crossword, no comics page. I don’t understand why this two things are not part of the newspaper.


Improved but could continue to improve

The new update brings about a more modern look and feel to HoustonChronicle . I appreciate the auto download feature for offline reading. Please reintroduce the section that features articles from the day/the today’s paper section. I really dislike browsing and seeing previous days’ articles.


Where are the crossword puzzles

New app revision has no crossword puzzles. What gives? Least user friendly news app. Many sections missing. No ability to search. Didn’t think possible, but app is actually worse than the print edition, which is pretty bad. Where are letters to editor? Why are none of the articles not dated with current days date? Why include articles that are two and three days old? A daily newspaper should include news of THAT day.


Where’s the Crossword?

The crossword puzzle is gone as far as I can tell. For years I’ve enjoyed coffee and the crossword on Sunday mornings but am sad to find the new app no longer has this feature. Unless it’s buried somewhere that I haven’t found.


I’ve Give It A Zero, But it Won’t Let Me ...

No search function. No games. You have to be a subscriber to get into HoustonChronicle AND they’re paying someone to make a worse app. Clearly worse. Who approves these changes?

It’s as bad a the actual delivery subscription changing the price and adding $5 day-after-Thanksgiving editions (when not subscribed to Friday deliveries). They’re so secretive about prices and forcing stuff on you.

How can enough people rate this to be a 2.4?


Can't tell what is in today's paper versus prior papers, local news not local

Poorly organized. Takes forever to load the current day. Non-responsive. The digital version delivered via mail is much better even though it is also a little awkward to use.

Local news is not local. Regularly has news from Maryland and California vs Houston.

They don’t spend the effort to make it relevant to Houston subscribers.


Hate this new app

We can’t even get same day news. It is all from previous days. On rain days we don’t get our printed paper because our carrier keeps throwing it where it gets wet even though we have asked many times to throw it somewhere else. The online version was our next choice. Now you can’t even get that paper online. Hate hate hate this new app. Why can’t you just leave things alone!!!


Worst Newspaper APP

I read numerous papers via their apps including Austin Statesman, NY Times, WSJ and Galveston Daily News. All are infinitely better than Houston Chronicle. It would be much better if it just published the daily paper without all the fillers. The same articles appear day after day with no change. One cannot even go to the obits and see only today’s obits. Even the obit photos are gone. Entire paper is very confusing and disorganized.

Jeri English   3 years ago

Why isn’t the Word Jumble or Crossword Puzzle in the E-edition of the Chronicle???

Is Houston Chronicle Safe?

Yes. Houston Chronicle is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 8,667 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.5/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Houston Chronicle Is 29.4/100.

Is Houston Chronicle Legit?

Yes. Houston Chronicle is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 8,667 Houston Chronicle User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Houston Chronicle Is 53.2/100..

Is Houston Chronicle not working?

Houston Chronicle works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by Justuseapp.com users..

- Limited access: Free

- Unlimited access: $9.99 per month (with a two-week free trial period)

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