PETA: Saving Animals Made Easy

PETA: Saving Animals Made Easy Software

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PETA Overview

• Participate in urgent action alerts regarding cruelty to animals, and donate to support PETA's lifesaving work.

Official Screenshots


PETA Pricing Plans

Duration Amount (USD)
Billed Once $10.00
Monthly Subscription $9.14

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Product Details and Description of

The this app mobile app makes helping animals easier than ever before. Get the latest alerts, and take action right from your phone. It's fast and simple, and it makes a huge difference—so get started today, and become an on-the-go animal rights activist: • Participate in urgent action alerts regarding cruelty to animals, and donate to support this app's lifesaving work. • Learn about the latest victories worldwide for animal rights and new ways that you can help. • Share alerts with your friends and family. • Earn points and badges for every action that you take. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Inc. (this app) offers a component of this application, as a courtesy, to its international affiliates. Each affiliate creates, publishes, and is solely responsible for its own content.

Top Reviews

By Jaquelin2.0

I totally love the app

I, overall, enjoy being part of this app. What I really like about the app, though, is that you get ranked up by helping in different causes, like sending emails to organizations doing harmful things to animals or putting your name in a petition. I got into this app when I was doing research a few months ago about the benefits of being vegan. I came across a web page on this app about the harmful effects cow’s milk has on the human body, and since then I’ve been going to the website for more information. After a while, I subscribed myself into the text messages of this app to help in different causes, and I’d help when I could (which was most of the time). One text told me to get their app, so then I got the app and here I am! Anyway, right now I’m still a “Private Penguin”, which is the first rank, but I’m gonna keep helping animals to continue moving up the ranks! I feel like through this app, I’m helping the animals that I have always loved. Thank you, this app. 💕😊

By Diane Whittier

If you love animals.....PETA!

I just love this organization! Being a member makes me feel like I am at least doing what I can to help animals all around the world. this app’S reach is long and wide and they are able to bring animal abuse and atrocities to the fore so that we may be informed and more able to act and speak out against this cruelty. This app allows involvement in an efficient way to become informed and allow our voices to be heard. It’s hard for me to believe that just 10 short years ago I went to a this app demonstration here in town to be a ‘crowd heckler’. Not in a really mean way, just in a “are you serious???” kind of way. That was the beginning of a huge and surprising change in my heart and soul. I quite simply had no idea of the level of animal suffering and abuse in the world. Now I must make up for lost time. Diane Whittier

By Ronda D'Agaris

Ronda D’Agaris

I am a complete advocate for this app and all the wonderful work you do for all the helpless animals that do not have a voice or a choice living in this world created by God the only saving grace I have is that I know that in the end they are going into the arms of our maker and they will know a piece that they have never experienced nor any of us have until we meet our maker and they will be free and they will know love which they should all experience on this earth unfortunately it does not happen so yes I will do whatever I can to help support you in anyway I can I answer all of the actions needed I call The congressman and the senators financially I am not working so I cannot give right now but when I am able to give again I will but in any other way I am there for you and God bless you all

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