ABC7 Los Angeles Reviews

ABC7 Los Angeles Reviews

Published by on 2024-07-01

About: The ABC7 app provides the latest local, weather and national top stories and
breaking news customized for you! Get more live and on-demand video than ever
before, including live newscasts, and choose customized alerts based on your
interests.   Customized “My News” that matters to you - Stay informed on
stories you love by choosing customized topics.

About ABC7 Los Angeles

What is ABC7 Los Angeles? The ABC7 app is a news app that provides the latest local, weather, and national top stories and breaking news customized for the user. It offers live and on-demand video, including live newscasts, and allows users to choose customized alerts based on their interests. The app also features a customized "My News" section that builds a unique feed for the user based on their chosen interests and locations. Additionally, the app provides real-time weather and traffic updates, including hourly conditions, 7-day forecasts, and weather and traffic alerts for severe conditions.



- Customized "My News" section based on user interests and locations

- Live and on-demand video, including live newscasts

- Customized alerts for topics and locations of interest

- Real-time weather updates, including hourly conditions, 7-day forecasts, and weather alerts for severe conditions

- Real-time traffic updates

- Easy navigation and switching between live streams

- Advertising, some of which may be targeted to user interests (users can control targeted advertising within mobile applications by using their mobile device settings)

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 38,993 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of ABC7 Los Angeles

- App doesn't crash like it used to

- No more automatic video playing

- Allows users to read news articles without interruption

- Provides news updates and information

20 ABC7 Los Angeles Reviews

4.7 out of 5



This is a pure political channel now. I used to love 7. However spreading misinformation has became the norm. No more reporters doing a professional job. It’s opinion based reality show. I used to watch cause I didn’t hear about the political side of things. Who cares anymore. It’s all a game and you are making us a part of this political war. I don’t want a war I want to live like I have and die as free as I lived. Back off. Tell the facts, not the opinions. Facts of the virus. Kids 99.9% unaffected, 50% of all deaths related to Wuhan China virus were because of chomp and news on cramming elderly positive patients with unaffected patients. This is not political, this is poor judgment by governors given the trust of the people for which it stands. You the media turn it into a circus. We aren’t stupid people we see what they did. The guilty always deflect the blame. That’s how you know they knew what was going to happen. They did this on purpose in my OPINION. To inflate the toll and scare people into submission. Which has been done. Allowing you the media to be accessories to political murder. You will be held accountable once this is over. I’m already hearing about lawsuits from big names and big money against companies like Disney, Fox News, cnn, and the list goes on. Local tv won’t be left out especially in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Michigan, and New Jersey l.


My inability to log in

What’s going on ? All of a sudden I have to sign / log in ? Never had to do that before—NOT 1 TIME & you didn’t recognize my email and or password ? Ok , I know everyone’s stressed, but come on !!!!!i
And even though I created per your request , a new account , I still am unable to stream on my iPhone at this time. I will NOT attempt to try and log in again, as either this is a joke or you don’t care for 3rd generation LA born and raised Americans to tune in to channel 7.
No problem. I don’t have time or patience for this nonsense (which makes absolutely NO SENSE TO ME WHATSOEVER. Take care and be healthy and safe....i had a great 50 or so year run with channel 7.



It’s taken me a year of watching ABC7 to realize why it seems so unprofessional and amateur—the sound is just so bad. 1) The levels bounce around like crazy. I’m constantly adjusting the volume because it’s too quiet, then too loud, etc. Ever heard of a Mixbus compressor? 2) Some news story have NO narration at all. Just the ambient sounds of shots. Who does that? 3) The sound guy clearly smokes too much weed. During one of Newsome’s monologues the volume would drop randomly. Then it would be too loud. Then too quiet. I could hear him trying to find the right level. Then there was a delay on Newsome’s voice! A straight up psychedelic echo on the governor’s voice. I’m sure he was laughing it up but I was trying to listen to what was being said. It’s kind of important. 4) This would be forgivable if it happened once in a while, but it happens on every live stream. I leave it on while I work at home. It’s truly the most annoying thing ever. It is unlike any other news app on Roku and Apple TV—the sound issues make it seem cheap and unprofessional compared to CBS / ABC / NBC news apps.


Update: format works ! Old: New format doesn't work at all

New update: Re-installed after I heard of a second new update! Yay no more automatic video playing! No more stopping my music and most of all I get to read my need again!

Old:I seldom delete apps but I have to I can't have my music turn off everytime I try to read the news in ABC7LosAngeles. No one can watch all those videos and if we could we wouldn't be turning to ABC7LosAngeles we would watch the actual news. I'm super disappointed. Most of us use ABC7LosAngeles at work or class or places where we want to know quickly what is happening. ABC 7 please please change the format !! I want my app back.


Great app, but the captions!!!!

Like ABC7LosAngeles , doesn’t crash like it used to do. But honestly the captions are horrible. They are not correct when it comes to the story. For instance, don’t EVER say a nurse is a murderer if it’s not a nurse. Shame on you! A CNA is not even close to a nurse. How misleading! And there are other instances where your headline captions do not even come close to the what is real in the story. Do better. I expect better from you. You are my go-to source; what I watch when I’m not reading The NY Times. Please do better.


Too much

1. Often I will be near the end of an article and all of a sudden the screen jumps somewhere in comments so I have to scroll up and up and search for my place where I was reading. Other times the jump leaves the article entirely before I can read the end.
2. I can read a lot faster than I can listen to the news, and listening wastes my time with a commercial. Should be a way to turn off all video so it never intrudes.
3. Headlines are often click bait. Instead of just saying something like this country has this news in the title, have to click on article just to see what country. Often headline is buried deep in article before article gets to the point of the title, and often the title is a minor point so it does not accurately describe the article.


KABC News App

I don't know if I'm expecting too much from ABC7LosAngeles or not but when it hear something happening (especially in the local LA area) I often want to hear updates or more information. I have found that KABC doesn't post breaking news or updates until the television news is on. I generally now go straight to Google to keep current. 😔 I just realized that I never sent this review so I’m able to downgrade my review. I’m more frustrated than ever with the newest app. I used to be able to check news in that particular area (i.e, Los Angeles, California, National, Weather, etc). Just now I wanted to see something that had happened in Northern California. I found the California section. There are 2 features. One from 22 hours ago and the other from about 3 days ago. If I want current news, I would hope it would be on ABC7LosAngeles -not old news.


Don’t download — broken notification system

After years of using the ABC 7 Los Angeles app for notifications about breaking local news, I’ve finally deleted it for two reasons: 1) the settings for what notifications you want don’t work; and 2) the extremely unnecessary notifications about continuing to watch the broadcast with x & y anchors. Point 2 was actually the straw that broke the camel’s back. I’ve always hated how I can’t turn off breaking news notifications about national stories, since I have better apps for that (AP News). There ABC app has a setting to adjust what you want notifications about, but it doesn’t work.

Switching to the NBC LA app to see if that’s better. Hope the devs figure out how to design a better notification system here.


Simply Terrible

KABC- Please look at ABC7LosAngeles ratings since the November upgrade. Mostly positive before the upgrade, now mostly negative reviews star. Everybody is complaining about the same issues.

Dump this “New Coke” and go back to “Classic Coke”, please!

The new app format is terrible. I used to be able to glance at ABC7LosAngeles a few times an hour to look for subject matter I was interested in. Now I need to scroll through the whole series of stories, mostly subject matter that doesn't appeal to me, to find a topic that I would be interested in. Now I look at the KABC7 only once or twice a day. Swallow your pride and please revert back to the previous format.


What’s new is bad!

Easy navigation and a stunning new display?!? No and NO. Whoever designed this update has clearly never actually read news on ABC7LosAngeles . The navigation is cumbersome on both iPad and iPhone versions. Gone is the simple left or right swipe to “page” through the news once the first article is selected. On the iPhone you have to keep going back to the main page to select each item while also swiping up to get to the articles you have to keep selecting individually. The iPad version navigation is only slightly better but worse overall because it eliminates the back and forth between articles and the main page but does it by permanently commandeering a large chunk of the left side of the screen for the article list leaving an awkward and narrow reading page.


Thank you

I was Born in California and grew up with channel 7 eyewitness news as a teenager I remember watching Christine Lund as one and the news casters and I continue to watch it today even though in 2010 I move to Pocatello Idaho our news is not nearly as professional and lacks giving information of other parts of the world. I watch channel 7 eyewitnesses news every day.


ABC7 news app

This would be a great app if only I could stay connected while I am reading a news story. I usually get disconnected at least 5-10 times while reading a news story. If I am inclined to continue reading, I have to get back into ABC7LosAngeles (as if for the first time,) scroll down (again) to my story, select the story, then scroll down (again)to where I stopped reading (before being disconnected.) I have to repeat this process 5-10 times before I can finish reading a news story. I don’t have this problem while watching a video though. ABC7LosAngeles is great for keeping updated on breaking news.


Local news is great, full screen pop ups are a bummer

ABC7LosAngeles has improved. I can’t remember the last time ABC7LosAngeles jumped around multiple times per article due to more ads loading. And I think they might have finally fixed the auto play videos on some articles that would play despite my volume switch being set to silent. But the latest full screen ad pop-ups that occur on nearly every article with a delay of about 2 seconds is the latest irritation provided by ABC7LosAngeles. If it wasn’t the best source for local news in my area, I would stop using it immediately.


User interface needs work

Can’t get videos to work in landscape mode. Seems fine in portrait, but as soon as I turn the device (iPhone 12) the screen goes blank have to back out usually the first page and start over.
Also many of the stories on the homepage are stale, as in several hours to, in some cases, over a day old. It is rare that there are any stories less than 1 to 2 hours old. It would be nice if there was a way to sort them by age so that IDon’t have to wade through multiple stories I have already seen.


Gets worse the longer you have it!!!

I actually had this news app for a long time. It started off great!! Everything was functional and simple. As time went on, update after update, ABC7LosAngeles just got horrible. I don’t mind too many ads, but they were getting to be more rampant. The video ads that would pop up after clicking on a news article or video would freeze and cause the actual video I was interested in watching to play back choppy or with delayed Audio. Bottom line is it became very frustrating to use ABC7LosAngeles and get news. I deleted it about two years ago. Now looking around for another one, my guess is they are all the same by now.


HATE the new Upgrade!

I am really hoping the news app is put back to how it looked prior to being upgraded. The new upgrade forces individuals to read/scroll one story at a time. This is so annoying. Previously readers were able to scroll and view all stories at once and select which to open and read. Hate the new feature SOO so much I deleted ABC7LosAngeles from my phone. So now I am forced to obtain my news from multiple news outlets. Such an inconvenience and shame because I really like your news and really liked your easy to maneuver app. I really hope changes are made to going back to how ABC7LosAngeles was previously


Funny Sampson

I like ABC7LosAngeles 80% of the time. The 20% dislike with ABC7LosAngeles is about watching the video of the news stories. When you are listening and watching the video, the news anchor is talking and a voice in an ad is talking at the same time. Sometimes the ad is running longer than the news story. It is very distracting. Because of this issue, my only option is to read all of the news stories.

This is an update. I am now liking ABC7LosAngeles 40% of the time. Why? ABC7LosAngeles keeps closing while scrolling to the next story. I just might have to delete ABC7LosAngeles for a while. FIX THIS PROBLEM, PLEASE.


Decent app with annoyances

I generally like this news application with the exception of looking at the embedded photos. When viewing on my iPhone X, I cannot close the photo due to the “x” for closing the pop up is to the right of the top sensor notch of the display and is not clickable. I have to force close ABC7LosAngeles to & then relaunch it to get back to the story I was reading. Not a big deal but at that point I just move on to another one.

I’ve contacted them via the support a few months ago and did not hear back from them & as of today it still has the same problem in the UI.


What have you become?

I’m saddened by the biased reporting you feed us. You used to be a news outlet that I was able to trust. Sadly, this is no longer the case. You constantly fail to report all sides of a story. Many times you also fail to acknowledge news stories that don’t fit your agenda. It’s a shame, it feels like you are trying to groom people into believing your political ideation. News stories should be unbiased. Where is your journalistic integrity? What have you become? Please take a moment to do soul searching, come back to your center, and honor a pledge to report unbiased journalism.


Spotty performance, at best.

ABC7LosAngeles is so continuously unreliable. Most times the videos do not play, the stories won’t open, & many times the pictures do not match the headline, but that’s the least of its problems. Please fix the video playing issues. When there’s a video that goes along with a featured story it’s a reasonable expectation that the video should play. More often than not they just do not load & many do not play at all. This has been an issue for many many months.


New update BUT STILL HAVE 60 sec ad 🤬🤯 before you get to hear about the breaking news

Been watching for this new update for days , was so excited when it came and in your description box you said we’ve heard all the concerns and we fixed him and then some... no you didn’t!!! Make us sit through a 60+ second ad before getting the breaking news story which you give for concern of the general public... to everyone it looks like you’re more worried about getting your ad money before notifying public. Ever so many different ways to have ad placements that do not conflict with breaking news news conferences which you guys already know because they’re all over your app they pop up nonstop. Sad and disappointing when needing to have a 60 second ad about nothing before we can get to news that can potential he save lives so grossly disappointing



I know you need to show advertisement for $$ but you need a skip after 10 seconds and a lot if times it will play adds twice before you can see the news . Also every news clip video We pay shouldn’t have to watch the same add over again very annoying .


Update is horrible!

This used to be my go to app, opened it on the daily in place of actually watching the news on the t.v. Until a couple of days ago when they decided to update it, worst update ever! The old format was so convenient and easy to maneuver, now you can only view one story at a time and it keeps playing the videos for the stories I don't want to watch. Honestly I don't think I have even figured out how to work it correctly. It shouldn't be this annoying to try to read the news. Now I'm in search for a better news app that's easier to manage!


Great source for news on my phone

BUT!! Since they asked for my rating :) I get that advertising is how you make money but 30 sec ads??? What is this 2013? LOL also sometimes I just want to look at the cover pic of the video and not watch the video because of the long ad then an anchor person talking for 15-30 more seconds so it'd be nice if they move the play arrow to the bottom corner of the video clip then I can quickly see if the criminal in the video is a friend or not


Deceptive Update

UPDATED REVIEW: The newest changes are so terrible that I have deleted ABC7LosAngeles . ABC7LosAngeles now fills the screen with a single story so I have to scroll and scroll to find what I want to read. It won't let me change advertiser tracking features. It claims to allow me to turn off video autoplay, then autoplays video anyhow. There must be a USEFUL app out there that will let me get a quick scan of local news and I'm off to find that app.

Update description says nothing about the multiple advertisements that now appear with each news story. Wish I had not "updated."

Is ABC7 Los Angeles Safe?

Yes. ABC7 Los Angeles is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 38,993 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for ABC7 Los Angeles Is 22.6/100.

Is ABC7 Los Angeles Legit?

Yes. ABC7 Los Angeles is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 38,993 ABC7 Los Angeles User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for ABC7 Los Angeles Is 42.4/100..

Is ABC7 Los Angeles not working?

ABC7 Los Angeles works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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