LIVESTRONG MyQuit Coach Reviews

LIVESTRONG MyQuit Coach Reviews

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About: The right support is essential to quit smoking. That’s why the LIVESTRONG.

About LIVESTRONG MyQuit Coach

Need some additional motivation and support? Collect goal-based achievements to remind you of your progress, or reach out to our robust community, filled with people who know firsthand how difficult it is to quit.

Keeping track of the cigarettes you smoke and your cravings gives you quantifiable proof that it IS getting easier, motivating you to keep going.

It’s easy to keep track of how your cigarettes and cravings decrease over time, and you see quantifiable proof that your efforts ARE working.

“Most helpful (to my surprise) was the ability to track cravings and watch them taper off as the weeks went by (i.e. see quantifiable proof that it actually IS getting easier).

Every morning before I get out of bed and every evening before falling asleep, I read through the messages of other people’s success stories, their struggles, what motivates and inspires them to quit, and I realize I am not in this fight along.

The new design gives our users a streamlined and helpful experience as they embark on their journey to quit smoking.

You can choose to quit smoking cold turkey or gradually decrease your daily nicotine intake at a pace that works for you.

Support is at your fingertips from people who know firsthand how difficult it is to quit.

The new home page contains progress rings to easily keep track of your cigarette budget at a glance.

Other members are a lifeline when you’re having a craving or a bad day, and vice versa, it can be empowering to encourage others when they need the help.

Create a personal motivation to keep you going and remind yourself to keep pushing even on those hardest days.

The right support is essential to quit smoking.

This app has helped me and anyone who is wanting to quit should be a part of this community.

Get your own personalized plan to help you finally stop smoking, once and for all.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 1,317 combined software reviews.

20 LIVESTRONG MyQuit Coach Reviews

4.4 out of 5


My favorite app!

I have successfully quit smoking for 21 days as of right now! I owe it almost all to LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach. I love how supportive the livestrong community is and how inspirational it is reading success stories! I post to the community forum almost daily and comment on others' posts. It gets me through every craving! I like how you can choose to wean off or do it cold turkey, and how you can record your cravings or the butts you've smoked. It also keeps track of how much money you've saved. The only thing I wish it had was a health benefits timeline, where you can see how your health has improved since quitting. I had to download another app for that, I wish this one had it all! But still five stars-I absolutely love LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach and it's one of the main reasons I have stayed quit. I highly suggest getting LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach if you're trying to quit! You will fall in love with it!

Update: when I first wrote this review, I was only 8.5 days quit, but I lasted for 14 months. I started up again, but quit twice more after that. Now I'm doing it again, three weeks today, and I feel ready to make this my LAST quit! This community welcomed me back with open arms every time, and they were so encouraging:-) I highly, highly, highly recommend LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach! You can always delete it if you don't like it, but I promise you won't delete it because you're going to love it! And it's free!!


Best app for quitters

LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach is a huge help for logging your intake and cravings, while automatically reducing your limit for you. As long as you can slightly self discipline yourself and fight a few cravings it's pretty easy to control your budget. I've been on LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach for almost 10 days and have come in under budget every day besides one day I hit my budget limit but not over. The achievements are fun to play along with and help push yourself a little further, but more achievements could be a help in future updates. The community posts are really an amazing feature because everyone is there to quit so you have a lot of support that actually understands what your going thru. Amazing support system if you utilize the community. My only real criticisms would be that It would be nice to get real notifications from the community posts and it would be nice to somehow save a "friends list" making it easier to check in or contact people you are in support with maybe a private message option, but completely open community is nice to keep the community going

A+++ app overall


Wasn't expecting to like this as much as I do!

I downloaded LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach thinking I'd give keeping track of my days and cravings a try to see if that in any way would help motivate me to remain smoke free. What I didn't expect was to join in posting comments with people I've never's just not my style. The tracking options are ok, but the support from other people that are experiencing the same challenges is truly what makes LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach awesome! The majority of my friends don't smoke and really don't understand just how much of a struggle this is and the ones that do smoke would prefer I join them rather than quit (we all know how that is, I can't blame them!) So If talking to strangers is what it's going to take to get me through this challenge, then that's just what I'm going to do! We clearly all have at least one huge thing in common!


App? Great! Community? Poor.

LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach helped me taper down from 25+ cigarettes a day straight to quitting. It was great to check in, track my smoking, get motivation, and also have a daily plan on the number of cigarettes I could smoke. However, when I would jump over to the community tab I would have issues. The community as a whole largely only supports quitting cold turkey with no NRT. If you post to the community and are not a part of this cohort, the responses range from a lack of support to an utter shaming of the user. It truly turned me off LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach . Now that I have quit and am maintaining the quit, I think I’m going to delete LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach. SmokeFree is a much better app once you have actually quit and tracks more Heath achievements than just money saved and the fact that you haven’t smoked that day, including tracking your NRT. If you’d like to taper down, this is a great tracker to help you. But do not venture to the community tab unless you have quit cold turkey.


Great app

LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach is great. I am 27 years old and have been smoking a pack a day for over ten years. I have spent countless dollars trying to quit before but I really find LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach helpful bc the forum gives you a support system and an excellent sense of community which being a smoker you don't really find very often. I feel like I am always getting lectured and all these people are going through it with you. The forum also provides helpful advice. You can also see the progress you have made through your entries and it really gives you a great sense of accomplishment .once you see the things you have been able to do and also overcome you are more inclined to continue your acheivements. I am not saying if you download LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach you will magically quit but it is definitely a helpful aid in quiting.


Change the way you think!

I love LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach! There are only two taper apps and this one is straight to the point. I have cut my smoking in half in just a week. Cold turkey has never worked for me and is frowned upon here in America, but not in other countries. I went from thinking I need a cigarette after to dinner to let’s do something else awhile, to soon retraining myself to not even crave after I eat. Hours can go by without smoking now and it’s psychologically changing the way you think, which is a huge part of it! Sometimes change takes time and LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach gives you that. Tonight I had two cigarettes left and that motivates me even more to quit. After midnight I count out my cigarettes just in case I forget to log it in so I’m sure. I find I’m not focusing on it or freaking out if I’m near my limit.


Great App

As someone who is going through a quit right now, all I can say is that LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach is super helpful. It's nice to go on here and get those little reminders and tips when having a bad craving. The only thing I think that app needs work on is the community portion. You can post on there, but there is no option to look at past posts or to see responses people have posted to you. It just goes in order from newest at the top, so you have to keep scrolling back down just to find your post. Nothing like the website, so I hope they fix this.


So encouraging

I love LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach. I'm currently using it for the 4th time. But don't let that discourage you. I'm truly ready and wanting to quit, what I find most helpful is the community. I love it! Having a good day or bad you always get words of encouragement.
The only thing I would change about LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach : when tracking a smoke or craving, it should ask what you're doing, and how you're feeling. All smokers know their main triggers, but there are always hidden triggers that need to be focused on too.

To everyone that uses LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach: best wishes to all of you wanting to quit. This is a great app and always visit the community. It feels great to support other smokers quitting and those who have quit, and of course it's a rewarding feeling having everyone there also supporting you.


Awesome, when it works

I love LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach when it works. I have been able to cut my smoking down to less than a third by logging cravings and keeping track of my smoking budget. Unfortunately, LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach suffers a fatal flaw.

I tried using LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach a year ago to quit smoking and got close, but then LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach kept crashing and I became too frustrated to continue using it. I reinstalled it a couple weeks ago and am still facing the same problem. It won't load even after a hard close and reboot. If I try to launch LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach about 50 times then I can finally tap a "crave" or "smoked" button before it crashes. Sometimes it launches just fine, but the inconsistency and unreliable nature makes it difficult to want to continue using LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach . If you delete LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach and reinstall your progress is lost even if you are logged in to Mypoints and Livestrong.


Has some cool features to distract

Has some cool features to distract during a craving but you gotta find forum support else where.

I quit smoking. 16 years of smoking. Atleast a pack a day smoking. Full flavor 100s smoking. Over half of my life as a smoker. I quit smoking. I have over a month under my belt. To anyone on this site trying to quit.. I have two other free apps. One being "Smoke Free" for me to visualize my progress and the other is "QuitNet" to have insightful conversation about the journey of quitting for good. Beware of LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach. It is a joke. These members appear to be a joke. Every once in a while you see something with purpose.. But it is rare. There are better sites, there are better apps available. Don't give up on your quit because real help isn't here, just go to a real place to get it. Where quitting smoking is the common goal. Not saying "like a boss" and other nonsense.


A solid app

LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach helped a great deal in my ongoing (six months so far) battle to quit smoking. Its best feature is the chat opportunities to speak with other members of the the quitting community. The only thing that bugged me about LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach is if you make a mistake and hit the "I smoked" button, it's difficult to go back and erase that and reset your quit Clock again. But I went on the community board and found out how to go back and change it but once I tried to change it the months that I quit clock was completely off.

Other than that it's a good app that sends you a message to check in every day and that's a good thing. I used LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach in conjunction with others and so far, I'm almost six months quit. Of course you have to want to quit but LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach and other apps really seem to help if you're truly committed to not smoking


Lots of support

The engaging aspect of LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach is the real time forum of community members who offer support as they quit, too. There are incentives like little awards for progress - little badges and reminders that are helpful.

A word of caution and I think wisdom - LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach, or any other tool for that matter - will not MAKE you quit smoking if you haven't committed whole heartedly to yourself. I used it for two weeks, then broke for 5 more weeks and smoked. LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach didn't stop me and I didn't stop again because of it - I have quit because I am committed to it. So don't blame LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach , the patch, the stress - take responsibility and then quit!

Oh yeah, so I completely recommend this as a tool to use daily as a motivator and community outreach platform.


Frustrating GUI, otherwise decent

Overall a decent app, but needs improvement particularly with the GUI and set up sequence for it to be truly usable to the average user. For example, the date/time picker for cigarette & craving has dark text on a dark gray background and is unreadable. The set up process is not intuitive. One cannot tell whether the FB connect is for a new set up or logging in. Frustrating error mags repeat if you try to use FB connect while setting up a new acct. Creating a new acct via email sets up a livestrong acct, but the FB connect for future log ins/sharing seems to be broken. The general graphics look like they are still designed for the older iPhones with lower resolution and smaller screens. Improve the GUI, eliminate unreadable screens, and fix set up sequence and you'll have a great app.


I quit with this app!

Despite several failed attempts with LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach, I finally quit- just needed a little extra inspiration. But considering it's just an app and not NRT, it's still a pretty powerful little tool. My advice: once you get to the point where it's misery waiting for when you can have your next smoke, just quit at that point. Get the misery over with sooner rather than later and keep tracking your cravings. You should notice a promising pattern of declining cravings. After 3 weeks without a cigarette, I log 1 or no cravings per day. And when I do have a craving, it's like a fleeting thought rather than a stinging persistent urge. Hang in there- it gets MUCH easier.


Love this app

I quit smoking on January 1, 2016. With the help of the people from this community I have been able to remain smoke free for over two months. I don't think I could have made it this far without LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach and the people. Every morning before I get out of bed and every evening before falling asleep, I read through the messages of other people success stories, their struggles, what motivates and inspires them to quit and I realize I am not in this fight alone. I have other people I can count on for help. LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach has helped me and anyone who is wanting to quit should be apart of this community. It will help you succeed too.


Great App

Really great app. I just wish there weren't so many advertisements/surveys that pop up. I almost always click on them accidentally. I also wish that there was a history/log and not just a calendar view or check-in log in order to see the totals smoked each day. Even better, the times smoked each day (just a general AM/PM timeframe) and options to log what you were doing while smoking (on the phone, drinking alcohol/coffee, just woke up, before bed, before/after eating, bathroom). That way, you can track your habits and better adjust to doing those things without feeling the need to smoke.


Great app to quit smoking

Super useful app to quit smoking, with my decision to quit and the help of this easy to use system with achievement based goals to get you a little hyped about getting healthier. Amazing supportive community full of people trying to quit to people who are living smoke free. If you're thinking about quitting or trying to, I highly recommend LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach. As if being healthier isn't reward enough the achievements you unlock by hitting certain goals helps spark up the experience of giving up smokes. You can do it, and be proud of yourself for whatever progress you make big or small ✨ happy trails~


A bigger help than I expected!

Most helpful (to my surprise) was the ability to track cravings and watch them taper off as the weeks went by (i.e. see quantifiable proof that it actually IS getting easier). Also was nice to have something that I could DO when I was having a craving, rather than just grit my teeth and bear it. Least helpful were some of the platitudes offered for inspiration in moments of craving, but they at least varied enough that some of them were helpful (and others would certainly be helpful to someone else).


Perfect app for me

I was skeptical about an app to help me quit smoking, but it is actually helping a lot so far!! I chose to taper off to quit (versus going cold turkey) - in this case you input your info, and it comes up with a personalized plan for you to quit. Then it keeps track of your cigarettes and cravings (you have to let it know when you have them of course - it's not magic!). It feels very empowering to have a system to monitor my smoking - it puts me back in control - and I can tell it is much more likely that I will hold the course to quit.


Best supportive community out there!!

LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach because of its amazing supportive community is the overall best app to help you quit smoking for good. If you stumble, no judgements here just genuine folks to help you up and some tough love at times when needed. Sure LIVESTRONGMyQuitCoach itself can be improved, but the tools are there to help you quit, and it’s up to how much you want to engage with the community. Good bunch of folks trying to quit like you or veterans who want to stay quit and or are there to help you if needed.

Is LIVESTRONG MyQuit Coach Safe?

Yes. LIVESTRONG MyQuit Coach is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 1,317 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.4/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for LIVESTRONG MyQuit Coach Is 71.9/100.

Is LIVESTRONG MyQuit Coach Legit?

Yes. LIVESTRONG MyQuit Coach is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 1,317 LIVESTRONG MyQuit Coach User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for LIVESTRONG MyQuit Coach Is 100/100..

Is LIVESTRONG MyQuit Coach not working?

LIVESTRONG MyQuit Coach works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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