Company Name: Guitar Tabs LLC
About: Guitar Tabs LLC is a mobile app developer company which has developed apps like Songsterr Guitar
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Developer: Songsterr
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I used to be able to apply options such as tempo of song tabs. They are no longer available when I sign into my account?
Every time I want to cancel the subscription i only get the Information that my plus membership is active and I cant click anything other then ok
I have a recurring account that does not work
I tried to search for a song “YOU’RE THE REASON” by Calum Scott, but different song was playing, “TEARS IN HEAVEN” by Eric Clapton! Please fix it as soon as possible before other subscribers will become aware of it and give a bad review of your application.
by Jdj521
I use this app on my phone because it is easier to move around with and I can hear the music coming from the notes. That’s something you can’t do on computer. On computer you get all of the tabs on whatever song you wish to learn but you cant listen to the notes unless you subscribe to them. On phone you can hear the notes but it only gives you between 5 and 20 seconds of the song. Sometimes you don’t even get the notes. This rating is mainly for the Mobil app and how much of the tabs you get. It’s as if they are trying to get you to only use the computer website and play the song over it with you phone. Just use Guitar Tabs app. Incase you don’t know what it looks like, it a orange “O” with horns along with a black background. You don’t hear notes but you get the whole song without having to pay 5 bucks.
by Jeanne-d-Arc
I was disappointed to find an atrociously wrong transcription of a Seals and Crofts song I wanted to play just now. I no longer presume everything is going to be done well at this app.
Also as I have explained before to Songsterr, I do not normally do monthly payments to any place.
At most I would consider annual payments but I prefer a one time payment option for everything.
If they want to make it ridiculously high then make it high but let me be done with this paying after one payment. Even some groups have lifetime memberships for a large fee. I would like a lifetime membership option to pay with one payment. I use a virtual credit card and it’s too hard to make the card work with these monthly payments that it wants. My virtual cards expire every 12 months and require me to create new ones, and they are better for one time purchases.
This company has lost out on a payment (and income) from me by trying to force a monthly plan on me with no other option.
I should be able to pay a large fee if they are that focused on getting large fees out of people. If someone pays a lifetime membership fee it’s up to Songsterr to budget the money in a way that gives them money every month. They don’t give me any options and I continue to wait for them to make it possible for me to use it. My guitar teacher bought it when it cost nearly nothing. It’s a shame I can’t use it with him.
by Alxandr337
I’ve used this app because I’ve been able to start a nice collection of tabs that aren’t available else where. I’ve been paying for the app for a long time now and it works well but there are lots simple QoL features that aren’t there. Like simplified song sorting. The online version of the site has the luxury of being able to see more than just one line at a time, meaning if you want to practice a smaller section at your own speed, well you can’t because you can barely see what’s coming next without the song playing at whatever speed. The online version remedies this, so you don’t have to touch the screen constantly. It ALSO REALLY bothers me that I don’t have premium features online even though I pay monthly for this crappier version of the service. 2.5/5